Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1533: Vow to follow

"At that time, the defender of the Shifeng Fortress actually betrayed the Wolves and wanted to give them to the Wolves. There were tens of thousands of troops outside. If there was no protection from the fortress, they would have rushed in."

"It's true, if we don't have the fortress, aren't we going to lose." The sergeants heard it and talked about it. This is the most critical moment of the battle. The veteran is right. If the fortress is true They were given to the wolf tribe. With thousands of sergeants alone, they were by no means their opponents. The end of the praying arm as a car was the annihilation of the entire army.

"Isn't it? At that time, the situation was urgent. If I changed to a general in general, I'm afraid that I would have led the army to abandon the fortress, but our general is very smart. Closed the door and beat the dogs, killing 4,000 of them one night, and the general of the wolf clan named Helian. I heard that there was also a mighty general on the grassland, and he was also beheaded by General Man. "

"This is the case. No wonder the people praise our general as the enemy of the wolf tribe, killing 4,000 people at once, how much military power can be gained."

"Why not, there is, the wolf attacked Jixian and wanted to kill General Meng, but also our general Ye, led the soldiers to the city and hit the wolf unprepared, so they were deeply trusted by General Meng He is highly regarded and rewarded by the emperor. "

"No wonder General Ye is young and has a high weight. It turned out to be the red man in front of the emperor."

"That's the truth. In addition, Han Hao County's current county captain, Han Hao, was formerly the leader of General Ye and his generals."

怎么 "Why, what are you talking about? Talk to me." At this time, Ye Shikai came in suddenly, and said lightly, the sergeants noticed Ye Shikai's arrival and stood up in shock.

"See General."

"See General."

"Okay, okay, just sit down." Ye Shikai greeted everyone to sit down. There was no need to be cautious. The sergeants looked at each other with a look of nervousness. They knew that the conversation just heard by Ye Shikai. Most of the generals were very " The people under "dislike" talk about them, and even punish these soldiers severely, so they will naturally be afraid.

"Tell me, what do you think of the current war?" Ye Shikai asked. In a few words, these sergeants saw him not malicious and not so nervous.

Ye Yekai wants to understand the most real thoughts of grass-roots sergeants. They usually represent the thoughts of most people in the army.

"General Ye, these days, you can't finish any battle." A sergeant asked, hitting his heart.

I'm afraid most sergeants don't understand the significance of this battle.

"Brothers, you should all want to ask this question." Ye Shikai turned to look at the crowd, and everyone nodded slightly, then lowered his head a little bit lost.

其实 "Actually, I don't understand." Ye Shikai said suddenly.

"As soldiers, we are fighting the insurgents to protect the safety of the people, but we must be sure that we are right, I am afraid not." Ye Shikai said faintly. "If the court is right, the people should return to the heart, and the county guards should Beloved, how can there be so many people see the rebels, or go up the hill and fall into the grass as a pirate. "

"General, since we are wrong, why should we continue to fight?" Asked a bold sergeant.

"Good question, we ca n’t be sure that we are right, but are these insurgents right? I don't know, this time our army went on a journey and passed seven or eight villages. All of them were slaughtered by the insurgents. Even half-year-old children have been brutally killed, do you think this is right? "

The sergeants looked at each other's faces in confusion, Ye Shikai said something in the clouds, they didn't understand.

"Everyone has fought against the insurgents for so long. They should have heard of them. They said that we are violent Qin, we are wicked." Seeing everyone silent, Ye Shikai continued to say, "As a general, I have the commanding responsibility I have the obligation to obey the order, but my position is that of the people, and I will never waver. If the county captain asks me to do something to hurt the people, I will never obey. "

"General Ye is right. We were honest people before, and we would never do anything that hurts the world."

"Yes, the general is right."

"Everyone be quiet." Ye Shikai waved his hand and motioned to everyone to be quiet.

"From ancient times to the present, people who say that they are big events are not informal, but I do n’t think so. On the contrary, I am a very informal person. The reason why I do n’t want to rebel like those insurgents is not because I ca n’t bear the rank of these troops. It ’s because I ’m not sure what the results of leading so many brethren ’s rebellions will be. I ’m not sure if this result is good or bad, so the only thing I can do is to protect everything around me. ”Ye Shikai ’s tone is sincere, indeed This is what he said in his heart. Rebellion is a "no return". Ye Shikai now has a wife, friends, and such brothers under his hands. They also have old and young children in their home. If they fail, tens of thousands The family was ruined, and the culprit was him himself ~ ~ Ye Shikai did not have the courage to do so, nor would he.

"General Ye, we all believe in you, you are a really good general, and we also believe in your decision. From today on, as long as it is your order, brothers will go down the hill and the sea of ​​fire."

"Sworn to follow the general."

"Sworn to follow the general."

"Sworn to follow the general."

The sergeants knelt down on one knee and put their hands on their chests to swear. More and more sergeants heard and shouted. The shouts of tens of thousands made the night no longer quiet ...


For several months, Ye Shikai has been running around the East County, leading his sergeants to the East to discuss the West. The insurgents continued to consume the troops of the Qin Army in the county. However, Ye Shikai's army grew larger and larger, and many insurgents heard about him. After his name, he even chose to give up resistance and surrender, coupled with Ma Yao's emphasis on him, and money and ordnance were also given priority, so the scale is like a "snowball" and is getting larger.

Gradually, the weather was getting cold again, and Ye Shikai found out that it had already entered winter. Soon, it was the second year ...

"Brother Ye's solicitation of rebels these days, hard work, come, I respect you first." Ma Yao personally poured a glass of hard liquor to Ye Shikai in the county ward's mansion in East County, and his body warmed a lot.

"The end will be smooth on the front, thanks to the support of adults in the rear."

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