Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1534: General

"Haha, the soldiers are fighting **** the front line. This is hard work. The official guarantees logistics. It is only a duty. Besides, Brother Ye is my confidant. How can I let your men suffer? "Ma Yao waved his hands. Even if the taxes in the county are reduced, he will do his best to guarantee Ye Shikai's logistics. As long as he can win the battle on the front line, he can guarantee the rule of the county guard in the east county. How much will they lose when the time comes? Can be obtained from the people. ?

"Come here, brother Ye, this wine is good spirits, let's continue drinking." Ma Yao said with a smile, and asked the waiter to pour wine to Ye Shikai.

"In the past year, the thief army in the East County has been active and openly rebelled. The court was not seen in the eyes. It was an outrage. Fortunately, Brother Ye was annihilated by the army. He returned to the court for a peaceful day in East County. It won't be long before the court rewards come down. "Ma Yao waved his hands, and several waiters carried the two large boxes up and slowly opened them, filled with gold ingots, exuding Jin Cancan's Ray, I am afraid that anyone who sees it will be "heart-moving".

"Brother Ye, this is a little bit of my brother, please smile."

"Master Ma is very polite, so much gold, but for thousands of months of silver brethren." Ye Shikai didn't respond, Ma Yao could take out so much gold in one go to reward him, showing that his "property" has How much, the soldiers in front are dying in blood, and the people are suffering. As the county captain, there are so many "private possessions". Ye Shikai is "hate" these in his heart, but Ma Yao was not at the scene, it was not easy for him to tear Cheeky.

"Brother Ye's words are bad. The so-called Qianjun is easy to get, and it will be hard to find. The sergeants are really hard, but the key to winning the war is not them. With Brother Ye, you are really hardworking To put it another way, those sergeants should also thank you. If you did n’t command them properly, they might have died. ”After Ma Yao said, he laughed a few times, Ye Shikai's face gradually gloomy, his palms clenched tightly. Looking at the wine glass, as a dignified county captain, Ma Yao would even make fun of the sergeant's life and death.

"Come here, send these things to Ye Yedi's house. In addition, the beautiful jade in the storeroom is also rare in the world. Let's send it together." Seeing Ye Shikai's silence, Ma Yao simply let the people down Passed.

"Brother Ye, why don't you eat."

"It's been cold recently and I've caught cold at the end, and my appetite is not good." Ye Shikai made an excuse to perfunctory.

"That's the case. It's like the weather is getting colder. After all, it's almost New Year's Day." Ma Yao nodded and said that the year had passed so fast that he hadn't reacted and the time passed. He has been in the Qin Dynasty for a year, and he does not know how those modern people live. Ye Shikai does not know that the two worlds are not the same time. He has been in the Qin Dynasty for so long, but the modern time has not been long.

"Brother Ye, since you are cold, take a good rest at home. You can spend more time with your brother and sister while there is no war now." Ma Yao cares.

"Thank you, Lord Ma, for your concern. If you are unwell, you will retreat first." Ye Shikai made an excuse and planned to leave.

"Well, I'll send you personally."


Loquat Leaf House.

"Fu Jun, you look very tired. Is there any difficulty?" He Linghan asked, and when Ye Shikai looked tired, she stepped forward to greet her warmly.

"Nothing, Linger, I'm a little tired, help me to pour a cup of hot tea." Ye Shikai murmured.

"Well, okay, wait a minute, lotus, go and pour tea." He Linghan immediately ordered.

"Fu Jun, what happened?" He Linghan asked.

"Ma Yao, a dignified county captain, it would be ridiculous and shameful to say such a thing." Ye Shikai drank a cup of hot tea, which was regarded as slowing down the wine, and suddenly raised his head and laughed.

Naked smirk.

In the final analysis, Ma Yao is also for his own position, to protect himself, but between the life of the sergeant and his status, I am afraid he will choose the latter decisively. Ye Shikai is not surprised. I am afraid that there are a lot of commanders who agree with Ma Yao .

"Fu Jun, what are you talking about?" He Linghan asked, although she didn't understand the meaning of Ye Shikai's words, but since she talked about Ma Yao, He Linghan could also guess three points.

"Nothing, it's all about military affairs, you don't need to worry about it." Ye Shikai waved his hand. He didn't want to involve He Linghan again.

"Yes, it won't be long before the new year, husband, you have been in Qin Dynasty for a year." He Linghan put it in his ear and said softly, throughout Qin Dynasty, the only one who knew Ye Shikai's identity Only He Linghan was not Ye Shikai's distrust of Shangguanjian, Mancang, Xue San, etc., but it was a secret. The fewer people knew it, the better it was. If they knew it, it would not make any sense.

"Yes, time passes very quickly." Ye Shikai took her gently into her arms. One year, he experienced a lot. Looking back, he also changed a lot compared to a year ago. When he first came In the Qin Dynasty ~ ~ when he first arrived, many things were difficult to understand, but after a while, he gradually "assimilated".

"It's been cold recently, let's go first."

"General, there is an officer outside the door asking." Suddenly, a gatekeeper hurried in and said to Ye Shikai.

"who is it."

"He called himself Xue San, and said it was your subordinate."

"Quickly, let him in." Ye Shikai said immediately, since the battle of the Beast Mountain, he has not taken Xue San to participate in any battle because ... he gave Xue San a special task.

I went to Chu to investigate intelligence.

Chu Di is two or three thousand miles away from here, and it takes at least a week to go back and forth. Without special important information, Xue San would not be able to return in person. In other words, he must return to this time and something must have happened. Already.

Hey, hey, hey.

Ye Shikai sat in the living room and heard a rush of footsteps in the distance. Soon, Xue San came in from outside, and the dust seemed to have just risen from the dirt. As an officer, Looks a bit embarrassed.

"See General."

"Xue San, get up quickly." Ye Shikai reached out and patted the dust on his body.

怎么 "How did it become like this."

"The general ... departed from Chudi overnight, Feiqi rushed back in three days, and had not had time to change the laundry." Xue San explained.

"It doesn't matter."

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