Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1547: "Battle of Death"

"Oops." Shang Guanjian's heart sank. No wonder, if Ye Shikai ignored those people, he would never fall into a siege. I wouldn't think that he would put himself in now to save people.

大 "Master, what are we going to do now, the 30,000 army has come to us, General Man is resisting, and if we continue to stand still, I am afraid we can't even keep it here."

Shang Guanjian was anxious, but he only had 3,000 crossbowmen on his hands, but Ye Shikai was surrounded by the Qin Army of 50,000 or 60,000. Even if he led his soldiers, I'm afraid it would be difficult to make a siege, and he would pay these 3,000 soldiers.

But if he does n’t send troops, then Ye Shikai is more fierce ...

"Sir, what shall we do?"

"Now these three thousand sergeants are under your command. You are responsible for covering the people into the valley. If the Qin army approaches, all arrows will be released." Shang Guanjian turned his horse and handed the soldiers to a thousand captain next to him.

"But, sir, where are you going?"

"I only take my pro-guards and go to make a siege."

大 "Master, please think again. General Ye is now under siege. I am afraid that ... has been killed. If you have another accident, what do the remaining sergeants do?"

Shangguan Jian heard the words and stopped abruptly. He and Ye Shikai are overwhelming brothers. He also promised He Linghan to protect Ye Shikai's safety, but he still has tens of thousands of brothers in his hands. If he is killed, then these are willing What should the brothers who follow them swear to die? The dragons have no head, and the final result must be falling apart ...

"Master, think twice."

"If I am killed and the whole army is taken over by General Mancang, you tell him that if these remaining brothers want to survive, they must go to Chudi." After that, Shang Guanjian slaps his horse galloping and leads his guard towards Run towards the crater.


Meteor Crater.

"go ahead."

Tens of thousands of Qin Army held up a large shield, held a spear, and approached step by step, forcing Ye Shikai and His Majesty's sergeant to retreat, step by step, in the back ... it was the meteorite crater.

This meteor is not very large, but it has smashed a large pit, which looks very "spectacular". This is no wonder, why a meteor will make a big wave in the wild, even to kill ten Tens of thousands of people.

"General, what should we do now?"

Around Ye Shikai, there were only two hundred people, all of whom were wounded. The long knife on his hand rolled his blade, and the spear broke his gun head. Thousands of corpses on the ground showed how fierce the white-bladed battle was. With two arrows, the armor was also broken, and blood flowed from the wound on the arm, sliding down, drop by drop, dropping from the palm of his hand.

"Brothers, we have no retreat, the rest is to fight to the end."

"Aren't you still surrendering?" Han Hao stepped out of the army and shouted loudly to this side, Ye Shikai's eyes were red, he had red eyes, physical overdraft, and excessive bleeding, and his spirit started to be a little bit nervous This is the state at the time of dying. Ye Shikai knows that maybe he is going to die here this time.

"No ... don't surrender." Ye Shikai held his body up with his sword, his eyes full of stubbornness. If he surrendered now, what would he do? It would be another day to die, not to mention, if he surrendered now, How can he be worthy of the brothers who followed him, thousands of brothers have been defeated in order to resist the court, and he will not surrender anyway.

"Well, then I will complete you." Han Hao sighed, waved his hand, and the army slowly approached.

"Brothers, we fight with them."


The remaining brothers rushed over like crazy, this is the battle of the trapped beasts. They could n’t even reach the front of the army, they were shot through the body with stabbed lances. They did not go to kill the enemy, but to go " "Dead to death", or rather, is looking for a decent "death method."

Ye Shikai rushed up with all his strength and cut his sword to the spear. This was a sabre sent by Meng Tian. It was extremely sharp and cut iron like mud. Ye Shikai entered the army and killed more than 20 people in one go. Brothers around him But died one by one ...

Suddenly, Ye Shikai's vision suddenly blurred. When he returned to his mind, a spear had stabbed at him, too late to react, let alone dodge. Ye Shikai felt only a pain in his chest. Looking down, the spear had pierced his The battle armor penetrated his body. This is the long gun of the Qin army formation. It is several meters long and needs several people to use together. The arm is so thick that it penetrates his body like this. Ye Shikai feels that his mouth is out of his mouth. Bloody smell.

"Push." ​​Several sergeants shot with guns and flew Ye Shikai.


The moment he was in the air, Ye Shikai's mind was blank, and then there was a pain from his back, his body kept rolling ...

He fell into a crater.

"This time ... is it really going to die, Linger, I'm sorry, I didn't see you alive." Ye Shikai closed his eyes, and his whole body strength seemed to escape from the body. He didn't even have the strength to open his eyelids. ~ ~ Master Han, General Ye ... should be dead, all his subordinates died in battle, none of them live. "

"Well, unfortunately, he shouldn't have ended this way. If he wasn't so stubborn, how could this be the end." Frankly, except for Ye Shikai, Han Hao's heart was not only happy, but instead, He looked very frustrated. Han Hao was not a bad person, but only a "loyal" person. Ye Shikai died, and Qin Chao lacked an excellent young general. Moreover, Meng Tian had much support for him at the beginning. It is believed that it will not take long for Ye Shikai's rebellion to reach Xianyang City. At that time, Meng Tian will also be criticized for this.

"It is true that General Ye was an excellent general against the wolf clan, but he never thought that he would end up in such a defeat." A long commander beside Han Hao sighed.

In fact, Han Hao did not intend to kill Ye Shikai. Although the rebellion was a death sentence, Ye Shikai also had more than 10,000 people. It was not easy to arrest. Even if Han Hao did not kill him, he could be explained to the court, anyway. The emperor's secret order was to let Han Hao kill these people, not take Ye Shikai's life, but he did not expect that instead of running away, he would rather take his subordinates to death and cover the people to evacuate. In this case, Han Hao had to Take his life.

"Brother Ye, how good it would be if you weren't so attached." Han Hao muttered.

"Find his body and find a place with good feng shui thick burial."


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