Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1548: Recovery of internal force

"Where am I?" Ye Shikai slowly opened his eyes, and the surroundings were bright white. He covered his eyes with his hands. It took a long time to adjust to the strong light, and he slowly got up from the ground.

"What is this?" Ye Shikai lowered his head, startled, and even this "ground" was blank, as if stepping on the clouds, it could "fall down" at any time.

Ye Yekai walked back and forth, but everything around seemed to have no end. Perhaps this is not the world at all.

"Am I dead." Ye Shikai was startled.

"Of course you are not dead." Suddenly, a voice came from behind, and Ye Shikai turned his head sharply. A man wearing a wizard-like robe was standing in front of him, and his hood covered his forehead and eyes. His mouth, but from the cheek, he can roughly judge that this man should be middle-aged.

"Who are you?" Ye Shikai asked.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, can't you even hear my voice." The hooded man smiled coldly, Ye Shikai thought in his head, he was sure that he should not know this man, but the voice ... was ...

"Soul Calibur."

"It seems that you haven't forgotten me. Through this age, your memories of the past will also quickly pass. If the time is two months later, maybe you will forget me. After another year, you will Completely forget where you came from. "Soul Calibur said lightly.

"It really is you." Ye Shikai almost cried out in excitement. After so long, he finally got in touch with Soul Calibur.

"But you ... how could this look like this?" Ye Shikai asked curiously. This was the first time he saw the "look" of Soul Calibur, which had only remained in his mind before.

"This is what I am, but I left it in your mind in the form of a spiritual body, and now you have also come in, naturally you can meet me."

什么 "What, come in ... come in, don't I ..."

"Yes, you are also a spiritual body now. In Chinese terms, it should be the soul."

After listening to Ye Shikai, he almost fainted with two eyes. He turned out to be "soul" now. Is he really dead?

"What." Looking down, Ye Shikai looked at his body, and sure enough, all the injuries he had suffered during the battle had disappeared, and even the wounds could not be found. His blood was gone and even the broken armor was intact.

I'm done.

Ye Yekai immediately slumped on the ground, eyes dull.

"Don't worry, you got so badly wounded that you fell into the crater, but now you are just stunned by the severe injuries, and you still have a breath."

"You didn't say it earlier." Ye Shikai raised his head sharply, and was so angry that he almost punched someone, and for a long time, it turned out that he was not dead yet.

"Wait a minute, since I'm not dead, how could I be here." Ye Shikai asked afterwards.

"Why aren't you curious and why you can meet me." Sword soul didn't answer his question, and the conversation turned around and changed a topic.

"Why." Ye Shikai murmured that before he lost contact with Soul Calibur because Chen Yuxin destroyed his Dantian and let him lose his internal strength, and Soul Calibur communicated with him because of the internal force.

Now he re-talks with Soul Calibur, which means ...

Neli is back.

Qi Ye Shikai's strength was working. Sure enough, a steady stream of internal forces poured out from Dan Tian, ​​and his body was full of strength. This feeling was too familiar.

The damage to Dantian is also a waste for a practitioner. Although Dugu Tianke said that there are methods to repair Dantian, they are inadequate. Ye Shikai did not know why his Dantian was inexplicably repaired.

"Soul Calibur, what the **** is going on."

"You fell into this meteor pit just after a fierce battle. You didn't have any internal force. You should have died, but there is huge energy in that meteor. Fortunately, you were saved by this meteor. "

"So, it is the energy in this meteorite that repaired his Dantian." Ye Shikai was shocked. It was incredible. The other day, when he approached the meteorite, he didn't feel any energy.

"It's almost the same, the yin and yang are wrong. It seems that you really have a fate with this meteor." Sword soul teased.

"If I didn't save these people, I wouldn't run into this meteor. In this way, my Dantian could not be repaired." Thinking of this, Ye Shikai suddenly cried and laughed. Blessed by misfortune, but ... the brothers who died with him were really dead.


"How can I get into the spiritual body now that I live?"

"You are still in a coma now, but now that you have recovered your internal force, you can recover quickly even if the skin is injured, and I think you should wake up in a little while." Sword soul walked to Ye Shikai and said lightly.

Ye Yekai raised his head and looked at the hooded man in front of him. It gave a very mysterious feeling. Unconsciously, he reached out his hand and wanted to take off the hood of Soul Calibur and see what he looked like.


Sword Soul suddenly reached out and clasped Ye Shikai's wrist. Before he could react, a sense of dizziness spread all over his body. Ye Shikai fell to the ground with his eyes black.


Open your eyes again ~ ~ Ye Shikai is in front of a dozen Qin Jun. Although his head hurts a bit, he soon realizes that he is awake, turning his head, the meteorite is behind him, above The phrase "the emperor died at the death" is clearly visible.

"Ye ... General Ye wasn't dead." Suddenly, a scream screamed in his ears. A sergeant stepped backwards even as if he was a ghost, and Ye Shikai didn't hold his arms. He picked up his sword and waved it. Out.


The strong internal force turned into sword energy and directly flew out more than a dozen sergeants.



The sergeant next to him was startled by Ye Shikai's sudden "stealth corpse", and he was so shocked that he saw such an amazing power burst out.

Indeed, how could a normal person "throw" a dozen strong men at will.

Ye Shikai ’s reputation was heard by the sergeants in both counties. Now he suddenly came to life, and everyone suddenly dared not come forward. Perhaps in the eyes of the ancients who did not understand modern science, Ye Shikai was now possessed by “evil ghosts”. Or the revenge of revenge.

"I'm still wondering what to do, and I'm not ready to leave." There was a voice of Soul in the head. Ye Shikai calmed down, glanced down at the storage ring, turned the inner force, and took out the fire element from it.

快 "Look, General Ye's hands ... it's on fire."

"It's a ghost, it must be a ghost."

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