Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1552: After the break

According to Xue San's prediction, if there is no accident, they can reach Chudi in another two days. Xue San has many brothers on the rivers and lakes, has a lot of eyes and eyes, and is well informed, so he sent a letter in advance to find the leader in Chudi The uprising Hua Lian Die informed Ye Shikai of her troop up, and it also allowed Hua Lian Die to prepare for the "cooperation" in advance.

Frankly, Xue San is not sure if she is willing to send soldiers to cope. After all, Hua Liandie did not owe Ye Shikai anything, and there was no need to help, but Xue San still plans to try it out. The relationship between Hua Liandie and Ye Shikai was very good before He can only pray that Hua Liandie can read the previous relationship and help Ye Shikai and He Linghan once.

"Ma'am, please bear with me. After the Chu Di, if the lady wants punishment, there will be no complaints at the end."

"The three brothers Xue don't have to blame themselves, I can insist, just hurry up." He Linghan took a breath and took a short rest, his face finally improved.

"Thank you, Madam, for understanding."

The lotuses helped He Linghan get into the carriage. Xue San didn't dare to delay, he immediately set off the army and continued to evacuate to the south. Nanyang County was a "big county", a land of the Fourth War. The terrain was flat, without danger. Since ancient times, This is the place where the soldiers must fight, and it is also the "belly of the world". It can go west to Bashu, south to reach Chu, and north to the Central Plains. The Qin army has a large number of troops here. Xue San is also worried that the team will be found. In the open country, they can hardly resist, only the killed.

Gaodong County.

The one-night march, everyone including Ye Shikai, was exhausted, but since they were fleeing, they did not dare to have any "complaints". Perhaps it was the survival that allowed them to do their best, even the women and children Running out of the mountain overnight, the speed was much faster than Ye Shikai expected.

"Lao Ye, we are out of the mountains now, but we still can't relax. The plain terrain is more dangerous to us." Shang Guanjian reminded him that he made a lot of sense, which is why he suggested that the evacuation road should not choose a flat land of Pingchuan, It is to choose a mountain road with complicated terrain and difficult to deploy troops.

"Yes, we will leave after the meeting and go to the mountain area as planned." Ye Shikai nodded and said, "Han Hao commands the 70,000 and 80,000 troops. This is 70% of the East and Hanoi counties. Now there are insurgents in both counties. Activities, so I'm sure that Han Hao will not lead troops to pursue, otherwise the troops of the two counties will be empty. If the insurgents use this time to capture the county, Han Hao will be even more guilty. He is a sane person and will not chase after him. Shed. "

Ye Shikai also knows Han Hao very well. He is a qualified general. If anyone threatens the rule of the Qin Dynasty, he is a qualified "horse pawn", but he also has a big picture and will not lose sight of the big ones. His emperor gave him The secret order was to secretly solve the people near the meteorite, but he did not complete it, and even let Ye Shikai ’s "rebels" run away. This is a felony. If other generals, in order to sacrifice their powers and shed their responsibilities, they will have no consequences The ground was chased until it was annihilated, but Ye Shikai believed that Han Hao was not such a person. He would certainly retreat for the safety of the two counties.

"Will you wait a while, Lao Ye, we are in an urgent situation now ..."

"Mancang and the Iron Armor haven't heard from them yet, we will wait for them for a while." Ye Shikai still remembered Mancang. From the situation of last night, Mancang should be fighting fiercely with the Qin army. Know what's going on now.

好 "Okay, then wait here."

After two hours.

The people in Laoshan have left one after another, leaving only some elderly women and children with inconvenience to walk. The troops stopped in place and did not set off.

"No, Lao Ye, we can't wait any longer like this, even if Han Hao doesn't pursue, the longer we stay in the mountain, the more dangerous it is, let alone, the garrison in other counties and counties will be waiting for us in the front and can't Delayed. "Shang Guanjian was a little impatient, but he was not disregarding the safety of the full warehouse, but after all ... they are now fleeing, with thousands of remnants in their hands, and a little carelessness is the annihilation of the entire army.

"But ... No, there is no news from Mancang, so let me personally lead the cavalry, and you will leave with the rest."

"No, Lao Ye, you are now the commander in chief of this army, and you must not make any mistakes." Shang Guanjian stopped Ye Shikai.

"Let ’s go, I ’ll take the cavalry, you take the rest of the sergeant off and wait until I find a full warehouse, and then I will meet you."

"Well then, pay more attention to your safety."


Deep in the mountains.

"General Manchu, we seem to be trapped here." At the same time, on the other side of the mountain, Mancang led the Iron Armor Army and Qin Army after fighting overnight, and then retreated to this hidden place. After all, Qin Army was crowded, and Mancang also He did not dare to carelessly, and he withdrew while fighting. Although there was no direct obstruction, he also turned the Qin Army around.

As soon as the sky was bright ~ ~ they lost the cover of the night, and Qin Jun had already entered the mountains, so Mancang had to quietly leave with his subordinates, for fear of making a little noise, but ... they seemed to be one step behind.

"Yeah, we are now escape from the tiger's mouth, there can be no slackness." Mancang looked at the brothers behind him, even if the wounded soldiers were counted, but there are only more than 1,500 people, the strength is so weak, the situation is critical.

"Everyone, follow me." Mancang led the way, and the sergeant behind him followed.

"Look, the rebels are there, chasing." Suddenly, there was a cry from below, a full warehouse looked down, a team of Qin Bing was patrolling below, there were probably hundreds of people, maybe a sergeant accidentally kicked the stone, rolled Falling disturbed them.



Dozens of arrows shot up from below, and suddenly knocked down a dozen sergeants, full of positions to dodge, an arrow in the left arm, blood DC, Qin Jun's strong bow and crossbow, enough to shoot through the armor, if The arrows are coated with toxins, which is even more deadly.

"General, are you okay?" The guard asked anxiously.

"Relax, I'm fine." Mancang looked around. They are now at the top. The Qin Army below is not easy to chase, but this shout will surely draw other Qin Army closer to this side. At that time, they will fall into Enclosed.

"Quickly, everyone retreats to the west, don't stop." Mancang shouted, at this time, the surrounding Qin Jun also rushed over to join the "encirclement and suppression".

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