"Come on, go." Mancang shouted loudly. The arrows were all over the sky. Many sergeants fell to the ground with an arrow. Mancang was anxious, but there was no way. Some of the injured brothers were not shot dead, but lost. With the ability to act, the sergeant next to him helped him up, and the other brother, the middle arrow fell to the ground, before he could stand up, he was "nailed" to the ground by the shot arrow.

"The rebels are there, kill them."

A team of Qin Jun rushed in front of them, just blocking the way, full of screams, rushed forward, pulled out their swords, chopped their swords on their necks, and picked up a shield in front of them. Roughly opened a road. Fortunately, this is only a small team of Qin Jun, hundreds of people, plus the eagerness of everyone to escape, and soon rushed out.

"General, more and more Qin Jun rushed up."

After a night of fierce fighting and a sleepless night, the iron armored army in Manchuchang was exhausted. In the face of the Qin army several times as many as himself, the parry seemed to be inadequate.

"Abominable, leave a group of people. After I break, the injured brothers retreat first." With a full order, hundreds of sergeants turned their heads, and a wave of counterattack surprised Qin Jun.

"Hurry up, the wounded brothers go." Mancang let the sergeant set up a shield, leaving a gap in the middle to cover the other brothers.


"The rebels surrendered quickly, and they can save you a life." Qin Jun's voice of persuasion came from afar. He used to be Wei Cang. He had previously seen how Qin Jun destroyed the country. In the situation, once they surrendered, they and their group could not escape the crime of death. At best, it was a different method of death.

"Brothers, many of you are veterans who have battled with me. Are you willing to drop?" Mancang shouted.

"Oath to death."

"Oath to death."

"Oath to death."

Hundreds of sergeants shouted like thunder. Although they were already remnants, their spirit was still there, and this will was enough for a war.

"Okay, the Qin Dynasty has no way to kill the people. We fight with them today." Mancang picked up a spear from the ground and threw it out hard, right in the middle of a riding Qin army leader.

"Go up, kill me." Thousands of Qin Jun came over and looked at it. From a distance, the blackness was oppressive.

Seng Mancang ordered the sergeant to raise his shield and use the narrow terrain to block Qin's charge.

"Brothers, stand up." A powerful charge rushed hundreds of iron armored troops back a dozen steps in a row, full of strength and finally blocked the fatal shock.


With a single order, the shields of the shield array turned sideways, and the iron armored sergeant with a gun behind pierced a few meters of the spear, penetrating directly through the body of the front row Qin Army, and even penetrated the Qin Army behind.

After the gun was retracted, the front row of the Qin Army fell to the ground, and the Iron Armor immediately lifted the shield to block the Qin Army behind.

"That's it, come again, shoot."


Hey, hey, hey.

"No, Qin Jun released his arrow, and quickly set up his shield." Mancang shouted. As soon as the voice fell, the arrow had already fallen. If it was one second later, I'd be afraid to hit the arrow.

"I'm here too." Suddenly, a shout came from behind, and Shang Guanjian led the cavalry over.

"Great, brothers, it's our cavalry team." Mancang almost cried out when he heard Shang Guanjian's voice. If there was no reinforcements, they would probably die this time.

"Full position, you quickly retreat with the rest of the brothers, I will stand with the cavalry."

"it is good."


Nanyang County.

"Reported to Commander Xue, a team of armed men was found in front, about five or six hundred." A guard asked.

"Armed, what is it?"

"They are not uniformly armored and their weapons are very broken. They are not like the troops of the Qin Army. They should be nearby insurgents or bandits."

"What, bandit." After Xue San heard this, he was relieved, as if he was a rebel army or a bandit, maybe he didn't dare take them, but if he met Qin Jun, he would die.


"Three brothers Xue, what happened outside." He Linghan opened the carriage window and asked softly.

"Mrs. Don't panic. A band of bandits and bandits are found in front of you. You will continue to hurry when you will deal with them."

"Xue San, look, those people are coming towards us." Lotus pointed at the distance and shouted loudly. Sure enough, a group of people appeared in the distance, coming towards them.

"Mrs. wait here, and wait to be dealt with at the end." Xue San didn't panic. He still had 2,000 elite guards. These were "aces" in Ye Shikai's hands. If it was just a general robber, it would never be Their opponents.

Xue San brought people up. Sure enough, most of the visitors were wearing ordinary people's clothes, but they were only wearing leather and wooden armor. The weapons on their hands, except for some copper lances, were also used by ordinary people. And axe, indeed a bandit robber.

"Who is coming? Www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This road is for me. Anyone who wants to follow this road must leave a toll."

"Ha ha, a bunch of robbers, dare to ask for our money." Xue San Leng gave a sigh and waved his hands. Hundreds of sergeants behind him immediately erected a crossbow and waited for it. The range of the crossbow can reach hundreds of meters, which is much longer than that of the ordinary Qin army.

怎么 样 "How about, dare you ask for money?"

Yi Yiliang "guy", those robbers are really guilty, their number is at a disadvantage and their equipment is even worse.

Xue San didn't mind dealing with these robbers, but to the heart, he still wanted "one thing is worse than one thing." After all, they are on the way to escape. Speed ​​is the most important thing. There is no need to waste time on these robbers. The bandit.

"It turned out to be Qin Jun, the path of the enemy is narrow."

"This brother, I don't want to trouble you any more. Brother and I have official duties today. If you want money, I have some here. If you take the money, let the road go. Otherwise, I will be behind you. Army, you can be destroyed easily. "Xue San took out a bag from his arms and threw it directly. It contained a few gold bars and some silver.

"Well, this military grandfather also looks a little bit angry. If I was right, you should have been a hero on the river." The leader of the robbers seems to be surprised by Xue San's decision. I am afraid that the general will be killed directly, and Xue San's raising his hands is not like a general, but a robber leader.

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