Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1559: Personally answer

Ye Shikai led the team to the south. Now that the issue of rations has been solved, they have no worries. The rest is to avoid the Qin Army. As long as they successfully reach the south county, they will be safe.

"I sue General Ye. When I was just chatting with the officers of the food team, they didn't seem to know what happened when we came to Nanyang County." Wan Jiyuan said suddenly. The thing that Ye Shikai was most worried about was that Nanyang County learned about him After the news of the troop, there will be some action and chasing and blocking, but listening to Wan Jiyuan's words, his heart is quite stable.

"But the general is not completely sure. The grain transport officer is only a five hundred master, and there are only three or five hundred people in his hands. He may not know such a major matter." Wan Jiyuan was also not sure, just now In his actions, he lied about being a "friendly army", and the time was short. He could only put a few words out of the mouth of the army officer.

"It doesn't matter. The most important thing for us now is to leave here." Ye Shikai had no time to think so much, and now they kept going straight to Nan County.

"Yes, is there any news about Shangguan."

"Back to General, Shangguan uniform tie the guard to lead the Qin army. So far ... the whereabouts are unknown. According to the original plan, he should be chasing us now, and it will not take long."

Ye Shikai estimated that after Wan Jiyuan returned with food, they have been away for two consecutive hours. They have wounded and many infantry in their team, and Shang Guanjian and his guards are all light riders, and they are very mobile. Strong, the time of two hours should be enough for them to catch up, but now there is no news, Ye Shikai is very worried, but he did not dare to slow down.

"Everyone rests for half an hour and eats some dry food to replenish their strength." Ye Shikai ordered.


The troops stopped, and after running for so long, even the warhorses were panting, let alone being human.

"General Ye, otherwise let the General bring some people to look for, my brothers and I can change into the people's clothes and sneak into the city to inquire about the news." Wan Jiyuan saw the concerns in Ye Shikai's heart and asked him to take the initiative , Returning to Wancheng, investigating the situation, Ye Shikai was very hesitant. Although Wan Yuanyuan was decisive in his work, there was a “ruthlessness” of the wolf man in his bones. It was scary to look at. It is not like an ordinary people at all. How good San is by his side, the lurking investigation is his specialty.

"Forget it, I believe Shangguan, he will bring the brethren back."

"The leader of Shangguan only took a hundred riders and was exposed under the eyes of Qin Jun. If the soldiers meet, it will be a life of nine deaths."

"Well, you take a team of brothers to investigate. If you don't find it, you will come back, otherwise ... I'm afraid that you will be in danger."


Ye Yekai came to the "wounded barracks". Although it was said to be a wounded barracks, in fact, some straw mats were laid casually on the ground. There were no medics in the army anymore.


"It hurts."

Ye Shikai walked into the wounded barracks, and there were wounded brothers everywhere. They were wounded during the fierce battle, and they lost their colors, but they could not get timely and effective treatment. The wounds began to fester, and they kept moaning in pain. Fortunately, before the soldier started, Ye Shikai Some medicines were reserved, otherwise ... they wouldn't be able to carry on any longer.

"See General."

"See General."

When I saw Ye Shikai's arrival, everyone saluted him, and even the most injured brother stood up with his teeth in his mouth. Ye Shikai's heart was mixed.

"Brothers, we have now reached the most critical moment, but as long as we are in South County, we can take a good rest. Brothers believe me and give my life to me. I have failed you." Ye Shikai took out of the storage ring. Some medical items, such as alcohol, bandages, etc., although he previously stored some medical supplies in the storage ring, but the number is only enough for dozens of people, now there are hundreds of brothers injured, these are just a sloppy salary, In desperation, he could only help the seriously injured first.

"General Ye, what are these, we haven't seen them before." The sergeants have never seen medical alcohol, and to the level of science and technology in the Qin Dynasty, they did not even have sterile gauze.

"These are not water, but alcohol, which can be used to disinfect wounds. These long white cloths are called bandages to bandage wounds, and these tiny sticks are called cotton swabs ..."

Ye Shikai originally brought these things, just to simply bandage the wounds when he was injured. Where would I think that these things would be used to treat so many wounded brothers. If he had known that there would be such a day, he would put the entire hospital in storage. Quit.

When the bandage is used up, you can use a clean cloth to replace it, but even alcohol is not enough. Ye Shikai knows that these things are just a water drop. To solve the current dilemma, the only way is to arrive in Nan County as soon as possible and find Hualiandie .


Junan County.

"Ma'am, how's your condition." Xue San led his team for two days walking in the mountains full of suffocation. Although many sergeants were poisoned and sick, He Linghan's body was deteriorating ~ ~ but fortunately Yes, they left the mountain at noon the next day and reached South County.

"Relax, I'm fine."

"It's great, my wife is fine. We have already arrived in South County, and there will be no Qin army chasing afterwards." Xue San said excitedly.

"Well, where do we go next."

夫人 "Mrs. Don't worry, I have sent my brother to notify Hua Liandie, and her people should be here soon."

"that's OK."

"Reported to Commander Xue, there is a unit in front of our army approaching us." At this time, a sergeant hurried over and reported to Xue Sanhui.

"Who is it."

"They don't wear Qin Bing's clothes, they should not be Qin Jun, and the local insurgents."

"It's great." Xue San was finally relieved after listening. This place was secretly agreed between him and Hua Liandie. Except for Xue San himself, only Hua Liandie knew that it seemed to be reinforcements.

It didn't take long before the army came to the crowd, wearing white clothes, light armor on the outside, new weapons, and bright gunpoints.

The leader was even more unexpected than Xue San's expectations. He thought that Hualiandie would send a close friend to cope, but he never expected that Hualiandie himself would come to meet, wearing a general's uniform and wearing a woman's uniform. On the body, it seemed to be heroic and heroic, and it really turned out to be an eyebrow.

"Brother Xue, you have worked hard all the way."

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