Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1560: Obituary

"The general will be ordered by General Ye to **** his wife to Chudi. In times of distress, I am fortunate to help each other, and please accept Xue Sanyi." Xue San stepped forward and said Zuoyan.

"Hurry up, you come a long way, thousands of miles away, you are not in danger."


"Wait a minute, don't call me Hua Liandie in the future. My name is Yan Wen."

"Yunwen, maybe you are the King of Chu." Xue San was shocked. Before he only knew that Hualian Die was a nobleman of the Chu Kingdom, he did not expect that she was a member of the royal family of the Chu Kingdom, but she thought carefully that she Such dedication to the great cause of rejuvenation and the support of such a large force behind it must be noble.

"When he and I first met, he used my name on the rivers and lakes to prevent his identity from being leaked. Now that he is fighting against the Qin Dynasty, I naturally have no need to hide his identity." Wu Wen explained to Xue San, in fact, Ye Shikai had already guessed it. The name Hua Liandie was codified when he heard it, but Ye Shikai did not follow up at that time. Yun Wen was unwilling to tell the truth. Of course, there was her reason, let alone Ye Shikai at the time. If Qin Jun's senior military officer told her identity and plan, if Ye Shikai revealed to the government, she would definitely die.

"So it is."

"I didn't expect you to be the royal family of the Chu Kingdom." At this time, He Linghan dragged his sick body out of the carriage, and Xue San hurried forward to help him. It seems that the conversation between the two of them just now has been heard .

"Hey, girl, we may haven't seen you for a long time. I heard that you were seriously ill on the road. I brought the local famous doctor before coming here." 芈 文 said lightly.

"Thank you girl for your kindness."

He Linghan helped He Linghan get on the carriage. Now they have just come out of the mountain. If they want to settle down, they must go to the county town in front, where the insurgents are stationed and stable and safe.

"How is his condition?" Su Wen asked suddenly.

"General Ye's situation ... I don't know." Xue San's face was dignified suddenly, he was busy protecting He Linghan's safety all the way, where can I learn the current situation of Ye Shikai.

"General Ye led his subordinates to rescue the people. It must be facing the siege of the Qin army, but I believe that when General Ye was in the Shifeng fortress, we faced the army of wolves several times more than himself. He can still block it. Beyond the fortress, and since the general is determined to fight against Qin, he must be ready to leave. "

"He is the best commander I have ever met, and I also believe that he can live to South County." Wenwen Feng turned and pointed at the front and said, "Jiangling is ahead. I have arranged a resident. In addition, He is weak. I have been suffocated again and need to rest. I will let her be treated by the best doctor. If there is anything missing, please tell me. "

"Thank you."


Nanyang County.

"General Shangguan, there are so many Qin Army outside, how can we go out?"

"Let's wait and see." Shang Guanjian looked through the woods and looked at the Qinjun camp village outside, his expression couldn't help getting more dignified, and he couldn't think that Qin Jun surrounded the whole mountain in order to surround them with hundreds of people.

"General, our rations are only enough for half a day. There is nothing in this mountain. If we don't go out, we will be starved to death sooner or later."

Shang Guanjian looked at the few rations left, and the injured brethren. Although his face was still "calm", in fact, his heart was extremely anxious. They stayed in the mountains for several days and intended to retreat from the Qin army. After taking the opportunity to leave, they did not expect their patience to be so good.

好 "Okay, then we're going to break through tonight."


"Report, the Qin Army is fully armed and has already entered the mountain." At this time, the sergeant in charge of the investigation returned quickly to report.

"It seems that Qin Jun hasn't got much patience anymore. They just came into the mountain and gave us a chance."

"General, do you mean ..."

"If Qin Jun stays at the exits of various mountain roads and brakes quietly, then we go out like this, it is tantamount to throwing a net, on the contrary, as long as they enter the mountain, their deployment will be chaotic and we can leave. "

"All brothers obey orders and prepare to act."



Late at night.

The Qin Army of the Qiu Brigade marched down the mountain road, marching deep into the mountain.

"What do you think, you have to march at night."

"Yeah, I'm almost exhausted."

"The rebels fleeing to the mountains are nothing more than a hundred people. Is it necessary to have thousands of brothers outside?"

"You do n’t understand. The rebels came to our Nanyang County. Of course, they have to gain some gains before they can make a difference to the court, even if it is only a few hundred people."

A few Qin Jun chatted in the queue, everyone's face was full of exhaustion and dissatisfaction, and they could see that they were complaining about the "this errand" in their hearts.

Chant, chant.

"what sound."

"It seems like something has passed."

"Beasts often appear in the mountains, and wolves should have passed by."

"Bring the torch." A sergeant took the torch and looked through the firelight to the left.

"Hands on ~ ~" In a flash, Bai Riding came out of the grass, like a tiger descending from the mountain, passing by with the brigade Qin Jun, the nearest distance was even less than ten meters.

"It's a rebel, kill me."

"Everyone, come with me." Shang Guanjian rushed to the forefront, holding his sword in his right hand, and slashing sideways. In the blink of an eye, he cut down several Qin Army. The Qin Army was too late to respond, but was torn by the cavalry's cone Open a mouth, can only watch Shangguanjian lead the team down the mountain.

In the face of the brigade Qin Jun, Shang Guanjian did not choose to escape from the woods, but boldly chose a mountain road, and with the cover of night, "passed by" with thousands of Qin Army, only one side was up the mountain, the other was down the mountain.

"Keep running, don't stop." Shang Guanjian shouted loudly. Since there are thousands of people in Qin Jun, it is impossible to set up only a blockade. There must be Qin Jun at the exit. The most important thing is that their actions have been exposed. Then, Qin Jun of the mountain pass will definitely react, and then they will face the enemy.

The warhorses of the Shangguanjian's guard cavalry were bought from the northern wolf tribe. They have strong limbs and can both charge close distances and run long distances. Nanyang County is located in the Central Plains, and the warhorses are worse than the steeds on the grassland. Some, soon, Shang Guanjian left Qin Jun behind.

"General, we have shaken off the Qin army. At this speed, we can reach the mountain pass in a short time."

"General, the Qin Army still has a large group of infantry in the valley. If we just rush forward like this, I am afraid it will be dangerous."

所以 "So, we must break through the blockade while the Qin army is not stable."

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