Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1561: settle down


"The rebels have come down the mountain, brothers are ready." The Qin army camp was chaotic, and the brigade had entered the mountain, leaving only some old, weak, and sick residues in the camp, but after all, they had an absolute advantage in number. They did not Don't panic, just a bit flustered. Shang Guanjian's party was fast and almost rushed to the mountain pass in a blink of an eye. The remaining Qin Jun had just assembled.

"Everyone don't stop, rush to me and kill." Shang Guanjian rushed to the front, holding a sword in his right and a gun in his left. There were many Qin soldiers, and it would naturally take more time to set up an army, and this was in the middle Shangguan Jian was pregnant.


Three rows of arrows were fired, and several cavalrymen were immediately overturned. Shang Guanjian waved his sabre and blocked the arrows. The crossbowman was the cavalry's nemesis, all arrows were launched, and the cavalry's target was large. The brother got off the horse, and if he did not die, he would die under the hoof of the rear cavalry.

"Don't stop, blindfolded the horse and rushed over." Shang Guanjian yelled loudly, and the warhorse was blindfolded, so he wouldn't have any worries and ran directly into the shield of the army.


The horse's chest hit the shield fiercely, directly pushing up the Qin army, and the horse was instantly out of balance. Shangguanjian relied on the horse's head with his skillful equestrianism, and finally he kept the balance. The cavalry behind him Rushing in along the gap of the military formation, like a spear, pierced the "shield" of the military formation.


In just one wave of shock, Shangguanjian and the guards "directly penetrated" Qin Jun's army formation, made a positive breakthrough, and killed them.

In May tonight, the night was dark, which provided an opportunity for Shang Guanjian to escape. Bai Qi rushed into the darkness and disappeared without a trace.

"Brothers, go south and stop when you are in a safe area."



Junan County.

During the two days, Ye Shikai led the team southward, and encountered many Qin army obstacles along the way, but most of them were hundreds or thousands of people. This should be the garrison in each county. Although Ye Shikai continued to reduce his staff along the way, The spirit of this "residual army" is still alive. As long as Ye Shikai is there, their combat power cannot be underestimated. It is not something that can be resisted by the garrison in several counties. It seems that although Nanyang County has received Ye Shikai News of the start of the army, but did not have time to assemble the army, after they reacted, Ye Shikai had already led the team to Nan County.

"We are finally here." Ye Shikai couldn't help but sigh, this is the junction of the insurgent army and the Qin army. When they get here, they will be safe.

"Brothers, we are in South County."

"What, here it is."

"Yeah, here we are."


The exhausted sergeants, blindfolded and grey-faced, looked a little bit embarrassed, but when they heard Ye Shikai's words, a look of anger finally appeared on their faces, instead they turned from their inner excitement. In the past few days, they I didn't sleep for a few hours in total and faced the blocking by Qin Jun, which was a "hell trip".

"Finally arrived." Ye Shikai walked down immediately to Nan County, which meant that without Qin Jun's pursuit, they could find a place to settle, heal the injured brothers, and let the sergeants have a good meal.

However, Ye Shikai has not been relaxed for a long time, and he felt heavy for a while. For one, Shang Guanjian and his guard still did not have any news. For both, he didn't know whether He Linghan had reached Nan County safely.

"General, what shall we do now?" Mancang approached and asked.

"We have no way to contact Hualiandie, so we don't know where to go, but since Nanjun is already the site of the insurgents, I think it can be found." Ye Shikai said lightly. There was no phone call in this era. If you want to find someone , It is not easy to find.

"But one thing is good. At least we are safe. I think there is a village in front of it. I'd better settle down first and see if I can get some farm rice to eat." Ye Shikai pointed to the front and said that he hadn't eaten these days. How much dry food, brethren have long wanted some hot rice.

"Okay, let's go now."

Ye Yekai took a closer look. The village in front of it was large, the surrounding terrain was flat, there was a lot of farmland, and it looked very energetic.

"There should be more than 10,000 people in this village." Shang Guanjian analyzed, this is almost a village, maybe several villages are combined together, in a troubled world, the villagers will of course choose to protect themselves. The newspaper group warmed up, "selected the young and middle-aged in the village to form a self-defense militia to resist the attack of mountain robbers.

"Almost, it's a big village."

Although the village is large, except for the old and young women, there are at most thousands of young and middle-aged people, and Ye Shikai's subordinates have 4,000 or 5,000 people. A village must not be able to "feed". Ye Shikai does not want to disturb the people, so let him The army was stationed outside the village, only to let the three old men in the village find some empty rooms to let the injured brothers stay, and they also asked the doctor in the village to heal the wounds.

"Three old men, my brothers were seriously injured ~ ~ Thank you for your help and help, Yemou thanked these brothers." Ye Shikai said, and some gold and silver came out.

"The general need not be polite. In addition, I also found some daily necessities. You must be able to use them when you first arrive. Unfortunately, there are not too many vacancies in the village and all sergeants cannot live in them."

"Mr. Lao and the villagers' gratitude, Ye will have to report again in the future." Ye Shikai let Mancang's Iron Armor stay in the village, and he took the others with him outside the village. Ms. Luo gave them some kitchenware. What they need.

"Wan Yuanyuan, what is the situation of the cavalry team." In the camp, Ye Shikai is counting the situation of the entire army. The reduction of staff is more serious than he expected.

"OK, there are more than 1,200 people left in the camp, that is, many of the war horses were injured. These days we are all marching in a hurry, and even the horses can't afford it."

"Okay, now we have finally found a place to settle, let the brethren hurry up and take a break." Ye Shikai sighed. The cavalry was his "family". He was a cavalry when he was still under Han Hao The commander-in-chief of the team developed to later, the cavalry number reached nearly three thousand, and now there are less than half, how can he not feel bad.


"In addition, we ca n’t get supplies here, it wo n’t be long, and the rest of the food will be eaten up, so we must quickly find Hualian Die, and you send out cavalry to check the information. In addition, we are new to the local area. The forces do n’t understand it either, they have to investigate many times and this task is left to you. ”

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