Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1572: Guilt cannot escape

"What, what the **** is going on." Ye Shikai stood up suddenly, the soldiers were in trouble, killing people on the street, or in a crowded market, no matter what time, this is extremely bad behavior. There are many "butchers" who kill innocent people, but Ye Shikai is definitely not that kind of person. He always pays attention to military discipline when he runs the army, and has never happened to hurt people.

What's more, they have just arrived in Linxiang City, and even less than three hours ago, such a terrible thing happened. No wonder Xue Sanhui broke in to report directly.

"General, some of our brethren drank at the bazaar. As a result, there was an argument between the brother and the shop because of the price. In a hurry, our brethren started to move, because they were drunk and their movements were a little bigger. The shop ... kill it. "

Ye Shikai shot on the table angrily, killing at the bazaar. Soon, this matter will spread all over the streets and alleys of Xiangcheng. Hundreds of thousands of people in the city will talk about it. If it is serious, not only Ye Shikai, the whole An army will be ruined.

"Where is the sergeant now?" Ye Shikai sorted out his thoughts and asked eagerly.

"I wanted to send someone to catch him back, but as soon as the brethren arrived at the bazaar, the road was blocked by countless people. They would not let us take away the killing sergeant. I was worried about a bigger conflict, so There is no force to drive the people out. "

"You're doing it right. If it gets worse, the situation will be even harder to clean up." Ye Shikai nodded, finishing his armor, and hurried to leave.


"Fast, folks, these soldiers have killed people, you must not let them leave."

"Yeah, stop them."

Hundreds of Linxiang City were blocked on the road. The market was a crossroads, but the people everywhere blocked all four roads. Ye Shikai rushed to the city with his guard. There were already a lot of sergeants in the city. They came out to maintain order, but they just blocked the people. After all, compared with the tens of thousands of people present, the number of sergeants was indeed not enough.

"Master Sun, you are here too." Ye Shikai saw Sun Feng in the crowd and immediately walked over.

"General Ye, you are finally here." Sun Feng saw Ye Shikai, so anxious that he couldn't care about it.

"How's the situation."

"It's too bad, people have blocked the road nearby, but I have ordered the sergeant to disperse the people." Sun Feng said.

"No, no, if there is any conflict with the people now, I'm afraid the people will be full of resentment, absolutely not." Ye Shikai immediately stopped.

"What should we do? Now that so many people are gathered here, if we don't deal with it, I am afraid that something will happen."

"Leave it to me." Ye Shikai led the guard to the crowd. The people saw a sergeant coming and stopped.

"Dear folks, we are performing our official duties. Please give way to it."

"What official business is obviously trying to bring the killer back to the camp. When we are bullying, folks, we will never agree."


"Never agree."

"Please listen to me." Ye Shikai shouted loudly, but his tone was not impatient, quarrels could not solve the problem, and violence could not be abused.

"My fellows, my subordinates made mistakes and killed the people by accident. I was not disciplined and had my own military law to deal with it. But if you stop here, it will not help. On the contrary, it will obstruct the treatment."

"Well, who knows what you will do when you bring someone back, that's your own person, and you will definitely protect yourself."

"Yes indeed."

The people shouted, it seems reasonable that they hate Ye Shikai. This is also reasonable. After all, everyone has a tendency to "guard short" and kill people, and these people certainly do not believe that Ye Shikai will deal with it "justly".

"All of you, my men and I have just come from East County. There we saved 120,000 people. In order to save the people, nearly 10,000 brothers lost their lives. Now the court's wanted bounty for me has been paid. Man, please believe me. "

"Why do we believe in you."

"Yeah, when your subordinates arrived, they killed the people. Why do we believe you are telling the truth?"

"All of you, my brother and I are fighting for the people. In Dongjun, we were willing to rebel against the court in order to rescue those people and risk the crime of beheading. If 20,000 people did not fight for the Why do people go to death? "

"In front of the heavens and the earth, and in front of all the people in Linxiang City, I swear here that if I protect my killing sergeant by private law, I will be abused by the people in the world and not die." Ye Shikai stretched his fingers to the sky and shouted After listening to the people, there was also a lot of discussion.

听 "I heard that the meteor fell to Dongjun County, and the official government wanted to kill the people who lived nearby. It was this general Ye who took his subordinates to rescue these people, so we went south to us."

"Yeah, I also heard that General Ye is capable of culture and warfare. He has the talents of heaven and earth. He had repelled tens of thousands of wolves in the north."

"If this general Ye really has such ability, it should not be a lie villain."

"Yeah, so many of us are here ~ ~ Since he is so sure, he should not break his word."

Not long after, the "wall of people" composed by the people slowly spread out, spreading the middle road. Ye Shikai immediately ordered the guard to step forward and take away the murdering sergeant. His body was all injured, it looked like It should have been beaten by the people, and there were several drunk sergeants standing with their heads lowered. Although they did not kill them, they were associates. According to the military law, they could not escape the blame.

"Put them all back."





"General Ye's majesty, I heard that your subordinates killed the people in the city just one hour after they entered the city." When Ye Shikai was troubled, a sudden "cold irony" came from the door. He looked up and came. The person turned out to be obituary.

"How did you come."

"I am the principal here. The people in Linxiang City are all my people. Your subordinates killed people. How could I not know, and how could I not care?" Yun Wen said lightly.

怪 "blame me, blame me." Ye Shikai was so depressed that he stamped his breasts. "If I asked a few more words to pay more attention to military discipline, this would not happen."

Sergeant Bian brought trouble. As commander in chief, he would inevitably be guilty of guilt. He was also thinking that the sergeants had traveled hard, but he did not expect such a thing to happen.

"What are you going to do?"

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