Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1573: Can't bear to do it

Sergeant Wu killed on the street and was seen by so many people, and Ye Shikai even vowed that he would punish the sergeant severely, seriously discipline, and reassure the public, so ... I am afraid the death penalty is inevitable.

Frankly speaking, Ye Shikai really didn't want to do this. These brothers all died after following his birth. They survived all the way from East County. Two-thirds of the brothers died on the road. The rest, Each one is heavy.

What's more, Ye Shikai never killed his subordinates himself. Although he was not an executioner, he was ordered by him.

"What do you want me to do?" Ye Shikai asked in return.

"To this day, you must order the sergeant to be upright on the spot, and beheaded in public, so as to stabilize the people's hearts." Yu Wen said lightly, her tone was cold, without a trace of emotion, as if it were Kill an ant, of course, she is a protagonist, who can be a big deal, if you feel sad for the death of a sergeant, how can she conquer the world? You know, any emperor is stepping on countless bones Only ascended the throne.

Wu Ci didn't take charge. As a qualified commander, Ye Shikai shouldn't be too strange, but maybe he still has too much affection. If he wants to behead the sergeant without changing his face, he really can't do it.

"Is there any other way?" Ye Shikai hesitated for a long time and said something.

"What's wrong, just now you vowed in front of the people, emphasizing that you wouldn't use private law. Now that you've brought people back, don't you want to keep your word?" Wu Wen frowned slightly.

"No, I do n’t have a word, just ... wouldn't it be better if there was a better solution." Ye Shikai shook his head, after all, he was still selfish, he thought he was not a "sage", much less What god, he is just a person, people are not plants, and he can't be ruthless. If there is a way, he certainly wants to keep the sergeant's life.

"For example, I can compensate the merchant's family for as much money as possible. In addition, I will blame the sergeant, which is also a punishment for him." Ye Shikai did not want to use the money to settle, but wanted to use some material conditions , Replace "the death penalty" with "the felony", as long as you save a life.

"What do you think?" 芈 Wen asked back.

"Of course I hope ..."

"You are now a general. What you have to consider is not the life or death of a certain person, but the future of this unit." Before Ye Shikai finished speaking, Yun Wen interrupted him.


"Yes, that's the future." Yun Wen nodded and emphasized. Seeing Ye Shikai hesitant to speak, she continued to say, "You came to Changsha with your troops to expand your army and develop your strength. Of course I support it, so you need money. I I'll give you the money, I need food, I'll give you the food, but do you think about it later? "

"In the future, if I killed this sergeant like this, wouldn't it make thousands of brothers chill, we are all brothers in the same robe, born and died, not in Qin Jun's hands, but in my own hands."

"No, it's very wrong." Yi Wen countered, "If you don't decapitate that sergeant, then you will lose the support of more than 400,000 people in Linxiang City. In the future, not only you, but yours The whole army has no place to stand in the city. You swear in front of the people that you will severely punish the sergeant. Once you break your word, you will be ruined. Then, how do you recruit troops in Linxiang City? "

When Ye Shikai heard these words, she felt a heavy heart all the time. She Wen made sense. If they lost their hearts, how could they develop and grow, an "unjust teacher" would be cast aside.

"Is it really worth the delay for the whole army for one person."

"See the general, see ... the protagonist." At this time, Xue San quickly walked into the camp and said, changing the name of the protagonist to "protagonist" seems to be a little twisted.

怎么 样 "How's that sergeant?"

"All the injuries were on my body and they were all hit by the people. I have asked the medic to treat him."

"What is the situation of the people in the city?" 芈 Wen asked.

"Back to the lord, most of the people in the city are scattered, and Lord Sun is organizing, and the bazaar has restored normal order, but ... the people are all watching to see what the generals will do."

"Cough, Xue San, pass on my military order, detain him first, and wait until the injury is good, and then consider it." Ye Shikai said resolutely despite the cold eyes of Yun Wen.


"Are you going to disobey me, don't forget, I am your protagonist ..."

"Don't forget, this is the barracks. As the commander in chief, I am the largest in the barracks. No one can disobey my military orders."



Late at night.

Ye Shikai had not slept all night and had been thinking about what to do. He was in a dilemma. As commander, he certainly knew the importance of military discipline, but forgiving him was not tantamount to "private law". From a perspective, first of all, he should actively compensate the family members of the store and fight for their forgiveness. Then the death penalty is unavoidable, and the living crime is unavoidable. Blaming the sergeant is a severe punishment.

Perhaps it is because of different ideas, or it is his selfishness.

The next day.

"General, it's not good." Before dawn, Mancang rushed into Ye Shikai's camp and awakened him directly.

"What's happening ~ ~ Ye Shikai asked immediately.

"Just now, 芈 ... the host entered the barracks with a team of men and horses, he just took away the sergeant who had caused trouble yesterday, and then ... left."

什么 "What, how can you do that, did you stop her?" Ye Shikai was shocked by this remark, and his sleepiness was immediately dispelled.

"They came very quickly, and she is now the main character. Our brothers are afraid to hurt her and dare not stop them." Mancang said helplessly.

"Where did she go?"

"According to the sentry detective, they took people directly to Linxiang City."

"No, immediately call up the Guards and Cavalry, be sure to catch up." Ye Shikai put on the battle armor, hurried out of the camp, 芈 文 This is to "cut first, then play," directly "skip" Ye Shikai, the soldier Beheaded to show the public, he never expected that Yun Wen would do so.

"General, I'm afraid it's too late, they are all light riders, and ..."

"Less nonsense, come with me." Ye Shikai got on the horse, without a word, rushed out, the guards followed.

Linxiang City.

"Stop, who's coming." Before the day had dawned, the sergeant on the wall saw the cavalry coming down to the city and shouted.

"I am Ye Shikai, and there is an urgent matter, let me enter the city."

"It turned out to be General Ye. The lord has orders. The city gates can only be opened after dawn. Please be calm and calm."

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