Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1574: Reward

"I have an urgent matter, please immediately see the Lord, please the brothers who keep the city do not embarrass me, and quickly open the gate." Ye Shikai anxiously shouted loudly towards the city.

"General Ye, it's not that we deliberately embarrassed him, but that the protagonist has issued a strict order. Do not open the city gate before dawn, and dare not to disobey the order of the protagonist. Please wait for another hour. After dawn, I must open the gate for the general."

Ye Shikai allowed both hard and soft, but the officers in the city said that he was unwilling to open the door and insisted that he wait outside the city. There were tens of thousands of defenders in Linxiang City, and the city was a few feet tall.

"General, what are we going to do now, this gate won't open, we can't get in at all." Mancang asked.

"Let me think about it." Ye Shikai looked at the sky, now it was dark before dawn, extremely dark, and it was at least half an hour before dawn, but he had to enter the city immediately.

"General, it would be bad if we were to delay further."

"I have a solution," Ye Shikai said suddenly.

"Mancang, you take the whole army with you and stay in place. Don't make a noise. When the dawn gate opens, you will enter the city directly." Ye Shikai said hurriedly.

"Where are you going, General?" Mancang asked Ye Shikai when he turned his horse and asked.

"You don't need to worry about this, just obey the military order."


Ye Shikai rode on the war horse and walked to the north gate of Linxiang City. He found a hidden place to fasten the war horse. He looked at the high walls of Zhangzhang, operated the internal force, exerted his legs, and directly stepped on the wall. A pair of wings, walking like flying on the wall, easily jumped up to the city wall, the speed is fast, leaving only a dark shadow, which makes people elusive.

"Is something flashing just now?"

"It seems like a gust of wind, don't make a fuss, keep on patrolling."

"it is good."

The sergeants on the city did not find that Ye Shikai had jumped up the wall and entered the city. It is no wonder that ordinary people's eyesight did not perceive the practice of the practitioner.

"Finally came in." Ye Shikai sighed and couldn't care less. Without a horse, he accelerated with internal force.


怎么 "Why, isn't it here?" Ye Shikai lay on the roof of the house, looking far away from the bazaar. Because there was no daybreak, the big and small vendors had not yet opened, and there was no one at all.

If Yun Wen wanted to beheaded and played, and beheaded the sergeant, she would definitely choose to start in a crowded market. According to the schedule, she should have arrived, but why is there no one nearby?

"Sword soul, can you feel his position." Ye Shikai asked, although Sword soul has no substance, it is very strong in spirit and consciousness is much higher than Ye Shikai, and he can predict some potential dangers in advance.

"There are only some people living in the bazaar nearby, no sergeants, and no trace of practitioners." There was a faint voice in my mind.

什么 "What, how did this happen, then where did they go?" Ye Shikai asked in turn.

"I can feel that there are many practitioners in this city, and they are all concentrated in the government. It seems that you have a lot of expert guards around this heroine." Sword soul reminded.

"Although the Chu Kingdom was destroyed, it is a large country after all, with deep foundations. As far as I know, after the Qin eradicated Chu, the cultivation families of those Chu countries have been hiding in the mountains and forests to avoid chaos, but now the scriptures are holding up the" Chu Kingdom " She is also the royal family of Chu. She naturally received the support of those families. When I reunited with her in Nanjun, I felt that there were many masters of cultivation around her. "Ye Shikai nodded.

"Since there are so many masters of cultivation in her house as guards, then she should be in the house." Ye Shikai analyzed, and he couldn't care so much, and went directly to the government. He never thought of covering the sergeant. This time he didn't enter the city to "grab people", but Yunwen took his men to the army camp at night and forcibly took people away. No matter who was the commander, he would be displeased. Ye Shikai sneaked into the city. A saying.

Ye Shikai came to the government house, and Wenwen came to Linxiang City. He did not live in the government house, but lived directly in the government house. Armed.

Alas, these people naturally cannot stop Ye Shikai.

It's not like once or twice when I go over the wall.


Among the eunuchs.

Yan Yeshikai sneaks in from the backyard. Usually there is no one here to defend, only sergeant patrols here from time to time, unless ...

"I knew that you would come to me."

Wu Wen is sitting in the courtyard, looking at Ye Shikai lightly.

For a moment, Ye Shikai was embarrassed like a thief being arrested ...

"It's so late, what are you doing here?" After a long time, 芈 文 finally spoke.

"I should ask you this sentence, what do you mean by forcing your men into the barracks?" Ye Shikai asked in turn.

"Since you can't make this determination, I will help you." 芈 Wen said coldly, "At dawn, the sergeant's head will hang on the market."

"It's time to get rid of incense now that it's dawn," said Wen Wen, looking up at the sky and muttering.

"What the **** do you mean?" Ye Shikai couldn't hold back the anger in her heart ~ ~ with a somber face and cursed coldly.

"Severed that sergeant, you and your men will have prestige in Linxiang City in the future. You hesitate, but I will never lose the big picture for one person."

"You ..." Ye Shikai had nothing to say for a while, turned around and wanted to leave the backyard. Suddenly, dozens of black sergeants were killed from the dark and surrounded the courtyard. Ye Shikai could feel the energy on them. These people Each one is a master of cultivation, which is not easy to deal with, let alone being surrounded by dozens of people at the same time.

"What do you mean, do you want to kill me."

"You can rest assured, I can't bear to kill you." 芈 Wen slowly stood up from the stone chair with a "weird" smile on his face.

"Come in." 芈 Wen clapped his hands. Soon, a sergeant was taken up by the guard. Ye Shikai took a closer look. Isn't that the troubled sergeant?

"At dawn, there must be a person hanging from the bazaar, but not the sergeant. I have found a prisoner from the death row for him."

"True and false." Ye Shikai didn't calm down for a while. Was this to "raise your expensive hand".

"Of course it's true, let me give you my personal affection."

Xie Yeshikai realized that in the military camp that day, Xun Wen almost lost his life. Although it was not a big deal, it was also "a wound of a sword." He wanted to take this opportunity and give him back his favor.

既然 "So why don't you tell me clearly, and what do these black sergeants mean?"

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