Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1575: Hidden strength

"To be honest, I didn't want to do this. I broke my principles for the life of an ordinary sergeant. However, I am afraid it is more difficult for you to owe you. I might as well give it back to you this time." Yun Wen said lightly, Ye Shikai never felt that a relationship is more important than a life, but Yun Wen was willing to not kill the sergeant. Ye Shikai was already satisfied.

"As for these black sergeants, they are not ordinary sergeants, but dead men I recruited. Last time in my military camp, I wanted to test your strength, but an accident happened, so this time, I want to try again. "Wen Wen's mouth rose slightly, and dozens of people in black stepped forward slowly.

喂 "Hey, you won't want to ..." Ye Shikai was a little anxious, and he was faintly prepared to parry.

"As soon as you meet, you will fight."

"It's all there, don't worry, do it."

"I go."

Bang, bang.

In the blink of an eye, several dead men with swords rushed forward. Ye Shikai took out the metal sword from the storage ring. The sword had no eyes. Ye Shikai kept swinging the sword, but he blocked several people's combined attack, but facing several With the siege of ten people, he still seemed powerless.

"Hello, isn't it that I'm better until the end, this is my life." Ye Shikai couldn't help but vomit.

"Really, then I don't know." 芈 文 waved his hands and watched with "interest" aside, as if watching a group of dead men confrontation.

"Really interesting."


During the speech, several arrows shot out from the side. Although the cold arrow was not bright and large, it was very effective. Ye Shikai was busy blocking the frontal sword and trying to avoid the attack from the dark. There was a white mark across his armor.

"Yes, I have some skills." 芈 Wen sees Ye Shikai's skill in swordsmanship, and does not fall, he claps his hands "encouragingly".

"Really, then I'll let you see something more powerful." Ye Shikai whispered coldly, found an empty space, and distanced from the crowd.

"Pluto King-Shadow clone."

Suddenly, there were more than a dozen avatars in the garden, exactly the same, making it difficult to distinguish. Not only the dead, but even the scriptures were shocked. This master magic skill requires a lot of internal force. Ye Shikai has never used it It was difficult for him to exert all his skills for a while, but he also easily reversed the situation. If it was one dozen, he would have an absolute advantage.


Ye Yekai whispered and regained his avatar, and the dead man in a fierce battle feared that he would have a second hand and did not dare to approach for a while.

怎么 样 "Well, let's try it out."

"It's not bad, you didn't let me down." In a blink of an eye, 芈 文 had flashed in front of him, and the two were not far away.

"Since it has been tested, I will leave first." Ye Shikai turned around and left. If Yunwen wanted to find out how deep his strength was, it really disappointed her. Ye Shikai just showed a trick. There are still many "excellent treasures" and many "secrets" in him. Taking out one of these is enough to shock her.

"Take your sergeant away. Regarding the murder in the city, I don't want to hear from his mouth, even if it is a word."

"I see." Ye Shikai nodded, and 芈 wen found a death row instead. It was "hiding the sky and crossing the sea." As the protagonist, she was naturally worried that something would happen and damage her reputation.


At dawn, a human head was hung on the bazaar, and the surrounding people came forward to watch, and Sun Xianling was "praising" Ye Shikai's "righteousness and annihilation" below, and the crowd came from time to time with applause. It was found that he waited until the next day to secretly take the sergeant out of the city. In order to prevent him from being recognized in the future, Ye Shikai sent him some silver and placed him in a neighboring county. This matter was considered to be over. Already.

After a month.

A bit of obituary is right. As she said before, "killing" this sergeant can get the support of the entire Linxiang city. There are rumors in the streets that "General Ye, who fights against the wolves, is just right. The offending sergeant, with a positive military discipline, with peace of mind, "coupled with Sun Xianling's" propaganda ", Ye Shikai was shaped into a great hero. Of course, his behavior and behavior can be regarded as a" hero. "

"I heard that General Ye recruited troops in the south of the city. Everyone who enlisted in the army was rewarded with five or two dollars."

"Yes, there are notices in the north."

"General Ye is a big hero, I'm going."

"I also need to go."

I heard that Ye Shikai was recruiting and buying horses in Linxiang City. Many young and middle-aged people were actively enrolling as if they were “enchanted”. Many people went to military camps and sergeant sergeants. Even the smithy made weapons day and night. They did not dare to relax. Ye Shikai was “unheard of”. The 5,000 recruits were all recruited in just two days.

"Shangguan, how is your injury recovered?" Ye Shikai took the wine and meat and walked into Shangguanjian's camp.

"Haha ~ ~ God has eyes and did not want my life, you see, I have recovered as before." Shang Guanjian waved his fists, not only his body recovered well, but his spirit was also good.

"Yes, Lao Ye, I heard that people in the city are eager to sign up. Why do you only recruit 5,000 people, now is a good opportunity for us to expand our army."

"Of course I know this, but the combat strength of an army is not determined by the number of people, the overall cohesion, and the cooperation between the sergeants. These are all important. After the East County War, we were greatly injured and the veterans were left. With one-fifth, if we want to expand our army, we must have enough captains. What's more, they directly determine the combat effectiveness of the recruits. "

"I understand what you mean." Shang Guanjian nodded and said, the army was at war, the commanders were planning in the camp, but the actual implementers of the military order were these "mainstays."

"So we can't be anxious. In addition, the new ordnance has not yet been built. We can't let the brethren take firewood sticks to the battlefield." Ye Shikai sighed. Although Wenwen fully supported them, the strength of the rebel army and Qin There is still a gap in the army. When he was in Dongjun, he had seen the armoury of the Qin army with his own eyes. This is not comparable to the rebel army.

"Okay, I'm healed now. I've been idle for so long. My bones are almost loose. If you lack a military officer, I will train you."


"In addition, I expect that within one year, Qin Jun will not go south, and the two sides will stand dead in Nanyang County and Nan County, and we have enough time."

"One year, why do you say that."

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