Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1576: Analyze the situation

首先 "First of all, although there are many Qin troops in Nanyang County, there are more threats. As long as the insurgent forces in the county are not removed, no matter how many Qin troops are, they will not be able to draw heavy soldiers, otherwise the hinterland of the county will be threatened by collapse."

"Secondly, the Nanjun Uprising Army is no less than 50,000. The power of the scriptures here is solid, to be at ease, to resist the deep ditch, and the Qin Army does not have 100,000 horses. It is definitely not able to win the Nanjun."

最后 "Well, in the end, there are no decent Qin generals in Nanyang County, and it is impossible for him to seek Nan County."

Ye Yekai successively stated three reasons, and the analysis was very reasonable. Indeed, one month passed, and no news of Qin Jun's invasion of Nanjun had been heard.

"Lao Ye, I heard you all at once," Shang Guanjian nodded.

"Time is good for us."

"Lao Ye, do you think the court can suppress the insurgents everywhere." Suddenly, Shang Guanjian asked very seriously.

"Would you like to hear the truth or falsehood?" Ye Shikai's face changed slightly, and a bit of loss flashed in his eyes.

"Of course it's the truth, what do I listen to falsehood."

"The court can't suppress it, and I tell you the truth, in a few years, the court will be overthrown, and the land will be replaced." Ye Shikai sighed. He knows the course of history, and in a way, He is now "leaking secrets."

什么 "What, is that really the case?"

"The court is now like a severely ill patient. Although it is not a serious illness, it is already" without medicine ". At present, although Qin Jun has great potential, it is only a matter of time. Decline is only a matter of time."

"Lao Ye, are you really so sure?" Shang Guanjian still hesitated.

"At least I think so." Ye Shikai can see that although Shang Guanjian is in the uprising army camp, he still has some concerns about Qin Jun. Ye Shikai can understand that after all he has been in Qin Jun for several years, there will always be some Emotional, this uprising is also a last resort.

"Okay, we are generals, not principals, and it is our duty to train and command. Others, don't talk more about them." Ye Shikai stopped this topic and turned to leave the camp.

The troubled world is an amusement park for ambitionists, but it is the source of the people ’s calamity. In this era, everyone has the opportunity to rule the king. If Ye Shikai is very ambitious and a city mansion, he can also occupy the city as a king and be part of the party. He argued that he did not have the ability to become the master of the world, and he did not have this mind.

"Wan Yuanyuan, how are the cavalry trained." Ye Shikai came to the cavalry battalion, Wan Yuanyuan was leading his army officers to train the recruits, and the racetrack was very lively.

"Return to General, I will be training day and night. These recruits are carefully selected young men and soldiers. Once training is completed, after a few more battles, they can become fearless iron riders in charge, but ..."

"Say something straight." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"The Chu people have strong civil customs. The recruited soldiers are not afraid of suffering or death, but the warhorses are not as good as the north."

"You're right." Ye Shikai sighed softly. The reason why the northern wolf can become a sharp blade hanging over the head of the Qin Dynasty is to rely on his horse, with a sword in his hand, how much strength the wolf's war horse has, He knows best.

"The sergeant's ability can be trained, but the quality of the war horse cannot be changed."

"No way, Chu land is located in the south and thousands of miles away from the north." Ye Shikai sighed sighing, it is difficult to find a good soldier. I am afraid it is impossible to form another identical cavalry team.

"Please rest assured that I will step up training."

"Well, I'll give you the size of the cavalry."



"Report, the Lord's order came." When Ye Shikai inspected halfway, a commander came flying to ride.

"Say something, say it."

"The principal has an order, and General Ming Ye will command all his men and women. Within March, there must be no mistakes in Kitakami-Minami-gun."

"Let me see." Ye Shikai took the military order and took a closer look.

"Is there any military order for the protagonist?" Ye Shikai asked.

"No, the lord just has the general to be stationed in South County, and there is no specific arrangement."

"OK, you go down first." Ye Shikai waved his hand, motioned to pass the soldiers down.

"Lao Ye, how could this be, you are not analyzing, Qin Jun will not go south within a year." Shangguanjian asked.

"I only said that Qin Jun would not go south, but never said that we would not move."

"What do you mean by that?"

"We recruited tens of thousands of soldiers. Of course, it is impossible to hide in the back to eat and drink, and do nothing. Although the war has not yet started, we must always beware of it." Ye Shikai was not surprised, as if he had already expected it.

"Why then give us another three months? We set out from Linxiang and can arrive in less than half a month."

"Although we have recruited many sergeants, we still need time to train. These three months are for us to train our soldiers ~ ~ After March, this can become a true powerhouse." Ye Shikai spoke sharply. "In addition, three months is enough for us to settle the families of the soldiers."

"So it is."

"If we really don't fight for a year, maybe we won't fight in the future." Shang Guanjian teased suddenly, the two looked at each other and laughed out loud.

"Yes, karma is good at diligence, but it's better not to fight, not to fight." Ye Shikai murmured.

"Lao Ye, since this is the case, then you need to prepare. There are not many family members among our sergeants. You are one of them."

"This time, I don't want her to go to South County." Ye Shikai looked dignified and shook his head slightly.

"This is why."

"Since I met her, she hasn't enjoyed it. We ran all the way from East County to South County, and then to Changsha County. We finally found a place to settle down. How can I let her run with me again." Ye Shikai is not in favor of bringing He Linghan together. Compared with the southern county, Changsha County is much safer. Linxiang City is also the county seat. The people have a stable mind and a peaceful society. She is very safe to stay here.

Conversely, if he followed him to Nanjun, if the warfare started, who could guarantee security, and if Ye Shikai was defeated, what would happen?

"But, wouldn't she think so?" Shang Guanjian asked, "You leave her here and go to the front to fight on your own. Wouldn't she be worried day and night in the rear, based on my understanding of her, she would be determined You head to South County. "

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