Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1577: Refutation

"I have the final say on this matter." When necessary, Ye Shikai could not let He Linghan take the lead. There was a sentence that he did not tell Shangguan Jianming that although he had suffered before, Qin Jun could not attack Nanjun, but in the latter half of the sentence, He concealed.

Obituaries could not capture Nanyang-gun.

As for the reason, just like the Qin Army was unable to capture Nanjun, the Qin Army was very strong in Nanjun. If it was to stay at work and stand by the city, the scriptures would never be taken. The storm attack would only increase the casualties. As a rational monarch, she They will not rashly attack without analyzing the situation of the two sides. If Ye Shikai does not expect, the two sides will stand deadlock at the border between the two counties for a long time.

Then, although Wenwen quickly unified the counties of Chudi, it was not so easy to go north to compete in the Central Plains.

"Well then, this is your family business, I will not mix too much."

The two chatted for a few words and then returned to camp. They had three months. They were naturally in a hurry. Instead, they were training soldiers. They were the top priority. The troops did not have combat power, and they even died in South County.

Linxiang City, the official government.

"The principal is here."

Yun Wen dressed in a Chinese suit, slowly walked to the central case, Ye Shikai stood beside the military general and looked at her silently. After knowing Yun Wen, this suit was the first time he had seen it, as the protagonist of the hegemony. Although she is a female stream, she does not lack the temperament of the king, cold and proud, she is a true "queen".

"See the principal."

"See the principal."

The "Ministers" on both sides of the mule were military commanders on one side and civil servants on the other. Ye Shikai naturally stood on the military commander's side, and because of his low seniority, he was almost at the gate of the hall.

"The obituary was told, after the autumn harvest, millions of stones were added to the counties in the south. In accordance with the order of the principal, they have been sent to the front line. In addition, the craftsmen have also built dozens of ladders and dozens of trebuchets. Ground. "An old man stepped out of the civilian side, Zuo said.

"Master Wu is in charge of all taxes, food and taxes, weapons, ordnance, and soldiers. It is really hard work."

"Thank you Lord, the old minister is willing to do everything for the granddaughter, to do his best, statistics and transportation, but it is a duty."

"The protagonist, the general will have recruited 30,000 soldiers in Ba County, Jiujiang County and other places, and has now assembled in Changsha, waiting for the dispatch of the protagonist." A military general came forward and said.

"Master, now we have occupied the seven counties of Chudi, with over 100,000 soldiers, tens of thousands of iron riders, and hundreds of soldiers. In addition, we have built dozens of warships."

"Very good."

Ye Shikai looked at it aside, without saying a word, I don't know why, he always felt that the text was looking at him from time to time. The text is now a hegemon, and there are naturally many civilians around him, such as those in the temple. The counsellors and military generals just don't know which of these people are real learners, and which ones are wine sacks and rice bags.

"Master, now, as the anti-Qin forces are rising today, there is no way to fight the Qin, the grievances have already been settled, and the complaints of the people have risen one after another. This is a great time for us to enter the so-called world trend ..."

Ye Yekai listened to a group of generals and military generals "stopping there", quite helpless and impatient. After all, this station is two hours.

"Master, we should take this opportunity to go north into the Central Plains. Since ancient times, the land of the Central Plains has been a battle between soldiers. If we can dominate the Central Plains, and then rely on the Chu land as the foundation, go east to the Hangu Pass, this is the east of Xianyang The gate. Previously, the Allied Forces of the Five Kingdoms attacked Qin together and defeated Hangu Pass. If they can occupy this pass, they can go straight ahead. "

"General Li's statement is extremely important, we should take this opportunity to join the Central Plains."

"Cut." Ye Shikai gave a cold sigh. He didn't want to argue with the generals and conspirators on the paper, but was "specially concerned" by the scriptures.

"What opinion does General Ye have?"

Xie Yeshikai cursed inwardly, what exactly did the text want.

As a person who came from modern times, Ye Shikai has never read any ancient books of war, and even "cannot understand" them.

"General Ye was originally a young Qin army general. When I heard that in Ji County, he also repelled the army of the Wolf clan and saved Meng Tian's life. Presumably, there will be good suggestions." Yun Wen hailed Ye Shikai in front of everyone. "At this moment, he could see that, but Wenwen deliberately teased him.

"I heard that General Ye Yiyi took the lead early, and the army was rigorous. I don't know what to say." A military general stood out, with a very arrogant tone and full of disdain.

"I thought Chu was so talented, but I didn't expect it to be a group of exaggerated people." Ye Shikai was not panic. Since he wanted to say, he wouldn't hesitate.


"This man is too arrogant."

"You are just the general of a defeated army. You were beaten by the Qin army and nowhere to hide. Fortunately, the protagonist accepted it, and there was no room for it. How dare you not see it."

The result was not the same. Ye Shikai had just finished speaking, and everyone in the room was angry and accused him of arrogance.

"I said you are talking about it ~ naturally there is a reason, such as ... this general ... I'm really sorry, I don't know the name of this general yet." Ye Shikai said this. It turned out that the look of that "General Li" immediately became iron blue, which was very embarrassing.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter. The general said that he would join the Central Plains. He did not know that there were more than 200,000 Qin troops in the Eight Plains of Central Plains. Many of them have experienced **** battles with the wolf tribe. As soon as he entered the Central Plains, he would soon be in danger. The Central Plains is a plain, and the battle can ride for hundreds of miles, and the danger becomes desperate in an instant. "Ye Shikai retorted, making the general difficult to refute, but he said to his lips. If you don't come out, you can't scold people, and become angry.

"Secondly, Hangu Pass is a dangerous pass. One man is in charge, the other is not open. The six-nation warrior sends hundreds of thousands of soldiers and cannot be conquered, but the general said so easily. If I guess correctly, you I'm afraid I haven't even been to Gu Guguan. "


Seeing this, Yi Ye Shikai sneered. He had previously been a general in Hanoi and East counties, and had been to Jixian County and Qindu Xianyang City. If he knew the Central Plains, no one on the scene could compare with him.

"Hum, talking on paper is useless."

"What's your opinion then?"

Ye Yekai turned to glance at the obituary. She was sitting on it, looking peaceful, as if she was "seeing a play," and her lips were faintly smiling.

"Incorporate the insurgents in various places, strengthen their strength, do not rush to capture the town, avoid the heavy soldiers of the Qin Army, and attack the weaker defense areas."

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