Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1579: no need to worry

His Majesty now has tens of thousands of brothers. If he was actually handed over to Shangguanjian, he would be a bit uneasy. It would not be that he was uneasy about Shangguanjian himself, but according to "history", I am afraid these people will eventually find it difficult to escape. Ye Shikai doesn't want this to be the end of the battle, at least, he wants to win a good ending for these brothers.

"Fu Jun, how about you going to the government today to discuss matters?" Linger stepped forward and asked.

"Haha, as soon as I got out of the horse, they still had nowhere to talk. You didn't see me on the field like" tongues fighting against Confucian Confucianists. "Ye Shikai said proudly, taking off his shirt and directly holding He Linghan into his arms.

"Fu Jun, everyone is watching it." The appearance of He Linghan's little bird was enough to impress countless men around the world. This shy look was even more pity. Ye Shikai waved his hand to signal the waiters to step down.

"Just let them."

"Okay, let me down." He Linghan lightly beat his chest. Ye Shikai then put her down. At the table, the two talked about many things, and also about the scriptures. He also got it from He Linghan. Knowing that during the period of training in his barracks, Yun Wen often went to Yefu as a guest, and every time he had to talk with He Linghan in the garden for an hour or two before returning.

Suddenly, Ye Shikai figured out some things. Today, he was “chucked” by the general's counsellors and generals in the palace. No wonder these "elders" didn't become furious. It turns out that there is He Linghan's reason. Ye Wen frequently visits Yefu. These important officials naturally understand that the relationship between Lu Wen and Ye Shikai is unusual, so they have been "uncle", but it is not easy to tear their faces.

"Father, do you have any plans next?"

"Cough, there is no plan, just training and preparing for war. Qin Jun was busy suppressing the insurgents in the Central Plains. There was no time to go south. We just used this time." Ye Shikai was asked about this topic, and suddenly felt a guilty conscience and covered with a cough. A moment.

He hesitated for a long time. He didn't say the military order of Yun Wen. The words had just reached his mouth, and he couldn't speak again. He was worried that after speaking, He Linghan would insist on going with him to Nanjun.

He didn't want to answer yet.

“Fu Jun, but 芈 girl said to me, how long will you be going to South County?” He Linghan said suddenly, Ye Shikai's mind was startled, and his mind was like a thunderous explosion, blank.

Ye Wen told this matter directly to He Linghan, Ye Shikai suddenly felt a burst of anger. Ye Wen must have expected that he could not speak, so he directly told this to He Linghan, so that she could prepare herself psychologically, and then cut it first. Twice.

"I'll let you know." Ye Shikai picked up the chopsticks on the ground and murmured.

"Father, in fact, you don't need to hide this from me. As a general, it's quite normal to go out for a mission."

"Linger, since you and I became married, I haven't let you live a stable life. Now Linxiang City is safe, but I'm afraid I will inevitably have a **** battle this time in South County. ... Well, how can I rest assured of you. "Ye Shikai sighed and drank the wine in his glass. The burning sensation in his throat and chest made his heart less painful ...

既然 "That being the case, I'll accompany you to South County."

"Absolutely not possible." Ye Shikai shouted excitedly, throwing the wine glass to the ground and shattered, He Linghan was startled by his actions.

"If the war reaches Nanjun County, you will be in danger of death. In any case, you must not leave Linxiang City." Ye Shikai was so excited that she even roared.

"But ..."

"No, but Linger, you have to listen to me about this."

"Well, I listen to you." He Linghan was silent for a long time, slowly stood up, and came to Ye Shikai. "I promise you, but ... I have a request, too."

"Of course, you can say it."

"I want you to return to Linxiang City alive. At that time, I will meet you at the city entrance."

"Okay, I promise you." Ye Shikai took her into her arms and hugged her tightly, unwilling to separate.

"The battlefield is changeable. Although you are a general, you must also pay attention to safety. I know your ambition. You want to save the world, and I do n’t stop you, but you also have to remember that you are the savior of the world. He is also my husband. "

"Linger, in this case, I will tell you some more secrets." Ye Shikai smiled slightly, stretched out his palm, facing the rockery in the garden.

"What's wrong?" He Linghan asked curiously.

"You pay attention."

Suddenly, Ye Shikai shook the palm of his hand, and the rockery exploded, as if explosives had exploded inside. The gravel fell into the pond. The huge movement attracted the guards outside the door.

"Sir, what happened?"

"It's okay, you all back down."



Ye Yekai waved his hand and motioned for everyone to retreat.

"This ... what is this." He Linghan looked at Ye Shikai in horror, as if he was looking at a "monster". This is also natural. In the eyes of ordinary people, practitioners can fly through the eaves and walk around. This has identified ordinary people. But the practice masters like Ye Shikai ~ ~ are enough to "knead" the boulders more than ten meters away into powder.

"Linger, you don't have to panic. This is internal force." Ye Shikai put her hand on her shoulder and passed a burst of internal force into her body. Instantly, He Linghan felt that the whole body was full of energy. The originally weak body seemed to have suddenly improved. .

"In this world, ordinary people can practice through the secret recipes. Once the internal force is cultivated, they are regarded as practitioners."

"Cultivation ... Cultivator, what is this?" He Linghan asked curiously.

"You will know this in the future. In popular terms, it is the" capable person and stranger "in the mouth of the people." Ye Shikai made an analogy. The internal force of a practitioner can let people break through the limits of the body and pass some methods of cultivation. You can learn mysteries, such as swordsmanship, swordsmanship, or fire control, or even manipulating the mind and mind.

"How could this be." He Linghan took a long time to accept the "concept" of the practitioner. If she did not believe Ye Shikai, she would have fled screaming.

"Why are you telling me now?" He Linghan asked.

"Before my Dantian was destroyed, my internal strength was lost, and it was no different from ordinary people, so I concealed this matter. Under the ambiguity, the energy of the East County Meteor even repaired my Dantian. This is a secret. I originally wanted to find a suitable opportunity to tell you again. "Ye Shikai was anxious to explain all of this. There is only one purpose, to prove to He Linghan that he is a practitioner, not an ordinary person. In other words, it is difficult for ordinary people to hurt He, in the future, he went to the South County to battle the battlefield. He Linghan did not have to worry about his safety in Linxiang.

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