Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1580: Wrong decision

Ye Yekai is unclear whether He Linghan understands the "concept" of the practitioner. He can only hope that this secret can make her feel better.

"Actually, if it wasn't for the meteor that helped me to recover my internal strength, I would have died in the East County with the 5,000 brothers that day." Ye Shikai sighed, the scenes of the battle in the East County flashed in his mind This was the most violent battle since he came to the Qin Dynasty. All the 5,000 brothers he led personally died without any surviving. At that time, he felt that he would surely die, but Heaven seemed to have opened a battle with him. Joking, instead of letting him die, he let him recover his internal strength and bear everything alone.

"Promise me not to be in danger again next time, okay." Although He Linghan had not seen it in person, she also imagined how dangerous the scene was at that time, surrounded by 50,000 or 60,000 people, even practitioners, I'm afraid it will be surprised by this posture.

"Do not worry."

The two hugged each other for a long time without separation. It is really difficult to live peacefully in troubled times ...

That night, He Linghan entangled Ye Shikai and carefully explained to her the process of fighting in East County that day. It can be seen that although things have passed, she still has a lot of fear, and almost, she is about to become a "widow". Ye Shikai tries her best She downplayed some of the **** and dangerous pictures, but she still heard the horror. When talking about the key battles, she still clenched Ye Shikai's arm tightly and refused to release it.

Speaking of which, Ye Shikai did not act decisively. He was still indecisive in front of major events. At that time, Han Hao told the emperor's secret order before he assembled the army. At that time, the 90,000 troops in the two counties had not assembled. Being able to preemptively preempt and uprising early can not only save these 120,000 people easily, but also avoid many casualties.

Ye Yekai pinned all his hopes on persuading him, hoping that he could not move the sword, but as the general, he did not see through the essence of Han Hao. No matter who persuaded him, he would definitely execute the emperor's secret order and seek skin with the tiger, which was destined to be a futility.

For the past two months, Ye Shikai spent most of his time with He Linghan at home. Among the barracks were Shang Guanjian, Mancang, Wan Jiyuan and others who trained soldiers, recruited horses, and expanded their military strength. He was not worried.


"You're a dignified hero, don't let me go to the government to find you, what did you call me here?" Ye Shikai sipped tea, and Lu Wen rushed to recall him directly from the barracks to Linxiang City, but did not call him To Guanfu, but this Linxiang City's most famous teahouse.

"Have you forgotten, we used to ... but often met in the teahouse to talk about things." When the Wenwen was finished, the two looked at each other and smiled. At that time, the two were friends and could speak freely, but now they are The monarch and perhaps Wen Wen also felt that Ye Shikai began to drift away from her, so coming to a relaxing place helped the two to open the "talk box".

"Okay, what do you do, say it."

"How many people are there in your Majesty?" 芈 Wen asked.

"About ... twenty thousand people, you should know, Shangguanjian already reported."

"How about the training?"

"It's okay. It's okay to fight. Some of the sergeants' things cannot be trained in the barracks. They have to go to the battlefield in person, for example, murderousness and guts." Ye Shikai made a rough assessment, and the soldiers were easy to train. But if they want to become real combat power, they have not been baptized on the battlefield. After all, they are just a group of recruits.

"It won't be long before you are going to South County, and today I am looking for you, just to tell you, to prepare you mentally."

"Well, I expected it." Ye Shikai nodded, he had long thought about it, two months passed before he blinked, and in March

The leap was approaching, and he was always thinking about when he would set off. He expected and did not want this day to come so soon.

"So, don't you want to stay at home with He girl." 芈 Wen asked.

"Well, of course I think, but you may not agree, let alone, as a general, if you resign at this time, the military hearts of these recruits will be completely dispersed." Ye Shikai said faintly, he knew the scriptures He was tempting him, but it was not necessary at all.

"Okay, now that you're ready, let's talk about the next thing." Yunwen Huafeng turned around. "This time I went to Nanjun to resist the southward movement of Qin Jun. It's a big deal, so I have to personally Go and command the battle. "

"It's up to you." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"Are you so indifferent?" 芈 Wen was a little displeased with his attitude and asked coldly.

"Oh, of course. If the protagonist goes to Nam-gun in person, I think the soldiers will go forward bravely." Ye Shikai had nothing to say. He had long thought that the protagonist who would like to take care of himself, how could it be Miss this battle.

"In addition, I have already decided. After half a year, I will personally lead the 100,000 army and conquer Nanyang County."


For a moment, Ye Shikai, who was just so calm, couldn't sit still ~ ~ stood up sharply.

"The Nanyang County has a heavy army of the Qin Army, and the North Plains of the Nanyang County is the Central Plains. The Qin Army will constantly come there to support it." Ye Shikai said excitedly. In this case, let alone the scriptures bring 100,000 troops, even if they change Cheng Mengtian led a 100,000 army, and I am afraid that he will lose more than win.

"Are you crazy."

"Of course not. I have thought about it for a long time. Now the Central Plains is in chaos. If I miss this opportunity, everything I did before will be lost. As long as the Central Plains is still in the hands of the court, even if we have captured the land of Shu and Hanzhong, we will not be able to. In contrast, this opportunity is too precious, and the fighter jet is fleeting, "Yun Wen explained.

"It's impossible, if you really do that, you will lose tens of thousands of sergeants for nothing ..."

"Stop." Su Wen cried suddenly, interrupting Ye Shikai's words.

"If the Central Plains Uprising is suppressed by Qin Jun, it will be a failure. My heart is determined and it is impossible to change it."

"The Qin Army cannot suppress the Central Plains insurgents."

"Why do you say that?" Ji Wen countered, Ye Shikai was dumb for a while, and he couldn't say it was "history."

"芈 文, calm down, please believe me, don't be so impulsive."

"I'm not impulsive. Instead, I'm calm now."


Ye Wen is very irrational now. With Ye Shikai's understanding of her, such a calm person should not blindly order to attack Nanyang County.

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