Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1581: Ambition


Xie Yeshikai saw the ambition from the eyes of Yun Wen.

Behind her ambition is anxiety and can't wait. She wants to rebuild Chu country too much. It can be said that longing for people. Once a person desires to do something or desire something, it will inevitably affect judgment. The obituary is I really want to overthrow the violent Qin. The Central Plains rebels are now around. In her eyes, this is an opportunity. She doesn't want to just miss it. In fact, she also predicted whether the Central Plains rebels will be suppressed by the Qin Army. Even if the possibility of suppression is only one in 10,000, she would rather believe that Qin Jun is capable of suppression.

Because she is very clear about one thing, if the Central Plains Uprising is suppressed, this army of soldiers, human beings, and taxes will again be mastered by the court, and she will undoubtedly lose, then all the advantages obtained before will be vanished.

She can't afford to lose.

In order to rebuild Chu, she took a gamble. If she wins, she will conquer the Central Plains and achieve dominance. If she loses, even Chu Di will not be guaranteed.

"For the great cause of the Chu Kingdom, I hesitate to fight for it." Lu Wen said firmly, she was caught in the "heart demon", perhaps, her pressure was too great, what was the Chu Kingdom once huge, now the burden of reconstruction But to fall on a woman in her twenties, Ye Shikai had never thought about it before, but now he can feel the pressure in Yu Wen's heart.

"But with your order, more than 100,000 brothers will go into battle and tens of thousands of lives ..."

"Enough, don't you know that as a general, someone will be killed as soon as the war begins, how can it be possible that the war will not die?" Lu Wen shouted loudly, her mood was very unstable.

"As long as you answer me, do you want to lead the team, if you don't want to, leave me immediately and go home."

所以 "So, do you have to send troops?" Ye Shikai didn't panic, he behaved calmly, and his tone was even more frightening.

"Of course, I am here to swear ..."

"OK, you don't need to say anything." Ye Shikai interrupted her.

既然 "Since you have made up your mind, I will definitely help you." After the words were finished, Ye Shikai turned and left.

On the way back to the barracks, Ye Shikai had a lot of thoughts, and the conversation broke up again. He thought that he could persuade Yunwen, but things went against him. After this conversation, perhaps Wenwen would attack Nanyang County earlier.

A military order from Yiwen will enable two or three hundred thousand people on both sides to kill more than a month. It is really scary to think about it. After this war, I do n’t know how many people will destroy their homes.

I thought about it, maybe this is history, irreversible. Even if Ye Shikai deliberately confronts it, the progress of history will not change.

A modern man who crossed here can be said to be a “prophet”. Even if he really wanted to help the 芈 文 to rebuild Chu, and even to break these “natural opportunities”, the future emperor would not be her.

Ye Yekai knew that Wen Wen's ambitions could not be realized, but because of emotional factors, he was even more reluctant to tell him this result himself.


"You guys, I just got the military order of the lord. It won't be long before we leave for Nanjun, where we will fight against the Qin army in Nanyang county." Ye Shikai, the commander of the army, came to him. In the camp, let everyone know the news.

什么 "What, it's time to fight."


Everyone talked a lot. Some people were excited and anticipating, some were curious and asking, but no one dreaded and shrank, which made Ye Shikai very pleased.

"Many of you have just joined the army and have not yet experienced the battle. This time to go to South County is a good opportunity. In addition, this is also a good opportunity for you to build your career."

When Ye Shikai first arrived in Changsha, including the pro-guards, the sergeants in his hand were only six or seven thousand, and one thousand were Hou Ganxian's men and horses. They were just ordinary robbers, and their fighting power was not as good as the insurgents. Now, His Majesty has an army of 20,000, two-thirds of whom are new recruits who have just joined the army. The real combat power, even Ye Shikai himself, is not clear.

"Listen to the command of the general."

"Listen to the command of the general."

"From tomorrow on, the army's training will all stop, and preparations for the expedition will begin. Grain, ordnance, heavy weight, all must not fall. Local sergeants ... can go home to visit and say goodbye to their elders at home. One week later, the army set off. Ye Shikai commanded.




There is Shang Guanjian in the puppet army camp. Ye Shikai does not have to worry too much. The army is about to set off. He also has his own business.

Loquat Leaf House.

"Linger, it ’s like cooking rice, leave it to the subordinates. If the food they cook doesn't suit your appetite, I'll go to the restaurant to bring in a few chefs." Ye Shikai said lightly, these days, He Linghandu She is very attentive and cooks herself every day. Ye Shikai returns home, and she is more considerate.

"Fu Jun returned to the house, as a wife, I can't afford to neglect." He Linghan was very stubborn ~ ~ went to the table until Ye Shikai moved chopsticks, she began to sit down and eat.

"Linger, why don't you move the chopsticks, the food is going to be cold." Ye Shikai saw He Linghan's heart-feeling, his heart sank suddenly, and there was a kind of bad premonition.

"Fu Jun, today I listened to people chatting, saying that now the people in the city are rumors, that various military camps outside the city are beginning to mobilize soldiers and horses, saying that it is ... it is necessary to use troops to the north. Is this true?

Sure enough, gossip and gossip spread quickly, both in modern times and in ancient times, and gossip is even more of a topic in the mouths of ordinary people.

The military order of Yunwen has just been issued, and the generals of the battalions have just ordered to prepare for the expedition. All the people in the city know it. It may be too fast.

"Linger, they're right, three months time is coming, and I'm going to go in another week." Ye Shikai didn't conceal it, she won't say now, she will know after one week.

"Really." He Linghan slowly lowered her head, she did not want Ye Shikai to see her expression at the moment.

"Linger, don't you have to worry about it so much, don't I say that, but I am a cultivator. At first, 50,000 to 60,000 people couldn't help me, let alone now." Ye Shikai relieved.

"But I'm still very worried. You say that the practitioners are very powerful, but if there are practitioners in Qin Jun, and if they want to assassinate you, what should they do?" He Linghan asked.

"In the past, there were many people who wanted to assassinate me, but their end was all dead. I am not an ordinary person. They cannot be hurt, and they cannot be killed."

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