Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1583: Wuxian

The next day, noon.

"Lao Ye, why didn't Girl He come." Shangguanjian asked. Many people surrounded him outside the barracks to see off the army. Linxiang City was thirty miles away from the barracks, but the people came No fewer than 10,000 people can fully see their expectations. In addition, Huo Ziqing's 30,000 soldiers and horses stationed in the city must also set off together. The city's farewell scene must be very lively.

"I told her not to come. Since we must leave, wouldn't it make her more sad to have her come, I would have told her all last night if I were to be ordered." Ye Shikai explained.

"Okay, don't worry, it won't be long before we will come back."

"You're right, not only you and me, our 20,000 brethren, they all have a family behind them. If there is one less brother to die, there will be one less tragedy. Shangguan, we as generals, any wrong The decision will put all the brothers in the army to death. "Ye Shikai has a heavy tone, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

"Lao Ye, you are right, but the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and which general in the world is invincible."

"No general can win every battle, and we have never been defeated." Ye Shikai teased. He came from the modern era and knew the future development trend, but could not predict his own destiny. In the overall situation, he was too It is too small to write into history.

"Well, but this time is different. Last time in Dongjun, we only had 15,000 brothers, facing 90,000 Qin Army. Now, our Majesty alone has 20,000, plus General Huo's men. There are also hundreds of thousands of troops in the south county. If the army comes out of the nest, the Qin army in Nanyang County will be insufferable. "Shang Guanjian said excitedly.

"The Qin Army in Nanyang County can't take it anymore, but there can be a Central Plains behind Nanyang, Shangguan, you and I have all come from Central Plains. It should be very clear how many troops there are." Speaking of this, Ye Shikai's face suddenly gloomed , Slowly sitting on the ground, watching the 20,000 brothers marching north in front.

The Qin Army in the Central Plains together is more than 200,000, and they are well equipped. Once they go south and enter Nanyang County, the more than 100,000 insurgents are more ferocious, at least ... the heavy losses cannot be avoided. of.

"Lao Ye, what do you think is the chance of winning the attack on Nanyang County?" Shang Guanjian also looked dignified, suddenly turned and asked.

"If we more than 100,000 people can conquer Nanyang in one month, the odds are 70%. If within two months, the odds are 50-50, if ..."

"If anything, two months later." Shang Guanjian asked afterwards.

"If we can't defeat Nanyang within two months, then we have no chance of winning and we should consider how to retreat south." Ye Shikai said lightly.


"Once the hero starts fighting in Nanyang County, within five days, Feiqi will send the news to Xianyang City, and then the Qin Emperor will definitely order the Central Plains counties to help. We have stayed in Dong County and Hanoi County. The assembly is only one month. Therefore, after a full fight and two months, the Central Plains counties will definitely send troops. In the face of a large number of Qin Army, we will immediately fall into a passive state. In addition, we are the attacking party and there is no solid city defense. Qin Jun went south to help, and we immediately fell into a passive situation. "Ye Shikai's analysis was reasonable and simple, and Shang Guanjian understood what he meant.

所以 "So we must make a quick decision."

"This is the safest method of warfare, but unfortunately, you and I are not commanders, but generals of an army." Ye Shikai sighed.

"Lao Ye, what would you do if you were the protagonist." Shang Guanjian asked.

"Oh, then I will withdraw immediately, attacking the Central Plains itself is the next best thing. All the plans you and I have said now are helpless."


After 25 days.

Yan Yeshikai led the army to Wuxian in accordance with the military order of Yunwen. This is a very nice place with dense forests and mountains and rivers. If you do not fight, it should be a good paradise.

"Lao Ye, why didn't the principal let us come here, wouldn't we go to Jiangling." Shangguanjian asked.

"Don't underestimate Wuxian County. Although this is just a small county, its geographical location is very important."

"It's very important, how to say this."

"If the Qin Army of Nanyang County wanted to go south, if they did not occupy this Wuxian, they would never dare to march." Ye Shikai explained, "Look at this map, Wuxian is one hundred and twenty miles northwest of Jiangling. There is a plain between the land and Chongshan Mountain in the north of Wuxian County. The Qin Army cannot go over, so they can only come from the west. "

Ye Shikai points to the map. If the Qin Army disregards the Wuxian Insurrection Army, but the army enters the hinterland of the South County and takes Jiangling, then once the war is stuck, Ye Shikai will lead the army from Wuxian, go down to the southeast, and give to Qin The army's fatal blow, if the commander-in-chief of the Qin Army read a little bit of military art, he would not commit such a taboo.

"That's the case, now I understand. It's no wonder that a small county like this has to send 20,000 troops." Shang Guanjian nodded, but Ye Shikai was buried in this map, and the scriptures were by no means mediocre, or even shrewd. Ren ~ ~ If she directs the battle, the formation of troops should be roughly the same as Ye Shikai's plan.

"Nanjun is a plain, so it is easy to gather troops and horses. If the Qin Army goes south, we can quickly meet the enemy. If we go for the Northern Expedition, we can gather for a short time and attack quickly. We will be caught off guard by the Nanyang Qin Army. We are all good. "

The soldiers and horses did not move, and the grain and grass were the first. This time, Wen Wen had to take the initiative to go north. Then, before the war, a lot of grains and ordnance would be sent to the front line.

"Where will she arrange it?" Ye Shikai looked at the map, thinking hard.

"Reported the two generals, the main man arrived, just outside the barracks." Suddenly, a sergeant came in to report.

什么 "What, hurry out and meet."


Ye Yekai and Shang Guanjian were both shocked. Unexpectedly, Wen Wen would suddenly arrive. According to the plan, as a coach, she should sit in the town of Jiangling City and command the battalions and men. How could she come to Wuxian County?

"See the principal." Ye Shikai said to 揖, and the text smiled slightly, expressing a response.

怎么 "Why, don't you invite me in for a cup of tea first."

"Master please."

Camp account.

"You are not in Jiangling City, why are you in Wuxian County?" Ye Shikai asked curiously.

"Wuxian is the main battle site, I'm not assured, of course, come and take a look." 芈 Wen continued, "I already have a plan to stockpile the ordnance of Northern Expedition in Wuxian."

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