Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1584: Sneak attack on bamboo forest

Ye Shikai and Shang Guanjian looked at each other, and just now wondering where Yun Wen would place the base of supply logistics. It never occurred to her that she chose the location in Wuxian, but this is not surprising. The north of Wuxian County is a mountain, and it is impossible for the Qin army to sneak up over the mountain, and it is close to the junction of the two counties, which is convenient for transportation.

所以 "So, you want me to be the captain of the transportation brigade." Ye Shikai teased.

"Of course not. I know what you are capable of. If you are only responsible for transporting grain and ordnance, wouldn't it be an overkill." Lu Wen stepped forward, stretched his head and whispered in Ye Shikai's ear, this posture was somewhat "ambiguous" , Shangguanjian coughed twice and turned his head away from looking.

"Logistical supplies are by no means a trivial matter. If the brothers in front can't eat enough and don't have warm clothes, who can still fight?" Ye Shikai waved his hands. Once the double anti-war, there will be no less than 2300,000 people, just an uprising. There are more than 100,000 people in the army. How much food will be eaten every day. If there is no food, more than 100,000 people will fall apart.

Especially in the era of cold weapons, the more people there are, the greater the chance of victory, but the premise of being able to command so many troops is to have sufficient logistical support.

The meaning of the scriptures is not to despise the importance of logistics, but Ye Shikai is a general with a commanding force. He should command the army to attack. As for the logistics, give it to other generals.

"Food and ordnance will be transported to Wuxian one after another. You need to pay attention."

"Of course." Ye Shikai nodded.

"By the way, now that tens of thousands of troops have arrived in South County, when will we act." Ye Shikai asked. As of now, 只是 Wen has only ordered him to lead his army to Wuxian without further instructions.

"Don't worry, I expect that most of the grain will be delivered to Wuxian in three days. After that, I will let you know to come to Jiangling to see the meeting. You will stay here for a few days and help me guard These grain ordnance. "

"no problem."


"The mountains and rivers here are really a scenic spot." Lu Wen and Ye Shikai came to the mountain next to Wuxian. The spring water flowed down from the mountain.

"Unfortunately, this place may soon be destroyed by the flames of war." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"The flames of war may destroy these landscapes, but it won't take 20 years, and it will return to its original state. Only by long-term peace and stability, this landscape can last for millennia.

The meaning of the obituary's words is that fighting for twenty years is worse than continuing the war indefinitely, and the pain is worse than short pain.

"You and me." 芈 Wen said softly.

喂 "Hello, where are you taking me?"

Ye Wen took Ye Shikai to a bamboo forest. No one was nearby. A cool breeze blew through the bamboo forest, and the bamboo forest made a rustle.

"What's wrong, do you have anything to say?" Ye Shikai asked back.

"The battle has not yet begun, and we still have free time, how about we make two strokes." Yan Wen has a palm in his hand, and in the blink of an eye, a sword is already in his hand, and the two are a dozen steps away, but Ye Shikai already feels A powerful energy, it is clear that this is a famous sword.

"you sure."

"Of course, the last time you defeated my guards, but it does not mean that I agree with your strength." Wu Wen still hesitated to see Ye Shikai, then the words turned "Reassure, this time is really the end, absolutely Won't hurt you. "

"Well then, I'll play with you."

Ye Yekai took out the metal sword from the storage ring, and Ji Wen jumped forward, and a sword stabbed. Ye Shikai stepped back, raised his hand and waved the sword, and resolved the sword's sword.

"It really is a famous sword."

As soon as the two swords touched, Ye Shikai felt a tremendous energy, and the whole arm was shaking.

"What's wrong, isn't this going to work?"

"Haha, I'm afraid I'm really going to start, you will lose a lot." Ye Shikai laughed.

"Okay, then I'll see how much skill you have, just be aggressive."

"Then you are optimistic." Ye Shikai runs "Inner Nerve", which is a cheat from Xiang ,. He can greatly increase his internal force in a short time, so that he can make a quick decision and defeat the opponent.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Shikai suddenly disappeared in situ, and Pan Wen panicked, and instinctively made a block.

"Take the move."


After just one fight, Wu Wen felt this powerful energy. Ye Shikai's speed of movement was far faster than her imagination, so that she was not prepared at all for a split second, and was stunned in a hurry, taking a few steps back, Suddenly, she felt a big hand on her waist.

"Who is it?" 芈 Wen shouted, turned and waved his sword, but emptied.

"you lose."

There was a faint voice in her ear, and Wen Wen looked down and saw that the sharp sword had been placed on his neck, and Ye Shikai appeared behind her like a ghost.

"How about, so far, you lose now." Ye Shikai put away the long sword, this move should be considered a "sneak attack", completely dependent on speed, when the opponent has not yet responded ~ ~ Quickly approach, one trick "solve".

"Yes, it really has some skills, such a fast manner, it is really rare." Wen Wen was not angry, but patted his palm, smiling slightly.

"You are also very strong." Ye Shikai also exaggerated the obituary. If he fights hard, he may not be an opponent, unless ... he takes You Xijian or Hades as weapons, but both weapons are "kill Device ", must not be used until the most dangerous moment.

怎么 样 "How are we going to fight?" Ye Shikai asked in turn.

"Okay, come again."

"Not good." Ye Shikai's face changed suddenly, a flash of his body, and rushed directly to the text.



Yi Wen turned her head, Ye Shikai had already reached behind her, and on the ground there was a body of a man in black.

"What's going on." 芈 Wen couldn't help but be shocked when he saw the scene in front of him.

"It seems that there are assassins. He is also a practitioner in such a fast manner." Ye Shikai wiped the blood on his sword, and his face was cold and cold. This bamboo forest is inaccessible, and practitioners are uncommon. The only possibility here is to assassinate obituaries.

"Be careful, someone is here to assassinate you." Ye Shikai guarded Wen Wen in a cold voice, and Wen Wen also realized the crisis. The two were back to back. Around this bamboo forest, many people were staring in the dark. At them.

"There is too much fog in the bamboo forest, so be careful."

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