Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1585: Tight time

The fog hits, even more terrifying, is the murder after the fog.


"Be careful."

Hey, hey, hey.

Countless arrows shot from all directions. The arrows were raining and the speed was very fast. Ye Shikai took a robe out of the storage ring, holding the thin waist of the scriptures with one hand, turning the robe with one hand, turning it vigorously, turning The arrows that came in were stopped, their bodies were lowered, and the two fell to the ground.

I am so ambitious.

"How are you?" Ye Shikai asked immediately, only then realized that he almost put the 芈 text into his arms and subconsciously "pushed her" away.


"Relax, I'm okay." 芈 Wen didn't panic. Now the two were lying in the grass, the assassins suddenly lost their targets, and the arrows stopped.

"Who the **** are these people?" 芈 Wen asked.

"I am not sure as well."

"Although I don't know who it is, it must have come against me." 芈 Wen said coldly.

"Not necessarily." Ye Shikai thought for a while. Although Lu Wen was the leader of the insurgent army, he must also be "notorious" in the court. After all, he was a general of the Qin army before the "world". His face was openly rebellious, and the court would never let him go.

No matter who the assassins' goal is, Ye Shikai will not let them succeed.

"We can't find the position of the assassins now, nor can they find us. Wuxian is our territory after all. As long as we keep it, it won't be long before the big troops will come, and they will definitely retreat." Ye Shikai analyzed This is the safest method, but it can take a lot of time.

"I can't wait that long." Yu Wen directly refused. With her personality, she was suppressed by her assassin on her own site and did not dare to look up. This is really detrimental to the majesty. The two have different positions. Nature is important.

"What do you want to do then?"

"Of course it is to kill out. There are our troops outside the bamboo forest. After I go out, we must send someone to smash these assassins into pieces." 愠 Wen's face was dark, and she could see that she was really angry.

"Well, I protect you." Ye Shikai nodded.

"Run out together."

Three, two, one.

The two of them suddenly stood up, moved around, turned into two phantoms, and ran towards the bamboo forest exit. At the same time, arrows in all directions

Hey, hey, hey.

"Be careful."

Ye Yekai's internal forces were running, blocking the flying arrows from space. The two were so fast, and these assassins could grasp the gap and put their arrows, and they were extremely accurate, which shows the accuracy of their arrows.

"Some people are on the left." Suddenly, Ye Wen shouted, and five or six assassins rushed out of the mist, and rushed towards the two with a long knife. He did not say much, and went directly to assassinate one person. Ye Shikai was afraid of her accident. You can only protect yourself. The assassins are fierce and quick. The targets are the key points. If you want to kill ordinary people, it is easy, but their target this time is two masters of cultivation.

"Kill them."

The leading assassin shouted softly, Ye Shikai rushed forward violently, sealed his sword with a sword, and then turned and wielded the sword, stabbing another assassin, and Yiwen also took out his real strength. Excellent swordsmanship easily parryed two or three assassins , Not only was not injured, but also killed all the assassins.



At the same time, assassins from all sides swarmed up, trying to kill two people with the advantage of numbers.

"芈 文, go with me." Ye Shikai worried about the accident and took her hand toward the bamboo forest.

"Fire Element."

Ye Yekai turned around and gathered a large fireball in the palm of the fire element, throwing it towards the assassin at the rear.


"Come on, hurry."

This is a bamboo forest. Although it is foggy, he is still worried about causing a fire, so he doesn't dare to use too much power, otherwise, if he exhausts his power, it will be enough to cause a sky-fire.

Before the two of them ran out of the bamboo forest, the guards around Yunwen had heard the movement and rushed in.

"Protect the protagonist."

"Protect the protagonist."

"The guard listens to the order and chases down the assassin, don't let one go." 芈 Wen ordered.



The Wei guards rushed into the forest immediately, while Ye Shikai took the remaining guards to protect the script and walked out of the bamboo forest.


After an hour.

"Assassin has caught it." In Wuxian County Mansion, 芈 文 has a gloomy face. This kind of thing happened, which naturally damaged her "face".

"Going back to the Lord, the fog is thick in the bamboo forest, and the visibility is very low. Those assassins are cultivators. When they see the situation is not good, they retreat from all directions, their subordinates ... incompetent, did not catch them."

"Hum, waste, come back." 芈 Wen shouted loudly, the guard commander replied, and quickly left.

"This kind of thing happened, it's not your subordinates' mistakes. With the ability of the practitioners, the mountains and the earth are like flat ground, and there is heavy fog in the bamboo forest. If they retreat, let alone your guards, then Even I may not be able to catch them. "Ye Shikai stepped forward to comfort.

"Relax, I'm not the kind of person who is motivated. These assassins are small 喽 啰, just run away." Wenwen waved his hand. "I'm just curious, who sent the assassin to assassinate me."

"I think 80% are still people of the imperial court." Ye Shikai analyzed ~ ~ As far as the current trend is concerned, the number one opponent of the scriptures is the court, although among other forces, there may also be scripture's enemies. But now, after all, they are going to fight the Qin together. They should not be assassinated by hand, so the biggest possibility is the court.

"Can it be said that our actions have been discovered in Nanyang County?" 芈 Wen asked in turn, the Northern Expedition was about to begin, and more than 100,000 troops were in Nan County. Starting

"I think they already know that the transfer of the army is a big thing, and there must be many spies from the Qin Army in the South County. It is impossible to not expose it."

Once Qin Jun discovers the intent of the insurgents, they will never be indifferent, they will definitely gather troops in the county, and they will ask for help in the Central Plains counties.

"No, two days later, the army will go to the Northern Expedition." 芈 Wen realized that time was important to her, said firmly. First https: // https: //

"Yiwen, are you sure you want to go north to Nanyang County?" Ye Shikai asked back, at the moment of battle, the most taboo is indecisive, but Ye Shikai still wanted to make Yiwen change his mind. If the operation is cancelled now, everything will be too late. The Qin Army did not have enough military power and would never go south for conquest.

"Of course, I am determined and never change."

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