Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1591: Decision disagreement

"Yiwen, I understand what you think. A large number of Qin Army in Central Plains have not yet started to gather. In Nanyang County alone, it is at most 70,000 or 80,000 Qin Army. This time they assembled 50,000 troops by Zhao He. You want to You must wipe them out in one go, and then go all out in Nanyang, right? "Ye Shikai asked in return.

"Isn't that what you said. Within a month, if we couldn't win Nanyang, we would lose."

"But if we are in a hurry, there is no need to wait for Qin Jun's reinforcements to go south, we have already lost." Ye Shikai shook his head.

"Then you talk about it, is there any way."

"Let me ask you first, what is the commander-in-chief of Qin Jun in Nanyang."

"Zheng Lang, I have investigated, he can be average, very mediocre, but someone in the family is a court minister, he also became a general in Nanyang, and over the years has also killed several groups of insurgents. He was the number one commander in the Weifu House in Nanyang County. "Lu Wen said coldly." In the final analysis, he is just a son of a sister-in-law. He has tens of thousands of soldiers and horses to wipe out hundreds of insurgents who have trouble even having weapons. You can win when the pig comes to command. "

"This is a factor that is good for us." A good commander can take advantage of the inferior soldiers to face the enemy several times, and vice versa, Ye Shikai heard the Wen Wen's evaluation of Zheng Lang, it is a little easier.

"Closer to home, since you are against me and Zheng Lang, is there any other way?"

"It's a coincidence that when I drank tea, I suddenly thought of a way." Ye Shikai took a sip of the hot tea in front of him, looking relaxed.

"Come on, what can I do?"

"Have you seen this river?"

"Nonsense, we are on this river now." Yun Wen fluttered his eyes and mumbled.

"This river is dozens of feet wide. Although it is not a big river, it is absolutely no problem if you use a ferry to transport troops." Ye Shikai continued, "This river can go directly to Wancheng, and more importantly, it can avoid many people in the middle. City defenders. "

"You mean ... assault Wancheng." Yu Wen tentatively asked.


"This is by no means impossible. I have been to Wancheng myself. The walls are tall and sturdy, and it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Even if tens of thousands of siege forces attack, it may not be possible to beat them down." Yun Wen directly rejected this plan. Listening is simply taking risks, or rather, "gambling".

"If your plan fails, you and your men will fall into siege and the whole army will be lost."

"It was before, but it ’s different now. The Qin army in Nanyang has assembled. There must not be a lot of defenders in Wancheng. I estimate that there are at most a few thousand, and there must be temporary young adults. The regular army has set out. Shou natural will recruit strong men to defend the city. "

"Wancheng is where the county government is located, and the county guard house is also there. If it can be captured in one fell swoop, the entire Qin Army in Nanyang will be without a leader, and we will be able to capture Nanyang within a month."

"No, I don't agree." Yun Wen's tone was firm and he refused directly.

"I would rather have a decisive battle with the Qin Army first, consume their strength, and then attack the city one village at a time. I would not choose such a risky way." Yu Wen said in a cold voice, "Isn't it a death to attack the city."

"The difference between sending death and surprise soldiers lies in the feasibility of the plan. Actually, I don't have enough confidence to succeed, but now, this is the most suitable strategy I think."

"I will consider your plan." After Wen Wen said, he got up and poured him a cup of hot tea.

"Okay, let's talk about business here, every time you and I meet, it doesn't seem to be blushing, and this time we drink tea in peace, how about it." Wu Wenqiang squeezed a smile, although Ye Shikai said in his mouth. Agree, but both of them have a lot of heart. How can this leisurely drink tea.


Deng County.

After returning to the county seat, Ye Shikai's mind kept thinking about the words of Yun Wen. The map on the table had been altered by him to be "unrecognizable." He sent a force to bypass the Qin Army from the waterway and arrived in Wancheng. It was indeed an adventure.

"What are you thinking about?" At this time, the voice of Soul Calibur suddenly sounded.

"Of course it is a battle."

"It's just a group of ordinary people poking each other with wooden sticks. What do you want to think about? Since you are a practitioner, you should think more about the practitioners." Sword soul's tone was very disdainful. He seemed to the ordinary people Life and death are indifferent.

"Of course, you think of yourself as a god, and of course you don't care about the lives of ordinary people, but you ignore human emotions."

"I'm not as cold-blooded as you said, but those people are not related to me, of course I don't care, but you, if you die, then I will die in a sense."

"Just rest assured, I'm not so easy to die." Ye Shikai teased.

"Lao Ye, what are you looking at?" Suddenly, Shang Guanjian walked in from outside, looking at the map on the table with a doubt in his face.

"Nothing." Ye Shikai does not plan to tell Shang Guanjian about this plan for the time being. He is now under the authority of Yunwen. All transfers of troops must be agreed by Yunwen ~ ~ So even if this plan is really feasible, he Nor can you act without permission.

"Let's continue to recruit troops in Deng County. I don't think it will be long before there is a big battle." Ye Shikai instructed.

"Relax, Lao Ye, everything is planned." Shang Guanjian turned his head and said suddenly, "Lao Ye, I'll tell you good news."

"What news, so happy." Ye Shikai asked curiously.

"The military situation that we just received, our army went down two cities today, including Deng County, two days into Nanyang, we have conquered the three cities, now the three cities are in a triangle defense to deal with the Qin army's counterattack.

"Then you should know that Zheng Lang led a army of 50,000 and set off on the edge of Zhao He, and clamored for a final battle with us." Ye Shikai asked in return.

"Of course, I heard that General Huo Ziqing has led 10,000 iron riders and detoured to the left of the Qin Army. This Zheng Lang is really a lunatic. The generals are lined up by the river. Once they are defeated, they have no way out.

"Fighting against the water, I really want to fight desperately with us." Ye Shikai's face was condensed, and fifty thousand Qin army, if he brought enough grain, grass and water, to build a camp, it was like a hedgehog. Zheng Lang is not a lunatic or a fool. He wants to delay the insurgent offensive. Although Zhao He is not wide, it is hundreds of miles long. If he detours, at least half a month's journey is required.

"finally, I understand."

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