Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1592: Insist

"Unexpectedly, this Zheng Lang actually has some skills." Ye Shikai finally understood why Zheng Lang would line up the Qin Army along the Zhao River. It turned out that he wanted to delay the action of the rebels and support the arrival of reinforcements.

"Lao Ye, what do you mean?"

"Zheng Lang wants to delay us. In this case, we must not fall into their arms. I must report this to the protagonist." Ye Shikai looked at the map in front of him and felt a bit of pressure. If there is no time limit, then The insurgents only need to surround them and break their food roads. Then, the fifty thousand Qin army did not eat or drink. There was no way other than surrender, but at the moment, time is not good for them. They do n’t have as long as Qin Army consumption.

"Okay, I'll send a commander immediately."

"No need, if there is anything for General Ye, just let me convey it." Suddenly, a man's voice came from the door of the camp.

"Yo, General Huo, came from a long distance, and there is a long-distance welcome." Ye Shikai stepped forward and said Zuo Yan.

"General Ye, you don't need to be polite. I heard that you won Deng County without spending a single soldier. I had wanted to come and see it, but I never had a chance. This time, let's have a good chat." Huo Ziqing laughed out loud Ye Shikai asked the guards to bring him good wine to entertain him.

"Deng County is a soft persimmon. Whoever comes is the result, but my luck is slightly better, so I took this opportunity."

"Yeah, General Ye is right, you look at me, take ten thousand iron rides, and stay on the left side of the Qin Army. Every day is fighting and not fighting, retreating and not retreating, just staying there and don't know What kind of arrangement is the main character? "Huo Ziqing couldn't help complaining. The most taboo of the soldiers was indecision and indecision, but Ye Shikai was very clear that this can not be blame. The 50,000 Qin Army was enough to form a legion, even the best. The commander-in-chief of the company cannot handle it casually, and it is normal for the text to hesitate.

"If you were commanded by General Huo, what would you do?" After three rounds of drinking, the conversation box was opened, Ye Shikai asked.

"It ’s really hard to get together with the fifty thousand Qin army, but the fifty thousand people in Zheng Lang are lined up along the Zhao River, like a long snake. If we can cut off from the middle, so that they ca n’t look at each other, then Divide it and defeat it, and it will surely prevail. "

"Old Ye, what General Huo said." Shang Guanjian also agreed.

"I'm afraid it's not that easy, fifty thousand Qin Jun, but it's not so easy to get confused, if it fails, it will ignite itself." Ye Shikai looked at the map on the table, showing a suspicious expression. Last time he When meeting with Yi Wen, Zheng Wen's evaluation was summarized by the words "Xi Zizi", but it seems that Ye Shikai underestimated this person.

"What if there is anything, General Ye would not have thought so much. I'll give you both. In fact, the prince has already acquiesced in this strategy, waiting for a military order."

"What." Ye Shikai seemed a little excited. No wonder Ye Wen asked him to discuss the strategy. It turned out that she didn't have no idea, but wanted to ask Ye Shikai's opinion. Compared to him, he proposed to strike Wancheng along the waterway and divide Qin Jun from the middle. Separation and encirclement would seem a lot safer.

"Did the host not tell you, I thought she had notified you."

"How could this be, no, I'm going to find her." Ye Shikai rushed out, rushing out, taking the guard, galloping towards Yu Wen's camp.

"Yunwen, why are you ..."

"Stop, this is the main camp of the prince.

Ye Shikai was so excited that he even forgot to report and led the team into it directly. If it wasn't for the generals who guarded the village, he would probably shoot his arrows.

"Let down your weapons and all back down." Yu Wen said coldly, displeased.



"Are you here for anything?"

"Oh ... lord, since you have already decided on your strategy, why don't you tell me?" Ye Shikai opened his eyes and asked aloud.

"The person who made the decision is me, and you just need to execute the order." The tone of Yan Wen was very cold, and it seemed as if he could not wait to see Ye Shikai. He knew why.

"I am a military commander, and I should obey, but of course I should stop you if there are problems with your decision." Ye Shikai countered.


"Yi Wen, do you think Huo Ziqing's plan is feasible?" Ye Shikai realized that he was out of character, and calmed his tone. He coaxed Wen Wen in front of everyone, and naturally he broke her face. As the protagonist, how could he Just be taught by courtiers.

"Of course, not only me, but also the military division and the generals, they are all in favor. As soon as General Huo succeeds, the 100,000 army will besiege them. The 50,000 Qin army will surely be invincible and capture it."

"Superficially, Zheng Lang lined up a long snake array, which is to induce our army to stop the waist and intercept. At that time, he only needs to order the entire army to return to contraction, and General Huo and his 10,000-20,000 iron rides will be completed." Ye Shikai shouted. .

"General Ye, we also thought about this. Zheng Lang's army lined up along the river, and set up more than 50 camps ~ ~ If they return to prevent contraction, our army will immediately overpower "At that time, the Qin Army must have no intention of guarding the fortress, and we can hunt down."

"Confused." Ye Shikai yelled, "This is Zheng Lang's scheme. Can't you see? He placed the old, the weak and the sick at the ends, and kept all the elites in the middle of the five camps, as long as those five Yingzhai is not lost, even if we have 200,000 people, it is difficult to break through. "Ye Shikai was still puzzled, but as soon as he heard the plan, he immediately understood it. To put it bluntly, Zheng Lang set a few points at both ends. The ten camps were not intended to resist the insurgents, but were deliberately thrown to them. In this way, every time the insurgents "picked" a village, they needed to be stationed there. And Huo Ziqing's sneak attack on Tieqi must have been a lifetime.

"General Ye, don't rely on a little military merit, and dare to ignore the principal. This is the principal's decision. It doesn't allow you to scream and control the guards to push him out." He scolded.

"I see who you dare to move." When Mancang saw this, he immediately walked up, and the two sides confronted each other. Ye Shikai motioned him to put away his arms, don't get excited.

"I tell you the truth, General Huo has already received my military order, and will act tonight." Wen Wen gave a cold cry and turned to leave.

"You ..." Ye Shikai was also very helpless, but he could not change the military order of Yun Wen.

"General, what do we do now."

"Back to camp."

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