Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1596: Retreat

Qin Jun received Zheng Lang's military order, and the whole army moved forward and entered the camp. They were fast and intended to chase the rebels. Ye Shikai led the army. But Zheng Lang and Huo Ziqing were unexpected things. As the commander-in-chief of Qin Army, Zheng Lang naturally did not dare to slack off. If Ye Shikai did not come today, then the 15 thousand iron riders would die here, but now he comes, then Zheng Lang wants them to be "buried."

"General Man, Qin Jun rushed up, and it was dark, tens of thousands of people."

"General, Qin Jun's iron ride has been killed."

"What's the matter, the whole army is obedient, and the lineup meets the enemy." Mancang pulled out his sword, stood in the forefront, and commanded the sergeant's formation. Huo Ziqing had led His Majesty to ride away from the back door. ".



The five thousand iron armours lined up in a row, cold light iron clothes, like the same copper wall and iron wall, blocked the road leading to the back door.

"Shield formation, formation."

"Long guns come forward."

The sergeants in the front row set up large shields and lined up. The people behind them held up the shields with both hands to block the top. The sergeants in the back held the spears and pierced through the gap between the shields. An "iron armored hedgehog".

"The thief is there, and the general has a command. Every time you kill a thief, you will receive a reward of one or two. Every time you kill a thief, you will receive a reward of five or two. Brothers, kill me." He rushed down and entered Yingzhai. The speed was very fast.

"Bow and crossbow ready." With a full order, the sergeants in the back row replaced the crossbow and raised their angles.

"Release." When Qin Juntie rode for two hundred steps, Mancang screamed, and hundreds of arrows shot into the air.

Hey, hey, hey.

The arrows shot out, and immediately laid down two rows of Qin army iron riders. The camp was small. Once the cavalry's charge was shot and killed by the crossbowman, there was no room to hide.

"That's it, keep firing."

"General, Qin Jun is fifty steps away."

"Shoot a gun, throw it out of me." Mancang pulled his sword angrily, and the sergeants took out the shuttle gun that was behind him. The shuttle gun was three feet long and was as thick as a rolling pin. The strong man was very powerful, and the shuttle gun that was thrown directly penetrated Qin Jun's body, and even the horse and the horse fell directly on the ground.

"Long gun, stab."


The two armies fought together. As soon as the iron rider of the Qin army came forward, the armoured army "served" with a spear. This kind of spear was more than six meters long. The stabs were carried by several sergeants from behind, so the power was not to be underestimated. The spear stabbed out, unstoppable.

Mancang rushed into the Qin army with a sword and a knife in one hand. He slashed and did not stop his blood-stained tabard. His eyes were red, like the same beast that did not know how tired and hurt it. Qin Jun was afraid to come forward.

"Abominable, who the thief will be." Zheng Lang saw the battle ahead unfavorable, and personally led the guard into the camp, shouting with a shirtless black general in the rebel army.

"I'm your grandfather Mancang, can't come over and kneel for mercy," Mancang shouted.

"What a man, come here, kill me."



"General Huo, the ferry is ready, you can get on the ship quickly." At the same time, Ye Shikai was standing at the ferry, organizing the retreat.

"General Ye, you ... how did you come." Huo Ziqing fled with his subordinates and was shocked and happy. He was still shocked by Ye Shikai's sudden arrival.

"It's a long story. General Huo got on the ship first, and when it's safe, I'll explain it to you in detail."

"It's okay. If it wasn't for General Ye's rescue today, my tens of thousands of brothers and I would be buried here. Great gratitude, General Ye's kindness, I will definitely report it again in the future." Then he turned his horse and took his men on the ferry. Ye Shikai planned to break through the front door, but now it seems that it is completely impossible. The front of the camp is a hillside. Qin Jun already occupied the terrain, so They could only evacuate by ferry. Fortunately, there were many ferries moored in Lulin ferry, enough for tens of thousands of people.

"Brothers, hurry up and get on board."

"Hurry, hurry."

After half an hour.

"General Man and the cavalry are already on board. General Ye has orders to let us begin our retreat."

"Okay, brethren, start to step back." Mancang ordered in an orderly manner, and even if he retreated, the whole square was orderly and without any confusion.

"Hurry up, retreat and hurry up."

"Passing our military order, we must not let one go. If there is a weak one, kill it." Zheng Lang saw the rebels were about to withdraw, how could they just watch their whole body and retreat.


"Run after the enemy."


The front row of Qin Jun rushed forward, trying to drag out the pace of the Iron Armor.

"I still want to chase, I want to be beautiful, and put an arrow to stop them." Mancang and some relatives stood at the rear. After breaking off for the whole army, he saw a large-scale charge by the Qin army, sneered, and picked up a long gun on the ground. Throwing it out hard, the spear "lead" directly to fly out, nailed to the wall.

"Brothers, let's go."


After an hour ~ ~ full warehouse, you ... are all right. "After getting on the boat, Ye Shikai saw the appearance of Mancang, and he wasn't scared of stupidity. This is still personal. It's almost the same as just got out of the dyeing tank. The whole body is covered with blood, especially Mancang is still shirtless. The bright red blood stained him all over.

"Relax, it's all Qin Jun's blood." Mancang waved his hands, looking indifferently. "It's unpleasant to fight in battle armor, I just took off."

"That's not enough, Mancang, it's a good thing for you to be the first soldier, but if there is no Warframe, what to do if you are injured." Ye Shikai is really worried about Mancang's safety. As a confidant, he is Ye Shikai's number one general and a general in the army. It is also based on his horse.

"The general is assured that he is not afraid of death."

"General Ye, General Shangguan, General Man. You are grateful for your help this time." After the ship was safe, Huo Ziqing hurried to thank him.

"General Huo is very polite. We are our own. If you are in trouble, of course we have to rescue each other," said Shang Guanjian faintly.

"How did General Ye know we were going to have an accident?" Huo Ziqing asked curiously.

"Of course I went to the protagonist and knew the plan arrangement. I already saw the flaws in it, but the protagonist did not listen to me. In desperation, I can only lead the army without permission."

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