Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1597: anger


"Of course, you came privately, and you don't hide it. After you led the team, I learned about the host's arrangement." Ye Shikai sighed. If he hadn't brought his soldiers in person to save people, Huo Ziqing would be really finished this time .

"General Huo, Lao Ye, as soon as he heard about this plan, he immediately noticed that it was nasty. He tried several times to persuade the protagonist, but all failed. In a hurry, he made a plan and attacked the green forest ferry and attacked. The back door of the camp, otherwise ... I can't possibly save you from the front with my forces alone. "

"That's the case, I understand. General Ye is indeed a good general, and he has a long way to go, and Huo Mou admires it extremely." Huo Ziqing said.

"Okay, thank you for not talking about anything. We are all our own, and we are here to save you for the whole army." Ye Shikai waved his hand.

"I will definitely explain the situation to the host and go back and praise General Ye."

"Speaking of this, I really need General Huo to explain to the protagonist. I am taking the lead without permission, and I have broken some soldiers and horses, so don't blame the protagonist." Ye Shikai ridiculed, he knows that Wen Wen seems to have recently There was some “prejudice” against him, otherwise he would not completely ignore his exhortations and insist on letting Huo Ziqing attack Qin Jun's central camp.

"General Ye rest assured that you saved me and so many sergeants, how could the protagonist punish him?"

"That's good, General Huo. I already had people bring medicines and bandages in advance. It's not too late. I want to heal the injured brother."

"Very good."

Ye Shikai asked Shang Guanjian to lead the fleet. Qin Jun's news should not pass as fast. When they returned to the Green Forest Ferry, Qin Jun's chase could not come, so now they are safe.

"Well, have you finished the inventory and lost many brothers?" Huo Ziqing asked anxiously. He was also a general who loved soldiers like children. The army was ambushed and lost so much. How can he not feel bad, frankly, he really I am afraid to hear the "Injury Report" of his subordinates, but he cannot escape reality.

"Back to General, brothers on board ... there are more than eight thousand, one-third of them are wounded, most of them are arrow and step injuries."

"More than eight thousand, more than eight thousand, I'm sorry for those brothers." Huo Ziqing heard the news, all of a sudden sitting on the ground, fifteen thousand brothers, lost nearly half at a time, who can change without feeling bad, In fact, not all of the sergeants who did not get on board were killed in battle. Many were wounded and unable to move, but the situation was urgent. Ye Shikai was not a fairy. He was rescued without his ability. It was helpless to ignore them. Ye Shikai had previously been a general of the Qin Army. He knew what would happen if he was captured by the Qin Army.

"General Huo shouldn't be too sad. This time it's a lesson. As long as we can learn from experience, we won't do it again." Ye Shikai was relieved, he also received the news, and his followers also lost hundreds of dollars in this operation. Fortunately, Qin Jun did not place too many troops at the back door of the camp, which made Ye Shikai "drill a hole".

"Shangguan, how long is the ferry?"

"It may take a while, Lao Ye. When we came, we went downstream. Naturally, we went backward, and it took more time."

"Forget it, it's not a short time." Ye Shikai waved his hands. Now the morale of the entire army is very low. Although he came to stop the loss in time, in the final analysis, they still lost. Almost all of the more than 100,000 rebels All of the iron riders were in Huo Ziqing's hands, and they lost nearly half of them at once. In addition, the cavalry training can be much more complicated than the infantry. Not only does the sergeant need sufficient riding, the most important thing is to have a war horse. The war horse in the south is not as good as the north. Fortunately, the ferry You can go to war horses, otherwise, the loss of tens of thousands of war horses, I am afraid the insurgents can not stand, the next battle will be difficult to fight.

But at least it can also show that Zheng Lang is not a so-called "sister-in-law", and only wants to enjoy himself. Judging from this battle, at least in terms of command, Zheng Lang still has a hand.

Greenwood Ferry.

"General Ye, General Shang, General Huo, you are finally back."

"Wan Yuanyuan, in these hours, Qin Jun has not come." Ye Shikai asked.

"The general is assured that our raid on the ferry was a secret operation, and the nearby Qin Army did not notice it." Wan Jiyuan replied.

"This day will soon be on. It is not too late. Let's set off quickly, Wan Yuanyuan, and let your cavalry send these wounded men back to the camp for treatment."

"Well, let's do this."


Ye Shikai first took Huo Ziqing and others back to his own camp, where the closest thing was to the Green Forest Ferry. This happened, and it was most important to heal the wounded.

They moved quickly, but unexpectedly, someone was already waiting for them.

"See the principal."

"See the principal."

Yun Wen was sitting in the big tent, staring coldly at the generals.

"General Huo, how well is the operation completed."

"Returning to the protagonist, it is ... the commander made a mistake, and the battle was ineffective, which damaged thousands of iron riders." Huo Ziqing endured the pain and took the "crime."

"So what sin?"

"Master, this is not the blame of General Huo." Seeing this, Ye Shikai can no longer be silent ~ ~ This is not a mistake made by the general's command. Zheng Lang's ambush is set there. Definitely a fiasco. In the final analysis, the attack on the Qin Army's central camp was the biggest mistake in itself.

"Shut up, General Ye, do you mobilize the troops without permission, do you not know if this is a capital crime?" Yu Wen shouted loudly.

"My lord, please be angry, everything is my fault. General Ye was sent to the army to save me. I am willing to confess my death." Huo Ziqing did not want Ye Shikai to be involved with him, and planned to pull out his sword and confess his sins.


"You are dead, can your brothers survive?" Ye Shikai blasted the sharp sword in Huo Ziqing's hand and said coldly.

"Death can't solve any problems, that's the coward's behavior."

"Huo Ziqing made a mistake in commanding and should confess his guilt. What do you mean?" Yun Wen said coldly, "Want to disobey my order?"

"Zheng Lang laid the Tian Luo Di net outside the camp. No matter who it is, it is a dead end. I have advised you long ago, but have you heard it, do you know it? Because of your word, it was dead for nothing. Brother Qian. "Ye Shikai suppressed the anger in his heart, but he could n’t bear to hear the words from the manuscript. This time it was completely because of the wrong decision of the manuscript. Everyone at the scene knew it, but why Huo Ziqing To take all the blame off is not to save the face of Yun Wen, but she was so indifferent to the death of thousands of brothers that Ye Shikai could not bear it.

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