Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1598: face

"After all, isn't it your responsibility? If you listen to my persuasion, how could this happen?" Ye Shikai shouted directly at Yu Wen regardless of the people around him.

"Presumptuous, dare to insult the host, come here and take it down." A general next to Yun Wen shouted loudly, dozens of soldiers rushed out of the camp, and surrounded Ye Shikai and others.

"I see you who dare." Lord Mancang eagerly, shouting out his sword.

"Reverse it, get it for me."



Two voices sounded. It was Ye Shikai and Yun Wen who spoke. The two sides confronted each other, and the smell of gunpowder was very strong. Ye Shikai did not want any conflict between the two parties. Perhaps he was indeed excited. Yun Wen was the protagonist. Everyone at the scene knew this. The reason for this disastrous defeat, but why Huo Ziqing would rather confess his death and bear the blame. Naturally, in order to preserve the face of the scriptures, as the protagonist, he must understand "self-correction and correction", but there is another point that is "don't confess". In particular, you cannot “confess your mistakes” in front of everyone, and it does n’t matter if you make mistakes, but if you lose the awe of the courtier, then the “principal” will only have one title, and as a loyal courtier, naturally Undertaking this blame, in layman's terms, is responsible for "backing the pot", Huo Ziqing understands this truth.

"Retreat all," Wu Wen said coldly, and then the embargoed soldiers stowed their weapons.

"You also put down your weapons." Ye Shikai motioned for Mancang and the guard to step down.

"If you admit it wrong now, I can deal with it lightly." Yun Wen walked to Ye Shikai and said something lightly.

"Of course I can admit it," Ye Shikai said coldly. "I will apologize to your wise master, but even if you apologize, can those strangled brothers survive."

"Winning and losing is a common practice of soldiers. This time you lose, and the next time you win."


Ye Shikai was furious and pushed away those armored men, leaving the camp.

"Lao Ye, wait a minute." Shang Guanjian saw this and said goodbye to the 芈 文 作揖, then turned and left.

"Master, General Ye is a good general. If this time he didn't take the army, the general and his brothers would be wiped out. Please don't blame General Ye," Huo Zixian said.


Outside the camp.

"Lao Ye, what are you going to do, make such a fire." Shang Guanjian quickly stopped Ye Shikai. As a courtier, even if the protagonist is really wrong, he should not use such a "violent" tone, since ancient times Shangguanjian wants to be a peacemaker, but the premise is to convince him first.

"You also asked me why, Shangguan, so many brothers are dead, because of a decision that could have changed."

"Lao Ye, she is the protagonist. Even if there is a mistake, you ca n’t say it in front of so many people." Shangguanjian advised, "Calm down, so many brothers have died, I am also sad, I believe the protagonist is absolutely I do n’t want to see this result, let ’s talk about it when you and your host ’s anger is gone. ”

"Shangguan, you say that Wenwen is a qualified protagonist." Ye Shikai squatted on the ground, a little lower in her expression.

"I ... I don't know."

"At first we were in a desperate situation, and our lives were in danger. It was she who saved us in the crisis. That's why I was willing to help her, but now I start to doubt whether my decision is correct." Ye Shikai sighed.

"Lao Ye, you ca n’t say this arbitrarily. Although the protagonist is sometimes extreme, he is still very strategic and ambitious and ambitious. Have n’t you told me, it wo n’t take long for Feng Qin It will fall apart. Is n’t this a godsend? "

"Indeed, I said that the good days of the imperial court didn't last long, but ... it's not her who can hold the world."


The incident happened for two days, and Wu Wen did not hold anyone accountable, only to symbolically lower Huo Ziqing's military rank by two levels. For Ye Shikai, she had neither reward nor punishment, and did not even leave a word. Everyone understands that even this thing has passed.

"Zheng Lang's kid is a good boy, and he concentrated his troops on defense to prevent us from having a chance." Shang Guanjian reported with a map.

"We are still in time with Qin Jun of the Central Plains. The more Zheng Lang doesn't let us pass, the more we have to break through the defense line." Ye Shikai said coldly.

"Lao Ye, things may be so easy. This is dozens of camps, and it will affect the whole body. No matter which point we choose to break through, it will not be so easy."

"Although we now have a lot of troops, the tactic of killing an enemy by one thousand and harming 800 is not good for us, so I will not choose a hard attack." Ye Shikai shook his head and said.

"How do you attack?"

"The Qin Army did arrange dozens of camps, but not all of them were useful. You see the map." Ye Shikai pointed a long stick at a camp in the mountain.

"Do you know this place?"

"Of course, this is the Qin Army's material camp. It contains enough ordnance armor used by tens of thousands of people, and hundreds of thousands of stone grains. These 50,000 Qin Army are all supplied by this camp." Xue San is proficient in information Collected, all the information of Qin Jun here was obtained by him.

"What's the terrain of this camp."

"It is built on the mountain ~ ~ Although it is only a small hill, it is also easy to defend and difficult to attack." Xue San answered without hesitation.

"Then why did Zheng Lang choose to be there as a camp for the Qin Army." Ye Shikai continued to ask.

"Because ... there is a highland, you can see the whole picture."

"It's half right, the most critical reason is that this camp is relatively safe behind the Qin Army's defense line."

"Lao Ye, you mean ... sneak attack on this camp." Shangguan Jianyin guessed Ye Shikai's intention.

"Yes, it was burned by a fire."

"This ... But didn't you say that, Lao Ye, that camp was easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it was still behind the Qin Army's defense line. How could it be burned?"

"Haha, did I say that I want to send an army to attack? That is not technical. It depends on the three brothers Xue."

"The end will understand, so get ready." Xue San seconds understood what he meant, and left after he was a slapstick.

"Lao Ye, you are going to let Xue San lead the team to act."

"Of course, raising soldiers for thousands of days and using soldiers for a while. Why did I set up this squad in the beginning, just to cope with such a scene." Ye Shikai was very confident. Xue Sanji's squad was formed and trained by him. But it's good.

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