Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1599: Bury the hatchet

"Lao Ye, here is a great deal. Since it is such an important action, we should always discuss it with the principal." Shang Guanjian advised.

"Well, okay, I don't think she refused the reason." Ye Shikai nodded. These days, the "noisy" incident between him and Yunwen has spread throughout the army. Since ancient times, the disagreement between the generals and the generals is the military. Bogey, but the text did not punish him, which shows that she has "forgiven" Ye Shikai, at least, she has lost her heart. Ye Shikai understands that since she got the cheap, she ca n’t sell her. Asking for the obituary is also a complete The army sent a signal that the two had already released their suspects.

"Speaking of which, Zheng Lang is not a good persimmon. His parade formation is just right, even better than many battle-hardened generals."

"Nanyang County can be regarded as a large county in the world, with abundant products and dense population. How can it be possible to send a sister-in-law to manage the military in such an important place." Ye Shikai sighed and said that the battle had not yet been fought. The scriptures have already committed the taboo of the soldiers who underestimate the enemy. Anyone who underestimates the enemy must pay a price.

"That's right."

It was for this reason that Ye Shikai urged Wen Wen to give up going north before the war, but based on Shu County and Ba County first, then Hanzhong, and finally the Central Plains.

It's a pity that I didn't adopt this opinion.

"Lao Ye, you haven't visited her since you quarreled with your protagonist last time. Otherwise, I'll go with her with you, after all, she is also the protagonist."

"Okay, I have no opinion."

Deng County.

"Since the end of the last battle, the main prince has been the base camp in Deng County, and the grain and ordnance transported from Wuxian County are also placed here."

Deng County was won by Ye Shikai's soldiers without blood, and the social order was not damaged. It is most suitable as a base camp, and the city walls are not damaged, and military food is safe here. Ye Shikai is very supportive of this. I will see you when I see you Wen, he is still a little "nervous", mainly because he hasn't figured out how to "apology".

"See the lord." Ye Shikai walked into the government house alone, 芈 Wen was sitting in the middle, drinking hot tea, and watching the battle report.

"You're here." 芈 Wen raised his head and glanced, said a little, waved his hands, motioned for the left and right guards to withdraw.

"My plan, you should see it." Ye Shikai asked.

"Well, I agree." Yun Wen promised very happily. Ye Shikai felt relieved. If she was still angry and rejected the plan, it would be terrible.

"The last thing I did was a bad attitude. I dismissed your face in front of the generals, sorry."

"Haha, it turned out that you were nervous because of this matter." Su Wen suddenly laughed, which was beyond his expectation.

"Don't ... you're not angry anymore."

"No matter how I am, I am also a protagonist. Is it necessary to be angry with a courtier?" Although Ye Wenkai said this, Ye Shikai knew that she was an "arrogant", soft and not hard. Ye Shikai yelled at her directly before, She Wen Of course I'm not happy. This time it's different. He apologized as soon as he entered.

"But can you listen to me one more time, in public and private, we can no longer suffer such a terrible defeat." Ye Shikai's words turned sharply, and the thought of so many brothers dying in vain was still a pity in his heart.

"So, am I not agreeing with your plan?" 芈 Wen motioned Ye Shikai to sit down and asked his servant to pour him a cup of tea.

"If Zheng Lang's forage can be burned, he will retreat within ten days, otherwise he will be mutiny, and when he withdraws, it will be our chance."

"I have a question."

"Speak, please."

"Nanyang County has abundant products, and there is still a large amount of farmland to the north of Zhaohe. Even if you burn the grain, if you send food and grass in the rear, wouldn't Zheng Lang continue to stick to it." Wu Wen asked in turn.

"You can rest assured. I have made Xue San's investigation clear. Several counties and counties in the north of Nanyang have already been emptied. Now this season, it is far from the autumn harvest, and they can't get food supplements. The rations of the villagers, where 50,000 troops are stationed, rely on looting, and the food is enough for a few days. "

"It seems that you have already investigated clearly." 芈 Wen continued to ask "then you talk about how Qin Jun will evacuate if it retreats."

"Must be evacuated from the waterway." Ye Shikai answered firmly.


"We burned Zheng Lang's forages, and he must be flustered. In a hurry, he will choose to use a ferry to send the sergeant to the north of Zhao River and build a camp along the river. In this way, he can continue to rely on Zhao Resist our army. Furthermore, our army did not carry a ferry in the northern expedition. After Zhenglang crossed the river, our army would not be able to change hundreds of warships at one and a half. Naturally, it was impossible to cross the river in a short time. "Ye Shikai explained .

"Speaking so, wouldn't this plan fail if we didn't destroy the ferry first."

"President please rest assured that while Xue San burned Zheng Lang's food and grass, we only need to send an iron ride all the way to the ferry and burn all the ferries."

"Then who will perform this task."

"The principal ~ ~ Ye Shikai left the position, walked in front of the 芈 文, and bowed 揖" This task, General Huo was the only candidate, and asked the principal to give him a chance. "

"Last time you raided the Green Forest Ferry, Zheng Lang must have deployed heavy soldiers at the ferry this time. Will this sneak attack be so smooth?" Yu Wen asked suspiciously.

"Rest assured, once the granary camp fires, Zheng Lang is bound to send troops to fight the fire. If he loses one's strength, the garrison at the ferry will be adjusted. This will be our opportunity.

"That's it, all right."



"Where is Xue San."

"Back to General Ye, Xue Tong is at the Armory, as if studying something." The patrol sergeant replied, Ye Shikai also came to the Armory, just to see Xue San studying the crossbow on the table.

"Xue San, what are you doing?"

"General, I'm studying your crossbow." Xue San pointed at the parts on the table and said Ye Shikai looked down. This crossbow was originally designed by him, a weapon that was "tailor-made" for team members. .

"The general is improving this crossbow, and can switch between ordinary crossbows and burning crossbows freely." Xue San explained, "I have investigated the granary with my own eyes, where hundreds of thousands of stone grains are stored. The scale is large and the team is small. "If we don't have good weapons and we haven't ignited the whole camp, we will get the attention of the defenders."

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