Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1600: start to act

"I have developed a kind of lighter, and apply it on the arrow. It just needs to be a little harder and rub it." Xue San took out a crossbow, tied some hay on the arrow, and painted the lighter on Above, rubbing with a branch immediately lit a flame.

"Yes, this is a good thing." Ye Shikai nodded and said, with this thing, even the "fire bomb" can be made, Xue San's team is only 20 or 30 people, if there is no good ignition, what? Burned such a big camp.

"Yes, general, when are we going to do this, brothers have already been prepared, waiting for your military order."

"Hurry up, the principal has agreed to this plan, and you are on standby at any time, waiting for my order." Ye Shikai nodded. They still need time, at most a week, they must defeat Zheng Lang and the fifty thousand Qin army.


"Lao Ye, Brother Xue Xue, you are here, let me look for a long time." At this time, Shang Guanjian also came to the camp.

"What a pungent smell, what is this."

"The lighter developed by the brothers Xue Xue worked well." Ye Shikai explained.

"The prince just let the commander send the military order, Lao Ye, let's take a look." Shang Guanjian handed over a bamboo slip, Ye Shikai opened it, and there were only four words in it.

Quick decision.

"Xue San, it seems that you can't be idle. Hurry up to make burning arrows with these lighters, and then set off." Ye Shikai's face flashed with excitement.


上 "Sergeant, call all the officers and men of the whole army to the battalion, I will arrange the task."


Ye Wen chose to believe him this time, and sent him an additional 10,000 troops, which made Ye Shikai feel a lot easier, but if it was replaced by ordinary people, he would not use 30,000 troops to attack the Qin Army camp village, which is solid as a golden soup, and there would be casualties. It ’s too big, but if Xue San ’s team can really burn up Zheng Lang ’s material camp, Qin Jun will be shaken, and Huo Ziqing will burn all the ferries at the ferry. At that time, all Qin Jun will be in chaos, without food. Persevere, but without a ferry, they will not be able to retreat northward. They will not be able to keep or retreat. The military will be in chaos. The 30,000 troops will cover up and the Qin army will lose.

"Among all the generals, there are those who have gone through hundreds of battles with me, were born and died, and others have met for the first time, but this battle is about the whole situation, and I hope that you will cooperate sincerely, don't blame me for saying something ugly, if it is because of someone's mistake As it affects the overall situation, I will never relent, correcting the Fa on the spot, and correcting the military discipline. "Ye Shikai looked sharply at the forty or fifty people in the account.

"Please be assured, General Ye, although I have not worked with generals before, but it is by no means an assault. As long as General Ye orders, I will definitely go to soup and fire." A general came out from the right side and said to Ye Shikai, the name of the general Called Chen Lin, Yunwen sent him an additional 10,000 troops, led by General Chen Lin.

"Well, this ten thousand army is still under the command of General Chen. I hope you can complete the task."

"Please rest assured, General Ye."

"Well, everyone, listen to me. After Xue Tong led the destruction of the Qin Army's material camp, the 50,000 Qin Army will only have the rations with them. Within three days, they will be out of food, so I guess Zheng Lang will order the withdrawal. However, without a ferry, they can only evacuate along the mountain path, so we must take down their former battalion while the Qin Army is shaking, and open the Qin Army's door for large troops. "Ye Shikai ordered.


"Full position, this time is still your iron armour." Ye Shikai commanded, the iron armour was wearing three layers of heavy armor, and the ordinary arrows did not shoot through its armor at all. They were a "heavy hammer" and were indestructible. .

"General, rest assured, there is my iron armored army, you must settle the Qin army camp."

"The Qin Army had 10,000 troops in its former battalion. After it was captured, we must keep on hunting and killing the remaining Qin Army. If we let them escape, we will lose everything."

"The task of chasing down is given to Mangahara."



Late at night.

"Lead Commander, we have already reached the outside of the camp. The Qin Jun guard on this way is really strict, but for us, it is a piece of cake."

"Don't relax your vigilance, our mission has not been completed yet." Xue San looked at the warehouses below and said softly, "There are many warehouses in it. We don't know which ones are empty and which are filled with food, just in case Just in case, you still have to go and see. "


Xue San took the team to the side of the camp. In the era without electric lights, they didn't have to worry about being discovered by searchlights, and also avoided many risks.

"Leader, there is a team of Qin Army in front, about a dozen people."

"Kill them."


Dozens of black shadows came out from both sides. The patrolling Qin Jun squad had not yet responded, and a bloodstain was added to the neck. The dagger was the best weapon in the night, like a sickle of death, just a few strokes, Xue The third team solved the three Qin Army patrols and came to the depths of the camp.

"Go, go in and see what's inside." Xue San opened a wooden door and saw that it was full of black cloth. Take a closer look. These are the military uniforms of Qin Jun.

"Next ~ ~ Xue Sanyi searched more than a dozen warehouses, but he couldn't find Qin Jun's granary. He was anxious. If he couldn't find it before dawn, the operation would fail.

"Leader, let's find out."

"Wait a minute, I have an idea. Hurry up, find a warehouse with hay on the roof, that is the granary." Xue San said as if thinking something.

"Commander, why is this."

"Grass and grass are prone to mildew if they are damp, so the roof of the warehouse is usually covered with hay to prevent rain."

"That's it, commanding wise."

Xue San was anxious, and in anxiety, suddenly thinking of Ye Shikai's previous method of finding a granary, he immediately "learned and applied it". Indeed, this is a clever method that just works.

"This was what General Ye told me at the time, and I got his light too."

"Leader look over there." A team member whispered, and stretched out his fingers to a dozen warehouses not far away. On his roof, a thick layer of hay was spread.

"Go and see."

"Stop, hide." Suddenly, Xue San shouted softly, and the people immediately posted to the wall.

"Master, what happened."

"The troops of the Qin Army are here." Xue San pointed to those warehouses, and was surrounded by hundreds of heavily armed Qin Army.

"So many people seem to be just in time for the team changing the defense."

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