Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1601: Unshameful mission

"Lord, look at them, they won't leave easily. There are Qin Jun guards everywhere. We can't get close at all."

"You are right, but why there are not so many people in other warehouses, but these warehouses covered with hay have so many Qin Jun guards." Xue Sanfan asked.

"Because ... this is the granary, so it's tight defense." A player said.

"Yes, Qin Jun has deployed hundreds of people here to defend, but there are no silver or two hundred here. I have 80% confidence that this is the forage."

"Let ’s just drop the arrows, we can be close to these warehouses, with these burning arrows, and coupled with a crossbow, we must be able to burn these granaries."

"No." Xue San immediately rejected.


"This operation is very important. Hundreds of thousands of brothers in the army are watching us. Therefore, this operation can only succeed, not fail. Is there any grain in it? "Xue San said very firmly. Indeed, if there were no grain in these warehouses, they rashly attacked and their actions would inevitably fail. Then Zheng Lang could continue to hold on, so there was no 100% certainty. Xue San Persevere.

"Then what should we do, there are so many Qin army there, there is no dead end at all, once our brothers approach, they will be found."

"The only way is to pretend to be the Qin Army and find a way to approach." Xue San turned his head and ordered, "Pick off the clothes of those patrolmen who just died."

"喏." The team members collected 20 sets of Qin Army uniforms and hung a crossbow behind them in case they were found.

"Remaining brethren, if we determine that there are grains in these warehouses, you set the fire on fire, and then fire the flare to inform the general. Remember, if ... if I can't come back, you will put the flare right away and immediately Retreat, the sooner the better. "

"Master, we ..."

"obey orders."



Xue San turned his head and sorted out his clothes. He knew how dangerous it was to pretend to go to a warehouse guarded by hundreds of people, but he insisted on going because it was an order given by Ye Shikai. He promised, no matter how many tasks Dangerous.

"Stop, who are you." A Qin Army chief stopped everyone.

咳 "Ahem, we are on patrol. The general has orders. We must strictly guard the warehouse. There must be no sloppy. Please let us go." Xue San calmly answered.

"That being the case, then go."

"Thank you."

"Wait a minute." Suddenly, the Qin Jun even stopped Xue San, and the team members instinctively touched their hands to the dagger behind them.

"Is there anything else?"

"I think you are a little bit face-to-face, are you new here?"

"Yes, General Zheng has orders to strictly guard the warehouse, so he specially dispatched soldiers and horses to be responsible for the guarding, and someone will come in the future." Xue San's "on-the-spot play" was very good. Before the action, he already When intelligence was found, Zheng Langjia sent soldiers and horses to strengthen guarding, so he said that Qin Jun would not have any doubts.

"Really, but I have never heard of it, the reinforcements have come."

"Nearly we arrived, naturally you don't know." Xue San found a reason to perfunctory the past. "So, can we pass now?"

等 "Wait a minute, since you are patrolmen, what is your patrol password tonight."

"This ..." Xue San glanced around, Qin Jun around him had begun to pay attention to them, and gradually came around.

"Hands on." Suddenly, Xue San shouted, and the twenty of them immediately took out the dagger, hurried forward, and the blade edged on the side of Qin Jun's neck, struck hard and immediately fell ten Several people, within three steps, the dagger is more dangerous than the spear, especially to the assassin who is proficient in the sword.

"Come with me." Xue San broke through Qin Jun's guard instantly and kicked the wooden door. Sure enough, the warehouse was full of grain.

"Burn them."

Hey, hey, hey.

Dozens of lighted crossbows were fired at more than a dozen large warehouses, which instantly ignited the sky-high fire. Of course, the nearby Qin Jun also surged towards this side.

快 "Hurry up, some people burn the forage and kill them."

"Quick, save the fire."

Xue San walked out of the warehouse and shot the burning arrow in his hand towards the warehouse. At the same time, more than a dozen Qin Jun rushed towards him.

"Kill the thief."

"Look for death." Xue San-Leng gave a sigh and replaced the ordinary arrows. While retreating, he dropped his arrows. The crossbow fired at a rate five times that of the ordinary longbow, and the crossbow was also improved to make it less prone to failure.

"Is the warehouse lit?" Xue San shouted.

"Leader, there are still a few warehouses left unignited."

"What." Xue Sanyuan looked over, and sure enough, there were several granaries intact five to six hundred meters away, but countless Qin Jun had come here.

"Master, I went to burn them."


"Government ..."

三 Xue San held out his hand and grabbed the burning arrow in the hands of the other players.

"You go and send a flare, then evacuate quickly." Xue San grabbed a warhorse, shouted at the players behind him, turned the horse's head after he said it, and ran towards the remaining warehouses ~ www. ~ Hurry, the thief army is there, hurry up and stop him. "

Several archers of the Qin Army were in place, aiming at the full warehouse, Zhang Gong took the arrow.

Hey, hey, hey.

The arrow was shot, Xue San jumped up and fell aside, and then rolled on the trend, standing up from the ground, and the war horse around was shot directly into a sieve.

快 "Hurry up, shoot him at random."

三 Xue San hid behind a piece of wood, took out the crossbow, and shot the burning arrow at several other warehouses.

"Asshole, the assassin is there, he can't run away, give me up and catch it." A general of the Qin Army ordered, dozens of Qin Army had been surrounded, in a hurry, Xue San had She hid in a warehouse, closed the door tightly, and blocked the door with heavy objects.

Hey, hey, hey.

The outside Qin Jun attempted to open the door. Although there were heavy objects blocking the door, Xue San knew that this door would be opened sooner or later. The warehouse was surrounded by hundreds of Qin legions. He Already in despair.

"The thief is in there, brethren will catch it."

The sound of shock from the gate was like Xue San's heartbeat at this moment, and he was in extreme despair, and people would be extremely nervous, but at the moment of death, Xue San suddenly felt relieved.

"General, I didn't embarrass you. This time, I will definitely complete the mission and not humiliate the mission." Xue San took the last few burning arrows from his pocket, aimed at the roof, and pulled the trigger of the crossbow.

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