Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1633: The war is over

The King of the Personal Warrior ’s wife, Volume 1,163, ended the war. “Hurry up and make arrangements, do n’t delay. The brethren ’s lives are critical. Use the army and horses, and the husband. Take them to a few nearby. In the city, it was really impossible, and it was sent to the South County. In short, healed as soon as possible, and there must be no mistakes. If anyone dared to delay, the military law severely punished. "Ye Shikai ordered.

"Oh, I'll arrange it immediately." Shang Guanjian nodded.

"So many brothers are injured to keep this city. They are hurt for this. If we, as the generals, ignore them, wouldn't it make them chill. In this way, who else will die for us in the future. With one heart, it's more than just talking. "

"Well, Lao Ye is right. We can go to this stage because we do not abandon the brethren. If the army's heart is dissipated, even a hundred thousand troops will be useless. No matter how many people there are, it is just a piece of sand. . "Shang Guanjian nodded. In fact, it was for this reason that Shang Guanjian was willing to follow him down.

"Shangguan, go tell Huo Ziqing, gather 30,000 troops, and prepare to leave."

"What, Lao Ye, where is the departure?"

"Back to Xiangcheng, the battle is over, and we should go." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"I'm not mistaken, Lao Ye, you were worried that Wang Li would counterattack a few days ago, why now you decide to go back."

"Wang Li is no longer in the barracks, and the masterpieces have been staring at his substitute, he has arrived in Xianyang himself." Ye Shikai explained.

"real or fake."

"The prince told me yesterday. Besides ... Today I just received information from Sun Cai. Wang Li has arrived in Xianyang."

"Asshole, this guy, even deceived us all." Shang Guanjian asked, "Will the Qin army withdraw?"

"It should be, originally I thought he was trying to escape, but he didn't expect that he was just worried about our counterattack." Ye Shikai laughed bitterly, maybe he really thought too much. The coach should have his own judgment, but he couldn't be clever.

"Well, I'll notify Huo Ziqing immediately."

"Don't worry, first transport the wounded soldiers to the rear, and the army will set off for Changsha."


After a week.

The matter proceeded according to plan. Qin Jun did not counterattack them and heard no news about Wang Li. Just yesterday, Chu Jun dismantled several former battalions and the troops withdrew from Wancheng. Huo Ziqing led the 30,000 army first. Unexpectedly, they should be able to reach Changsha in less than 20 days.

Tan Wancheng.

"Lao Ye, it's finally over, haha, the air feels a lot fresher." Shangguanjian stretched his waist comfortably.

"This is, continuous fighting, there is a **** smell in the air."

"General Huo has set off, should we also ... go back."

"Well, according to the plan, 20,000 fine soldiers will be stationed in Wancheng to guard the Qin Army, and the rest of the troops will be returned to Changsha." Ye Shikai continued, "Look at the day after tomorrow, Nanyang is the belly of the world that connects the Central Plains and Chudi. The place where the soldiers fight is important. Wancheng is also the governor of Nanyang County. I have some things to ask the general. "


"Speak to General Ye. Someone outside the county guards' house sent a letter ... to be delivered to the general."

"Someone's letter to you."

"This ... I do n’t know, he is a masked man. He said that this letter is very important and must be shown to the general in person, but he is unwilling to reveal his identity. Submit the general. "

Shang Guanjian grabbed the letter and opened it directly. Ye Shikai also came up to check it.

"Lao Ye, this letter ... was written to you by Wang Li."

"What." Ye Shikai never imagined that this turned out to be Wang Li's letter to him, turning around and asking, "Where is that person."

"Subordinates doubted this person's identity, so the brethren detained him, now he is outside the house."

"Bring it up," Ye Shikai said.

"Lao Ye, will there be danger, this person may be an assassin." Shang Guanjian worried.

"Relax, there are so many guards in the house, don't be afraid."

Twenty dozen sergeants brought people up, and the man did not resist, so he walked up "obediently".

"Who is your Excellency, since you are here, why not show people the true face." Ye Shikai was also polite, not only did not scare him, but also gave the guards a seat.

来 "Come here, hot tea in a pot."


"General Ye really is not an ordinary person." The man slowly took off the masked black cloth. Ye Shikai took a closer look and was indeed a "stranger".

"Below is a visitor to the palace. This time, I want to hand over General Wang Li's letter to General Ye." The man said lightly.

"Haha, I haven't talked to General Wang since the last battle. I haven't seen him for a few days, but I missed him a little bit. He still wrote to me. Your Excellence, please drink tea." I took a letter and smirked.

"Thank you General Ye." The man took the tea cup and sipped.

"General Ye, have you read the contents?"

当然 "Of course, since General Wang sincerely invited me to drink, how could I refuse?" Ye Shikai agreed quickly.

"Lao Ye, this ..."

"Thank you for your help, take me back to ~ ~ and tell General Wang that I will definitely go to the appointment." Before Shi Shang Guanjian finished speaking, Ye Shikai interrupted him directly.

"General Ye really is a refreshing person. In this case, the next mission is considered complete and leave." The man slowly stood up, bowed and then turned to leave. Ye Shikai made a gesture to warn the sergeants to make a way.

"Lao Ye, why did you agree?" Shang Guanjian couldn't bear it anymore and asked directly.

"Why can't you agree?" Ye Shikai drank hot tea, his face was "difficult."

"Nonsense, Wang Li made it clear that he just did not have good intentions, why did you jump into the fire pit."

"He is not a fire pit, and I will not be silly to jump in, but it is an appointment, not to mention, he also invited me to drink tea before the war began, nor did he do anything to me."

"This time is different from the past. How can you generalize? Now Wang Li is defeated and returned, how can he be willing, this time obviously he wants to lie to you, and then he will kill you, Lao Ye, and say nothing, let alone. What good is it for you to go? "Shang Guanjian resolutely opposed, and several vice generals also agreed. Now that Chu Jun is defeated and Qin Jun is defeated, there is no need to go to this muddy water.

"Just rest assured, if Wang Li really wanted to do something to me, he wouldn't be so grand, otherwise even if he really set up an ambush, how would the people talk about him? The name of this" little man "is Wang Li Unwilling. "

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