Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1634: Secret Order

The King of the Personal Warrior's wife, Volume I, Chapter 164 Returning to the city secretly ordered a sinister or cunning person, or a righteous person, they may all become well-known generals, and the famous names may not all be bright and clear. , They will even do whatever they can to do something that makes people laugh at the world, but Ye Shikai knows that Wang Li is not a villain, with his ancestral glory growing up on his head. He is a proud man, defeated and inevitably laughed at by the opposition , But if assassination of the enemy by the name of the invitation, it will be inconceivable to the world.

As for why Wang Li wanted to meet with him, Ye Shikai didn't know, maybe he wanted to express what he said.

"The subject will not agree with this matter." Shang Guanjian still tried his best to discourage him, and when he couldn't persuade him, he wanted to "press" him with the scriptures.

"I will be out, I have nothing to do with my fate, haha." Ye Shikai said as he walked out of the door.

In the camp.

"Hurry up, assemble the guards."

"Hurry up."

"Shangguan, what are you doing?" Ye Shikai came to the barracks and saw a large number of armored men gathered in the center. If he remembered correctly, there should be no task recently.

"Since you have to meet Wang Li, for your safety, I lent my guard to you. In addition, in the woods beside the Baihe River, I will also arrange three thousand crossbowmen. If Qin Jun really With action, they can keep you safe. "

"I'm not mistaken, you and my guard, plus three thousand crossbowmen, enough for six or seven thousand people, where do you want to bring so many people for a tea."

"Lao Ye, you must not have a detrimental heart, but you must have a deterrent heart. I led my soldiers to ambush in the woods without revealing flaws. In this way, it can be regarded as a guarantee. If Wang Li is honest Even if we do, we can be prepared if he does.

好 "Okay, then you worked hard in advance."

"no problem."


Ye Yekai led the guard to the river. Wang Li was already waiting there. Unlike expected, Wang Li did not take the guard with him. He was alone beside the large river, and there was a tea set around him ...

"General, this king is too arrogant. If he comes here with a single shot, if our brother gives him a short charge, he will be trampled by horseshoes into meat sauce." Mancang said softly.

"Then we will also be overwhelmed by the laughter of people around the world." Ye Shikai teased, turning to a faint smile and heading for Wang Li alone.

"You are here. You are not allowed to come without my order."



"Haha, General Wang, let's meet again." Ye Shikai said with a smile.

"Brother Ye, please sit down." Wang Li greeted him and sat down. "Don't call me a general anymore. I have returned the amulet to His Majesty the Emperor, and now I'm an official." Shaking his head, he traced the commoner on his body.

你 "Look, I'm a common man now."

"Why do General Wang laugh at himself? The Wang family is the gatekeeper of the court, and you are the grandson of Wang Qiang. Even if you put on a commoner, you are still behind the gatekeeper."

"Yeah, but after I lost the gate, I still lost it completely." Wang Li said faintly. "Brother Ye, I don't hate you. Although you are my opponent, this is the battlefield. Both of us Lord, but I am sorry for those dead brothers. "

"General Wang, in fact ... you have not lost, war is never the" chessboard "we manipulate. On the contrary, even as the generals, we are all" chess "in chessboard, the most important" chess ". On the battlefield, every general and every sergeant is a factor of victory or defeat. If you only talk about my ability and yours, then you must have won. If I can anticipate your plan in advance, then the four Wan Qinjun will never have the opportunity to cross the river, and Wancheng will not be in danger of breaking the city. "

"Brother Ye is right." Wang Li smiled bitterly. Although Ye Shikai said that he had won, he still lost after this battle. As the coach, he naturally has to bear responsibility.

"Brother Ye, now you should be the celebrity beside 芈 文." After a few drinks, Wang Li suddenly asked.

"Ha ha, brother, I don't like to make fun of it by nature. I don't really care if the lord takes me seriously."

"Yes, brother Ye, you are now one of the chiefs of Chu Jun, but now you are drinking tea and chatting with me, the general's gatekeeper, aren't you afraid of being gossiped?"

"I'm not afraid, of course I'm not afraid." Ye Shikai certainly knew what Wang Li's words meant, and he was so popular, he must have done so much, and there must be a lot of civil and military "calculations" behind him, even harming him with rumors, malicious Slander, whether ancient or modern, is a common thing. As for the effect, it varies from person to person. Since ancient times, there have been countless loyal officials who have died injustice.

"This is why."

如果 "If someone really wants to plant me, don't say I have a lot of beauty now, even if I am just a commoner, I can't hide away, so ... why care so much."

"Haha, brother Ye, if I have this mentality of you, I'm afraid it's another look."


After two hours.

"Lao Ye, what's the situation, Wang Li didn't hurt you."

"Don't you all watch it, but just drink tea and chat, there are so many things." Ye Shikai was almost doubting whether Shang Guanjian had "victim paranoia".

"Okay ~ ~ Hurry up and let the troops retreat, Wang Li's guard is also in the woods." Ye Shikai said softly. When he was drinking tea just now, he noticed that someone in the forest was flashing. It is expected that the two guards were lying on a "grass nest" and they did not fight. It was really amazing.


"Prosecute the general, the secret order of the lord."

The edict Ye Shikai did not expect was that as soon as he returned to the city, he received an edict of the edict.

"Two generals, the messenger has been waiting for a long time. This is a personal order from the protagonist. The messenger must give it to you in person to leave." The guard explained.

"OK, give me the secret order." Ye Shikai took the secret order in the messenger, only a few words on it.

Quickly returned to Xiangcheng.

"General Ye, the Lord has the order. After you read the secret order, you must destroy it immediately." The messenger took the oil lamp, Ye Shikai nodded slightly, lit the letter and threw it into the brazier.

"Lao Ye, why is the prince so anxious that we will come to Xiangcheng, a few days ago ... haven't you just met her?" Shang Guanjian asked curiously.

"I have a vague feeling of faintness." Ye Shikai's face was solemn. If it was not urgent, Yi Wen would not let him come back so hastily.

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