Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1702: Bathing

Both of them were surprised by the sudden arrival of Wu Wen. This tea house is not a famous city. After all, Ye Shikai likes to be low-key. He was a man of character before. He could n’t come out for a tea and talk for a long time. Unexpectedly, the obituary came here so soon, and even the dark guard had no time to report.

Ye Shikai glanced out the window. There was no protagonist's car and guard under the teahouse. It seemed that this was a "microservice private visit".

"See the principal." Shang Guanjian bowed, while Ye Shikai nodded slightly.

"Today I am not here as the principal, but to meet friends." Said Wen Wen faintly, sitting opposite Ye Shikai, Shang Guanjian knew the intention of Ye Wen to come here, she came to Ye Shikai, otherwise she would not specially Came from the government building to this tea house located in the corner of the west of the city.

"Master, Lao Ye, you can talk first and retreat first." Shang Guanjian left the room after speaking.

"What are you doing to me?" Ye Shikai said lightly, straightforwardly.

"You still owe me two conditions, don't you remember." Ye Wen did not go round, she also knew that if she could not come to drink tea, Ye Shikai would certainly turn around and leave. Furthermore, Ye Wen is not a love go round People.


"But I also said that I have resigned, and I will never lead a war again, this is a premise." Ye Shikai immediately added that this is the same as Xu Jia said, and Wen Wen will not be willing to do so. " "Let him go."

"Okay, no problem." What Ye Shikai didn't expect was that Wu Wen didn't even say a word, and agreed directly.

"That being the case, just say what you want, as long as it can be achieved, I will do it."

"Don't worry, of course not now."

"Since it is not now, please return to the host, and I will drink tea here." Ye Shikai waved his hand.

"Why, can't I drink tea here right now." Qiu Wen beckoned and asked Xiaodian to have a pot of tea and sit slowly in front of Ye Shikai.

"The entire Linxiang city is mine, and I do whatever I want."

"It's up to you." Ye Shikai got up and planned to leave, and Wenwen's eyes were stricken, and he stepped forward and held him.

"Do you have anything else?" Ye Shikai's tone was very bland, even a bit cold. Although the obituary looked very charming, but he had seen through it. After the killing of prisoners of war, there was already a deep relationship between the two. It is no longer possible to drink and drink tea and talk to each other like before.

"You and I go back to the government."

"Why." Ye Shikai instinctively took a step back.

"The second request, you will know tonight, so now go back to the government with me." Wu Wen took his hand and went straight out of the tea house, Ye Shikai wanted to refuse, but later agreed to it, he I owe the two requirements of Lu Wen, just like the two stones in my heart. I finished it earlier, and my heart was earlier peaceful. Lu Wen did not take the guard with him on this trip, and neither of them could recognize them.

Government House.

The two sat in the hall for an hour without talking, and just sat still. Finally, Ye Shikai became impatient first.

"What are you asking for? I have to go back to dinner at night." Ye Shikai put down the tea cup in his hand and said impatiently.

"Don't worry, as for dinner, there are many chefs in the government. You can eat whatever you want." Wu Wen casually left a few words and left, Shi Yekai was also embarrassed to leave, only to drink tea and eat here With snacks.

It didn't take long for the night to come slowly, and just when Ye Shikai was about to "run away", the room finally came out of two girls.

Ye Shikai certainly did not know them, but the mansion of Yu Wen was in the center of the government. If it was not unexpected, this must be the girl next to Yu Wen.

"Master Ye, the Lord is just waiting for the general inside," said a maid.

"Okay, take me in." Ye Shikai breathed a sigh of relief, stood up, and followed the steps of two girls to a room.

Frankly speaking, although Ye Shikai spent some time in the government, he never came to the mansion of the manuscript. At the time, the mansion was built in the mansion in order to facilitate the handling of affairs.

"Master Ye, the lord is in there, please come in."

"it is good."

Ye Shikai opened the door alone and slowly walked into the room. As soon as he entered the door, he smelled a faint scent. In front of him was a narrow corridor with many vases and calligraphy on both sides. The "decoration" was very good. The corridor went to the end It is a corner, and there is still a long road behind the corner. Ye Shikai is helpless and can only go in. Turn left and right, like a maze, making Ye Shikai anxious to hit the wall.

"Yunwen, are you inside." Ye Shikai shouted loudly, walking forward while talking, when walking to the central position, a lot of big red silk hung above the roof ~ ~ block it all at once Seeing his eyes, Ye Shikai had no choice but to stretch out the silk and move forward step by step.

After breaking the last silk, Ye Shikai couldn't help but be shocked by the scene in front of him.

The big red carpet, the vapor that pervades the air, the wooden bath barrel in the center, the pink petals, and ... the beauty in the bath barrel ...

"Why, look?" Li Wen was lying in a bath tub, and the hot water surface was covered with pink peach petals, with a charming appearance, enough to "capture" 99% of the men.

This is an obituary bathroom.

"What the **** do you want to do ..." Ye Shikai resisted the urge to turn away and asked coldly, the so-called "color word as a knife", he had to figure out exactly what the scriptures were about.

"It's nothing, don't you owe me two requests and ask you to come over, of course, you want to pay back."

"If you have something to say directly, don't you know what it means to be a girl." Ye Shikai went on to say, "I'm waiting for you at the door. You should quickly get dressed and let's talk again." Turn around and leave.


Ye Shikai was sitting alone in the hall, and her heart was still leaping. If she only talked about her physical appearance, she was extremely beautiful. In addition to her high position, no matter where she went, she was a cold girl. "Queen".

But why did she do this and even let Ye Shikai go into the bathroom to "see" her? If there was a misunderstanding just now, he would not explain at all.

After a while, the wooden door slowly opened, and Wen Wen only wore a red tulle and walked out barefoot.

"Hey, how did you dress like this?" Ye Shikai quickly took a step back. Fortunately, no one was nearby. If anyone was seen, I'm afraid that there will be rumors in Linxiang City tomorrow.

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