Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1703: Wife

"There is no one else here, even the girl-in-law was sent away by me, you don't have to worry." Wu Wen sat opposite him, his mouth slightly raised, and a confident smile appeared on his face.

"Anyway, you can't just dress like this."

"Let's get back to business, my second request." Wu Wenfeng turned and raised two fingers.

"Yes, let's say it quickly. I was taken to the government in the afternoon and drank a dozen cups of tea. As a result, you have to spend time and evening." Ye Shikai heard this and immediately came to the spirit , Finally talked to the topic.

"My second requirement is that you ... marry me."

"What did you say." Ye Shikai doubted his ears.

"I said, let you marry me."

"You're crazy." Ye Shikai stood up suddenly, trembling and emotional, but for a moment he didn't know what to say. He could only use his fingers to write the obituary, but his mouth was speechless.

"I'm married, don't you know it?" Ye Shikai was so shocked. On the one hand, he did not expect that Lu Wen would make such a request. On the other hand, he didn't know how to answer. In his opinion, this Requirement is simply synonymous with "ridiculous".

"Of course I know." Wu Wen also seemed a little excited, stood up and stepped forward, holding his arms tightly with both hands, eyes like a torch.

"I want you to rest her."

"You lunatic."

Ye Shikai got angry and shook her hands away and turned to leave. Suddenly, more than a dozen dark shadows fell off the wall and blocked his way. These were the close guards of the scriptures. When the bamboo forest was attacked, Ye Shikai has seen them.

"This is the second request. Why, do you want to regret it?" Yu Wen slowly stepped forward and stretched out his hand against his shoulder. "You only say that you are not an official and do not bring soldiers. I want to make a request. You cannot regret it. "

"You know that Ling'er is more important in my heart than my life." Ye Shikai looked colder and more chilly. "I can't take her anyway."

"You don't agree."

"Absolutely not." Ye Shikai said firmly.

"Then I can take a step back." Wu Wenfeng turned around and continued, "You marry me, I'm the main room, and He girl is the side room."

"I'm going." Ye Shikai couldn't help swearing, and he didn't expect that Yun Wen would say such words, but if you think about it, it is not surprising that men have three wives and four wives, but it is not strange for men to have three wives and four wives. He wo n’t do this. For one thing, he does n’t love the scriptures at all. Perhaps there is still some “appreciation”, but since the incident of killing prisoners of war ended, he has treated the scriptures as a stranger, even talking about friendship. No, both, he really loves He Linghan, the love from his heart, how can he marry a manuscript, let alone make He Linghan a shame.

But Wen Wen is also a peerless beauty. If she is a shame, she can think about it ...

"Ahem, this is absolutely not possible." Ye Shikai firmly refused.

"Can't it be, do you think I'm a concubine? Anyway, I'm also the leader of a party, isn't it better than a girl in a village?" Lu Wen said coldly, her status is noble, is the royal family of the Chu country, and now she is a majesty. Naturally reconciled, and it is impossible to be a puppet of others.

"It's not a question of who the wife is or who is the concubine, but ... I must not be sorry for Linger. I have already told her that I will never disappoint her in this life. She was my wife and met me. The greatest luck. "Frankly speaking, Ye Shikai passed through this era inexplicably. It was very weird. He didn't know anyone but met He Linghan in the vast sea. He always felt that this was a fate given to him by heaven, otherwise he would Where to find someone who looks exactly like Su Qingyu, and can still meet in this era.

"Hum, rather than being lucky to meet her, it is better to say that she is lucky to meet you. If it weren't for you, she and the villagers in Shangshui Village would have died under the sword of Qin Jun."

"In short, I will not agree to this request."

"Why, don't you think I'm worthy?" Yan Wen looks a little bit embarrassed. She is in a high position and has a glamorous appearance, but has been repeatedly rejected by Ye Shikai, and always proud of the obituary will be unhappy.

"No, on your terms, I'm afraid there is no man in the world who dare to say no."

"Why then."

"Because, I have never loved you at all, I have never loved you, so I will never marry you, goodbye." Ye Shikai said, running the internal force directly, and left the mansion house of Lu Wen, a dozen The guard felt that his eyes were dazzling, not even the figure.


Back to Yefu, it was already late at night. Ye Shikai was taken from the teahouse directly to the government by Ye Wen, and it was too late to explain with He Linghan. It is estimated that at this moment, she was already in a hurry.

"Fu Jun, you are finally back. I sent all my family members out to look for you. I heard you and your host went to the government house ~ ~ I am very worried." He Linghan greeted him and saw him returning, anxious The look finally relaxed.

"Relax, I'm fine," Ye Shikai said comfortably.

"By the way, what is your main character looking for?"

"Well ... it's a long story." Ye Shikai casually persevered a few words. He couldn't tell the truth. If He Linghan let him know what he argued with the scriptures, I'm afraid He Linghan would be depressed.

"Okay, I'll talk to you again when I'm free. I'm going to starve and get some food." Ye Shikai quickly shifted the topic, taking advantage of He Linghan's empty kitchen, just to let him "digest" .

"Yi Wen chases you, why are you so surprised?" Suddenly, the voice of Sword Spirit sounded in his head, scaring Ye Shikai all over.

"You didn't speak just now, but now you finally come out." If Soul Calibur had an entity, Ye Shikai would really give him a big white eye.

"Haha, it was just a conversation between you and Yunwen. Of course I wouldn't intervene casually. In fact, she has long loved you. Don't you see it?

"I really can't see it." Ye Shikai never thought that Pianwen really liked him, or that he had "no interest" in Pianwen from the beginning, although she was beautiful and powerful But Ye Shikai never thought of her in other ways. The most fundamental reason was that he only loved He Linghan, and naturally he was not interested in other women.

Recalling what Ye Wenkai said just now, Ye Shikai's chest seemed to have a fire burning, and it was not only unreasonable but ridiculous to make such a request.

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