Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1739: City-wide raid

Shangguanjian drew his sword and rushed down. He happened to meet some of the embargoes. He said nothing, and knocked them down a few moments, but at this time, more of the embargoes also found their tracks.

他们 "They are upstairs, hurry up and kill them."

"The Lord has an order to kill them."


"Xue San, take them to the kitchen soon." Shang Guanjian shouted.


Shangguan Jian shouted with pain, an arrow running directly through his left arm, and blood flowed suddenly.

"Shangguan, are you okay," Mancang shouted.

"Rest assured, you go first." Shangguanjian gritted his teeth and pained, pulled out his arrows stiffly, and tore off a long cloth to bandage the wound.

"Where are they? Shoot arrows to kill them."

"Master, be careful." A dark guard reached out and pulled Shang Guanjian over. Several people hid behind the cupboard. The arrows flew like rain in the restaurant. The people inside were panicked when they saw the barracks entering. The embargo at the door also killed, and Wenwen would not care about these few lives ...

"Hurry, go." Shangguanjian greeted everyone to evacuate, forcedly lifted a table and blocked it in front of him. There was a small door outside the back kitchen that could lead to the market. This is where the restaurant shopkeeper enters the food. know.

"Run up and kill them."

"Move the table and chairs to block them." Shang Guanjian commanded several dark guards around him, blocking the table in front, holding a chair in each hand, and hitting the opposite sergeant directly.

"Shit me."


He Mancang was strong and strong. He directly carried the lotus and ran to the kitchen. Xue San was most familiar with the terrain and naturally took the lead.

"Come on, walk on." Shang Guanjian shouted loudly, glanced at the wine jar aside.

"There is no fire."

"Yes." A dark guard took off an oil lamp and handed it to Shang Guanjian.

"Hurry up, smash out the wine jars." Shangguanjian leaned against the cabinet, picked up the wine jar with his right arm, and threw it directly to the opposite side. The jar broke into pieces, and the wine inside was spilled.

"Smash me." The dark guard also smashed all the altars in the wine cabinet. The pub was narrow and blocked by a large number of tables and chairs. For a time, the embargoes could not pass.

Shangguanjian saw the timing and picked up the oil lamp and threw it towards the opposite side.


The spilled wine was immediately ignited by Mars, and the entire restaurant was swallowed up by the sea of ​​fire in a blink of an eye. Even if the embargo was trained again, it would not be possible to feel no pain. Ran out the door.

"Water, give me water."


"Kill them." A command from the outside officer, the bows in the back rowed all arrows, shooting all the sergeants out.

"General, the gangsters lit the restaurant, what shall we do now?"

追 "Chasing, they must be running from the back door, chase me, don't let one go." 51



Restaurant, back door.

"Come on, get out." Shang Guanjian shouted loudly, they are now very dangerous. This is Linxiang City, the site of Yanwen. This time with so many embargoes, they were not so easy to escape, covering their injured arms, Shangguanjian ran forward with pain.

"People are behind, hurry up."

"Follow me." Xue San saw this, and quickly led the crowds towards the market. There were many people there, enough to help them cover. Although many people might be injured because of this, at this moment Xue San couldn't care less about it. He led a dozen people behind him and rushed in directly, knocking all the vendors along the way to the ground.

"The government office handles the case, and all the other people are scattered."

"Hurry up, get out of here."

Xue San took out a cloth bag from his sleeve, and lifted the flour from the sky ...

"Follow me ~ ~ Xue San reminded that the market was originally full of people, and now it is sky flour, which is equivalent to putting two" smoke bombs ", and the followers behind Suddenly lost the goal.

"Cough, sir, where are we going now?"

"Abomination, search separately, be sure to find them."




"Abominable, what the **** is going on and how can there be chasing troops." Full of anger, he hit the wall with a punch, and the people circled around the city several times before finally returning to the base in batches. Fortunately, the embargo No more chasing.

"I ... I don't know." Lotus is in the corner, crying with a headache. She may already know the mistake she made. At this moment, in addition to fear in her heart, she is more blame, they hide well, Why the restaurant was surrounded by the embargo, the only explanation was that the lotus was being tracked, but she didn't know it.

"Okay, don't blame the lotus. She is not trained and cannot be tracked." After Shang Guanjian cleaned the wound, she said lightly, "What's more, we originally asked her to come, because we didn't think about it."

"Master Shangguan, are you okay?" Lotus inquired.

"Rest assured, the arrow hurts, but the flesh injury doesn't matter." Shang Guanjian waved his hand.

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