Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1740: aware

Until now, I can only fight for the speed of both parties. Shangguanjian took a gamble in his heart, and bet that Chu Jun didn't know that they were going to dig the tunnel. As long as he didn't transfer He Linghan out of the dungeon, they still had a way. Otherwise, once Chu Jun starts to search the city, finding them is only a matter of time.

"Okay, we speed up." Mancang nodded, turned around and picked up the **** to enter the tunnel. Taishan collapsed in front and did not change color. Now their whereabouts have been exposed, but if they are faster than Chu Jun, they can still succeed, but the premise is, Before Chu Jun found this stronghold, the tunnel was dug.

"The lotus, now you are probably exposed, so don't go back to the palace, just stay here. Although this base is not large, it shouldn't be a problem to make a room." Shang Guanjian said faintly, comforting has been scared Lotus with soft legs.

"Master Shangguan, can we succeed."

当然 "Of course, we have all followed Lao Ye for a long time. After hundreds of battles, we have been in danger for more than one or two times, haven't we just come over like this? I believe it will be fine this time." Shangguanjian comforted.

"Yeah, I was surrounded by hundreds of Qin army in a small house, but I thought I had no choice and jumped off the cliff, but fortunately my life was hard and God confiscated me, this time I will not be afraid." Xue San ridiculed "Tomorrow I will continue to go to the dungeon to search for information. If the sister-in-law is transferred, we will cancel the operation and wait for the opportunity to leave the city in batches. If there is no transfer, we will fight together."

"Okay, fight together, and be successful if you don't succeed."

Eunuch House.

叶 When Ye Shikai woke up again, he felt like he had changed. He hit the phantom pupil for the first time. He was unconscious for three days, and this time he was only lethargic for a day and a half.

Yun Wen's attitude towards him is still the same, every day is Jinyiyu food, but all the food he sent has been smashed by him. Since he was awake, he has not eaten or drank, and has remained motionless, like a "living person" .


The door of the room was slowly opened, and Wen Wen came in from outside the door. Ye Shikai ignored her, cursed, and didn't take any action, just watching her silently.

"Why, you have n’t eaten in such a long time, are n’t you hungry, or the food doesn't suit your taste." Wu Wen sat by the bed, his eyes could talk, his eyes were like a torch, Ye Shikai instinctively turned his head, he didn't want to hit again A phantom pupil.

"What are you doing here?" Ye Shikai said lightly.

"I'm here to tell you one thing, my embargo found today ... your friends."

"Shangguan." Ye Shikai heard this, suddenly came to a spirit, got up from the chair, walked quickly to the front of "Wen what's going on with you, don't you ..."

他们 "They are very lucky. My embargo has surrounded the restaurant, and they can still run out, but they paid a little price. The entire restaurant was burned to ashes. I admit that you have some skills."

Xie Yeshikai stared angrily. The woman in front of her was a poisonous woman. Just a moment ago, he wished that Wenwen could discover with conscience. Now it seems that her viciousness is engraved in her bones.

"They were all trained by me. You can't catch them. Even if you can really catch them, they are still a dead body." Ye Shikai said firmly.

"Really, let's take a look." Su Wen suddenly laughed. "Yes, do you know how we found out."

"There is a close-fitting girl next to Girl He. Although she is faithful, but she has never experienced fighting, my people have been monitoring her. This silly girl has no idea."

"You are talking about lotus."

"Should be, I don't know her name." 芈 文 waved her hands and walked to Ye Shikai. "She is He Linghan's close-fit girl, so why did she come together with your friends?"

There is only one answer, and it goes without saying that both of them know it well.

Need to find lotus to help, there is only one possibility is to rescue He Linghan, Ye Shikai's heart raised suddenly, he did not expect that Shangguanjian was so bold ~ ~ but more worried about their safety, Shangguanjian There are already so few people who can be mobilized around them. Even the dark guards don't have much left, and the place where He Linghan is held is heavily guarded, how can they succeed.

"Those of your friends are really interesting. It stands to reason that I could transfer Girl Ho to a safer place, such as the government, or even my dormitory, but I don't intend to do so." Wen Wen sneered. .

"I want to watch them come over and die."

"Well, I want to see if you can catch them, but I also kindly remind you that if you treat them as a prey, they will also treat you as a prey. Do n’t steal the chicken and you wo n’t lose the rice. "Ye Shikai mocked.

"Thank you for your reminder. I'm very interested to see what they can do."


The next day, the dungeon.

He Linghan's guards have increased, and the area does not let the jailer approach, otherwise he will be killed. Many jailers have talked about this. In fact, they have never seen what the prisoner looks like. They only know that it is a woman. Most of the prisoners were guilty criminals, and even the captive General Qin, but without such a large “stance”, a woman could be so valued. Everyone was curious about who she was, but curiosity Kill the cat, they don't want to lose their lives to satisfy curiosity.

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