Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1743: Law enforcement

"Lao Ye, when you say this, you just don't take us as brothers. We follow you and we're ready. Maybe you plan to abandon us now."

"Yeah, sir, let's just say, we have been on the death list of Ye Wen. Even without you and Xun Zi, she would not let us go, and Qin Jun would not let us go. Large, but there is no place for our brothers to stand, instead of living so hard, it would be better to fight vigorously. "Xue San also echoed.

Ye Shikai took them to this road of no return. Whether it was voluntary or regret now, Ye Shikai should take them down, even if it was a dead end, Ye Shikai would take them to death ...

Ping Wen's execution of He Linghan in public is absolutely a sensational event. It is not that famous as Ling Han, but because she is the wife of Ye Shikai, and his martial arts are unknown in Linxiang City. When the people in the city saw this notice, they must have been shocked.

After half an hour.

"My lord, the execution ground is heavily guarded, and we can only take it intelligently." Xue San used a sandbox to place the nearby building on the execution ground. He was right. The execution ground was under the control of the government, and it was surrounded by sergeants, not to mention this. He Linghan will be executed secondaryly, and Ye Wen will definitely lead someone in person. At that time, there are at least thousands of forbidden guards at the scene, and there may be hundreds of practitioners. Once Ye Shikai takes the shot, they will swarm up, not to mention whether he can win. Wen, these practitioners alone are enough to worry him.

三 Xue San placed a pile of wooden "little soldiers" on a sand table, densely packed with three layers inside and three outside.

"So many people ca n’t get through. How can I save people?" Seeing this situation, the full warehouse is scalp numb. Even if he rushes in his head, it is not possible to fly one or two hundred people alone, houses on both sides of the street There are countless crossbowmen on the scene. Once someone "robs the law field", it is not an exaggeration to say that he died nine lives.

"Yes, isn't it good for us to have so many people?" Ye Shikai smiled suddenly and pointed a bamboo pole at the execution ground.

"This penalty platform is at the intersection of the market. Usually, there are many people. This time she will execute Linger. I think there will be no less than 50,000 people who will be on the sidelines. At that time ... we can take action." Ye Shikai Raise the bamboo pole and insert it directly into the execution platform in the middle of the sand table.


Eunuch House.

"Well, do you still get used to it?" Qiu Wen stood at the door and looked at He Linghan at the table lightly. The dishes at the table looked very rich, but she didn't move her chopsticks, and heard the words of Qian Wen. She didn't answer, just silently looking at the dishes on the table.

"Are you here to see me off?" After a long time, He Linghan slowly raised his head and finally spoke.

"Don't blame me, there is no grudge between you and me, it's all because of him." Yunwen turned around and turned his back to He Linghan, his hands trembled slightly, and a tinge of light flashed in his eyes.

She Wen ’s attitude towards He Linghan is contradictory. Her heart does not want to get rid of this woman, perhaps because of her admiration, but if she is kept, Ye Shikai ’s heart will always be on her, and She Wen will always enter Don't go to his heart.

But even if He Linghan is removed, will Ye Shikai fall in love with her? Ye Wen knows that this is impossible. The revenge of killing his wife is only hate and no love, but she only needs Ye Shikai to hate her, so that Ye Shikai can remember She has lived her all her life, all her life ... never forget her.

"Tomorrow is your death, aren't you afraid?" Yu Wen asked, since he was transferred to the government, He Linghan has been expressionless. Even if she was informed that she was going to be executed tomorrow, her face never changed. There was a hint of fear, and the waves were not alarmed. 12345

"I'm not afraid. On that day, if it were not for him, the folks in Shangshui Village and I would have died under the sword of Qin Jun ~ ~ It was he who rescued me. Since I became married with him, I He had thought of all the results. "He Linghan looked at Yu Wen's somewhat embarrassed face and smiled lightly." Finally, I believe he will come, won't he? "

"Yes, he will come for you." Su Wen burst out laughing, this is a kind of ridicule, or self-deprecating, if at this moment, her obituary will be sent to the execution ground, Ye Shikai will not I will come out and rescue myself ...

The next day, Linxiang City, the execution ground.

听 "I heard that a special prisoner will be executed today."

"Yeah, yeah, I know, she is the wife of General Ye, I heard she is a peerless beauty."

"General Ye is a hero, but I heard he was convicted of treason."

"It's not. Treason is the death penalty of the Nine Tribes, so today Mrs. Ye will be executed."

"Oh, well, General Ye also made great contributions, so he rebelled. What is he trying to do?"

The onlookers had a lot of discussions, most of them were Ye Shikai and He Linghan. The fighting in the past few months has continued, but now they have managed to win. However, the commander of the army, General Ye, was convicted of treason. "Chopping", what kind of thing is this.

The genius was just bright, and many people gathered here. Xingtai was already in the market, not to mention the dignified Mrs Ye.

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