Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1744: rain

At this moment, the sky gradually darkened, and white-gray clouds gathered over Linxiang City. Everyone felt a shade of coolness, and a wave of cool wind blew through, making people shiver and shiver. It was the hottest in the day at noon At that time, many people were wearing single clothes. The sudden drop in temperature made everyone curious.

"It seems to be raining this day."

"Yeah, it's really cold."

"Go back and get dressed."

The people talked about it. A little part of them left the execution ground, but Ye Shikai did not dare to relax. After a while, he felt a cold on his neck and his cheeks were wet ...

It's raining.

The rain fell in the air, and it is now October, a fall rain and a cold ...

"Look, it's raining."

"It hasn't rained lately, but it didn't happen until noon, wouldn't it be a godsend."

"Yes, Mrs. Ye is rumored to be approachable, but now it ends up like this, God can't stand it anymore."

"What an injustice."


"Okay, stop talking, if we are caught by these embargoes, we will surely catch us."

Ye Yekai hid behind the people. He could clearly hear every word. It was raining before his sentence. In traditional terms, he did have grievances, perhaps "the sky has eyes".

The rain gradually increased, and the people did not disperse. Instead, they stood with umbrellas on both sides and watched the car drive straight to the central execution ground. Because there were too many people, many people pushed forward, and the embargoes used shields and The spear blocked the crowd.

When she came to the criminal platform, several "peerless beauties" in the "respectful" place of the forbidden army asked her to drive out of the car. Instead of wearing a prison uniform, she was dressed in white and elegant. Instead, she set off her cold beauty. A beautiful lady, but it is about to disappear, everyone will feel sorry ...

At this time, 芈 文 also slowly came to the execution platform surrounded by the embargo. Of course, as the protagonist, she was sitting on the top, and the waiter held up a paper umbrella.

The rain water wet He Linghan's long hair, like a white lotus in the storm ...

"Lao Ye, be calm." Shang Guanjian advised.

"Shangguan, there is a restaurant in the eastern half of the execution ground. There are a dozen of my horses in it. I bought them at the restaurant and kept them at the restaurant. If I fail, I will take the brethren on board. Hurry up, leave Linxiang, and never come back. "Ye Shikai took a sign from his pocket and handed it to Shangguanjian." With this token, you can take the horse out. "

"Lao Ye, you are ..."

"Shangguan, the kindness of you and your brothers ... I have all the hearts, but this time is a life of nine deaths. If I fail, I will die with Linger. The remaining brothers do not need to make unnecessary sacrifice. You lead the team immediately Evacuate, you can take a few to a few, and then immediately go to Bashu. "

"I have all your feelings in mind, but I don't need to say anything else, just execute the order."

"Okay, Ye, I listen to you."

He Linghan was taken to the execution platform by several embargoes, and the executioner was ready beside him.

"It's miserable that such a beautiful woman should be in a different place."

"Yeah, even if you have to execute it, you can solve it with a white cricket." The people below were vaguely intolerable. At this time, their hearts may be waiting for Ye Shikai to play, the hero saves the beauty, and the domineering wife, but here are With so many embargoes, even a bird could not fly in. Although Ye Shikai was not dead, he had no military power. How could he save people? Number seven

At this time, 芈 文 actually went down from his position and walked straight to He Linghan.

"Are you still waiting for him?" 芈 文 said lightly.


"Are you really sure he will come?" The two women looked at the tens of thousands of people in front of them, and no one knew whether Ye Shikai was inside or not.

当然 "Of course, until the moment the blade touches my neck, I firmly believe it."

"Okay, let's take a look." 芈 Wen turned around and made a gesture to the executioner to signal his execution.

"Master, wait for the blood to splatter, you should go back."

不用 "No, I'll stay with her."

这 "This ... 喏."


"It's three o'clock in the afternoon, ready to execute."

The executioner threw the token on the ground, the executioner slowly stepped forward, raised the big knife in his hand, and the timid elderly women and children stepped back, covering their eyes with their hands.



Suddenly, there was a gunshot in the distance, and the executioner slowly fell to the ground. A thick blood hole appeared on the eyebrow. At the same time, in a house in the distance, Xue San immediately put away his sniper rifle. .

"Someone was assassinated."

"How could this be."

Seeing this, the common people suddenly panicked. The executioners were indeed dead, but after all, they were ancient people. They had never seen a bullet at all. They just saw the executioner fall to the ground.

"It seems that he is still here," 芈 文 murmured.

"Fume smoke." Suddenly, more than 20 people burst out from the crowd and threw the prepared smoke bomb into the air. Ye Shikai looked down and looked at the storage ring on his hand. Of course, these modern people's weapons are What he provided ~ ~ The storage ring was indeed taken away by the scriptures, but he and Xue San fled from the government the same day, but he did not leave directly, but instead sneaked into the palace of the scriptures, Many things couldn't be done when the storage ring wasn't found. Yun Wen was angry at the time. Naturally, he wouldn't think Ye Shikai didn't leave, but instead went to her dormitory.

Sure enough, in her vanity case, Ye Shikai found her storage ring, but the obituary did not destroy it, which made him feel a bit surprised. If the obituary was insured, it would be destroyed or lost in the river. In this way, Ye Shikai will never be found, but no matter what, the storage ring can be found, which is a good sign.

As soon as the smoke bomb was released, all the sergeants and ordinary people turned into a pot of porridge. The irritating smell made everyone cough. Where have they seen modern weapons? Tens of thousands of people ran around. The smoke couldn't see people at all. The embargo was panicked for a while, and I didn't know what to do.

"Protect the protagonist."

Seeing this, the bodyguard rushed forward to protect the body text.

Xie Yeshikai's internal forces came out, and she directly took out You Xijian, jumped to the roof in a few steps, and killed the past towards the execution platform.

"Someone attacked, come quickly." The guards stepped forward, Ye Shikai waved You Xi, the powerful sword gas directly shattered his internal organs, they are not Ye Shikai's opponents, it is more difficult to stop You Xijian's front.

"I didn't expect you to come." Ye Wen met the person who was surprised, but his face was calm. If he didn't come, He Linghan would be executed, so he would definitely come. He just wanted to To deceive yourself ...

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