Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1762: Uphill

Do not rule out this possibility, Li Yueying is not a "stupid white sweet". This woman has a lot of thoughts. If Ye Shikai stays, if he will encounter danger again, he can certainly help.

In fact, the reason why Ye Shikai is willing to insert a knife for Li Yueying's two ribs is also very simple. Of course, it is not only because of the "enthusiasm" for helping each other to see the unevenness of the sword. The most important point is that he and the Tang family have already fought in the ruins of Bai Qi. It is only possible to deteriorate, and he does not think that Tang Can is the kind of person who can "enjoy each other with smiles and enemies." Therefore, if you do n’t make a shot and meet the Tang family in the future, Tang Can will not show mercy. Helping each other can also make the Li family owe him a great deal.

In this case, Ye Shikai also wants to see how the Li family will return to him. In addition, if Tang Can really reports, and keeps Ye Shikai outside, then he is really a threat to go out, even if he is a tiger, but facing the pack of wolves Will inevitably be overwhelmed.



After receiving the signal for help, the people of the Li family also started to move closer. Some of the elders and guards of the Li family came first. They were rushed down by the avalanche. They quickly lost their direction, but when they saw the signal flare, they It's closer to here.

"Okay, hurry back to the team, **** avalanche, so Miss Ben was almost buried." Li Yueying grumbled and complained.

Ye Shikai looked around, and there were a lot of people outside, gathering in different directions. If Ye Shikai did not expect, other families must be gathering people to prepare to go up the mountain again.

"Father." Suddenly, Li Yueying saw someone in the crowd and immediately stepped forward. Ye Shikai also heard about it. The owner of the Li family, named Li Changtian, was also quite famous after the Chinese family. The Li family was Changan San. The head of the big family, and Li Changtian is a master of the generation.

"Yueer, are you okay?"

"Relax, father, it was a bit dangerous just now, but thanks to him to make a siege." Li Yueying pointed to Ye Shikai.

"This little friend ... isn't Chen's aunt."

"The junior Ye Shikai, met Li's predecessor." Ye Shikai was still polite and respectful. In fact, when he was in Bai Qi's ruins, he had already seen Li Changtian, but he could not talk about friendship.

"Father, the people from the Tang family surrounded me just now."

"What, how can you do this, you're fine." Li Changtian's beloved daughter is eager. The key is that if Li Yueying falls into the hands of the Tang family, he will be bound to be controlled by others. What Tang Can let him do, he can only do it.

"Tang Can's group is despicable. If he didn't do anything to rescue him, his daughter would be taken away by them."

"It turned out that the little friend's rescue was the benefactor of my Li family. This kind of friendship must be returned by the old man." Li Changtian was very relieved that Li Yueying was able to meet the evil, indicating that this is the God's Li family.

"Okay, senior, we have met in Bai Qi's ruins, and we are not strangers. The avalanche came too suddenly. After you regrouped your staff, let's set off quickly. I will leave first." Ye Shikai Seeing that the Li family had already assembled one after another, I expected that the Tang family did not dare to stay here, so they planned to leave early.

"There is no one around Xiaoyou, shouldn't you come alone." Li Changtian saw that Ye Shikai was neither guarded nor followed by the elders. He was very curious. Whatever he said, he was also Chen's aunt. There should always be someone around him. Right.

"No, I haven't seen friends in the Chen family." Li Changtian was curious.

"The juniors had some trouble before, so they didn't go up the mountain with the Chen family." Ye Shikai perfunctoryly said that he did not want to explain, but it was a long story.

"That being the case, let's go up the mountain with my husband. You saved my daughter. It's my family's love."

"Since Senior Li said so, I'd better respect him."

On the way up the mountain.

"Hey, do you drink or not drink?" On the way, Li Yueying's attention was focused on Ye Shikai. He looked very spirited and could retreat from a Tang family. It doesn't look like he has no internal strength. Maybe Ye Shikai The loss of internal strength is really a rumor.

"No need." Ye Shikai waved his hand.

"Hey, I heard that you disappeared a while ago. What the **** is going on now, there is a lot of time now, and you talk to me about it." Li Yueying, like a curious baby, kept asking.

"Well, that's a long story, and even if I say it, you won't believe it, so don't say it."

"Cut, don't you just don't want to tell me, and use such a bad excuse." Li Yueying said coldly, "Are you still alert to me?"

In fact, at the beginning of Bai Qi's relics, Ye Shikai and Li Yueying also played against each other, and the two were not happy at first ~ ~ Later, the two chose to cooperate together, more for the sake of interests. As for There is not much friendship. Although Ye Shikai rescued Li Yueying this time, his relationship with the Li family was a "stranger", and some vigilance was normal.

"Whether you believe it or not, anyway, you do n’t want to say it's my thing. Besides, how can I say that I just saved you just now? I ca n’t even talk about the big grace and great virtue. Now your father is kind to me. Yes, should you also treat me with respect. "

"You, hum."


Ye Shikai was also searching for the Ji family along the way. If it is not unexpected, the members of the Three Temples should all follow the Ji family. If he can find the Ji family, he will be able to reunite with everyone. He hasn't seen him for a long time. Ye Shikai, running day and night, was struggling, and he could imagine how excited the scene would be when they met again.

"Li Yueying, do you know where Ji's family is, or in other words, did you meet Ji's family when you went up the mountain?" Ye Shikai asked in turn.

"Ji family, you ask Ji family what to do, aren't you Uncle Chen's family, oh I almost went, you have a deep relationship with Miss Ji family." Li Yueying showed a sly smile. "Is it, Lord Hades In foreign countries, they should all call you that. "

Li Yueying knew Ye Shikai's identity, and naturally she knew Ji Qian's identity. In addition to Miss Ji's identity, she was also a Lord of Luna.

"Miss Ji's family is also beautiful. If you are a married woman, you won't remember her."

"I'm talking about serious matters. You don't add more jealousy." Ye Shikai rolled her eyes. "You just need to tell me about the information you know."

"Well, I won't sell you anymore. I did see the Ji family. They are on the mountain, but after the avalanche, I'm not sure."

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