Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1763: United Li Family

"Well, saying it means not saying it." Ye Shikai cast a glance, but Li Yueying should not have lied to him. The sudden avalanche, almost no family can be "survived", although this may not be fatal to the practitioner However, it takes a lot of time to re-convene human hands. In addition, the crowd is scattered around Kunlun Mountain. Here, communication tools cannot be used. Only the flare can be used to determine the location. The flare is visible to everyone. Therefore, the use of flare At the same time, it is tantamount to exposing the position of the family.

For now, although Ye Shikai hasn't got any useful information, at least he can be sure that Ji's family is ahead. As long as he goes with Li family, he should be able to meet.

"Little friend."

"Predecessor Li, what's the matter." Ye Shikai saw Li Changtian coming and felt a bit of oppression. Although the older man looked amiable, he was exuding an oppression. He is a master of cultivation. Above Ye Shikai, the combat force is naturally very strong.

"The performance of the young friend in Bai Qi's ruins last time was really shocking. Although the old man was also called a Wizard from a young age, he was dwarfed by the younger friend and asked himself if he would make the old man thirty years younger. Its strength and achievements may not be even less than half of the little friends, it is really terrible. "Li Changtian first" brave ", touting Ye Shikai at the expense of his identity, it really made him" spoiled. "

"Senior Li is modest. No one knows. I also played with Tang Can because of Li's name in Chang'an. Although he and you are the heads of the family, I believe he is by no means your opponent."

"Senior Li, come to me, there must be something, let's just say it directly." Ye Shikai asked.

"My husband is here, and there is indeed something I want to discuss with my friends."

"What's the matter, my predecessors might as well say straight, I listen to you."

"Right now, Kunlun Mountain has gathered dozens of large families, tens of thousands of practitioners, and almost all of Huaxia's family have come." Li Changtian continued, "Although there are many people coming, but there is only one goal, that is Kunlun's secret realm. Of course, not only is the Kunlun secret place on the top of the mountain, there are thousands of ruins along the way, and the treasures inside are also excellent. "

"Senior Li, let's talk straight." Ye Shikai faintly heard the meaning of his words. Li Changtian was "calling the wind and calling the rain" in Chang'an, but in the Kunlun Mountains, the Li family was just one of the "competitors." "This is a tiger-drake dragon plate. The so-called gun strikes the head bird, so any family here is" very low-key. "

"Well, now that my little friend is straightforward, I will not go round the corner. In fact, before going up the mountain, many families have already formed alliances and alliances. In order to help allies when they are in danger."

"I understand what you mean." Ye Shikai interrupted Li Changtian's words. "Of the three major families in Chang'an, the Tang family and the Gongsun family have joined together to suppress the Li family together, so the seniors wanted to join me."

"Exactly." Li Changtian nodded.

Ye Shikai had long anticipated that the so-called "one fence, three stakes, and one good guy, three gangs." On Kunlun Mountain, the newspaper group heating was no longer exclusive to the weak. Even the strongest family did not dare to "take the lead". Tigers Can't stand the siege of the wolves. Although the Li family is powerful, there are no allies to help them. On the contrary, many families have united and look at the Li family.

And Ye Shikai ’s identity is special. Since Li Yueying already knows that he is Hades, compared to Li Changtian, I ’ve probably learned about it earlier. To win a Ye Shikai is to win together the Chen family, the Ji family, and the Three Temples. Ye Shikai is the aunt of the Chen family. This is a relationship on the bright side, and his relationship with Ji Qian must be very clear to Li Changtian. As for the Three Temples, although he has not seen it with his own eyes, it must be a strong one.

"Yes, I agree to the proposal of the predecessors." Ye Shikai seemed to have no reason to refuse. He had completely offended the Tang family. There was no room for reversion. Naturally, he was the enemy of the Gongsun family. The enemy was the friend. The Li family asked him to cooperate. He has no need to refuse because of his feelings and reason and his use of public and private matters.

"That's great. The old man will not be greedy. If he can get the treasure, the old man will only take the one he should take, and he will never intervene."

"Actually, if the predecessors want those treasures, it doesn't matter if they take more. I came to Kunlun Mountain this time, not for them." Ye Shikai murmured.

"Little friend, what do you mean by that?"

"Whether the predecessor believes it or not, my goal is not those treasures. I have other things. Although the booty predecessors have all accepted ~ ~, if it is necessary, I hope the predecessors can help me."


"Nightmare, you are here." Wang Kai exclaimed excitedly. He took a few members of the Three Halls down the hill to search, gradually pulled the team up, and when he was almost at the foot of the mountain, he finally found the generals of the Hades.

"We are all here." Nightmare Moji and others are here, and the elite of the Three Temples have been found.

"This **** avalanche is so fierce that it almost rushed me directly to the foot of the mountain." Moihun complained.

"It's true, but the most important thing is that we don't have much left." Nightmare is the calmest and calmest of all people. After the reunion excitement, he calmed down quickly.

"Yes, when we went up the mountain, we used food and drinks to rely on Ji's family. Now we can't find them. There is only some food and water left around us, even the tent is gone." Soul sighed .

"Then we quickly find Lord Luna," said the magic girl.

"I'm afraid it's not that easy. I went down the mountain to find you. It looks like we have returned to the foot of the mountain again, and Ji's family should still be on the mountain. They can't return for us." Wang Kai said A bit of a chilling fact, it took them two days to get up to the mountainside. If Ji Jia returned to find someone, he would n’t say whether he could find it. Even if he found it, he would have to delay it for another two days. Other families have already reached the summit long ago, so Ji's visit to Kunlun Mountain is meaningless.

"Then we will go up again, as long as we speed up, we can still catch up with them."

"I'm afraid it's not that easy. We don't have much food left and we don't have a tent. If we can't find a cave at night, I'm afraid we can only sleep in the snow." Mengyue said lightly.

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