Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1790: Postponement

"I think so too. Doris has destroyed the Temple of War and the Hades, and has killed so many of our brothers. We must report this revenge." Nightmare said firmly, they are all in nature, What pays attention is that there must be revenge, and when the time comes, it is necessary to report. Doris has killed many of them. Nightmare has just become Pluto. Although it has the support of everyone, other main gods may not support it. Nightmare strength is good, but compared to Ye Shikai, it is still inferior, not only the main god, I am afraid that even the masters on the dark list may not be convinced.

Since ancient times, the new superiors need to "kill" the prestige. Now the nightmare has no prestige, and since Doris destroyed the temple of war, the power of the sea king's palace has been as high as the sky. If she can be killed, one can be dead. Brother revenge, both. Nightmare has gained prestige, and everyone will convince him even more.

"And Aphrodite, how many of us have been killed by this woman. She was fortunate to run away, only to cause the current disaster." Wang Kai added, "This time, we must not let her go."

"Rightly, neither of these women is a fuel-efficient lamp, and it must be resolved to eliminate future problems."

Nightmare has decided that they must be removed, but now the power of the Three Palaces has been suppressed, and there are not many men. Since you want to compete with Doris, everyone needs help.

"Let's go down the mountain and call the old ministry together."

Kunlun Mountain, the other side.

The remaining dozen families have finally passed the Snow Mountain. They have rushed through. The number of Snow Demon has caused a lot of threats, but after all, there are masters like Zheng Li sitting in the town. Although all the families have lost some manpower , But finally passed.

"Unexpectedly, these snow fairies are so difficult to entangle, and the wind caused by the fan wings is even more difficult to move." Ji Tao couldn't help but sigh, his martial arts were similar to Taiji, and he always used his strength to win by skill. However, in this case, when he was in the snow, he still felt full of pressure, showing the power of these snow fairies.

"But fortunately, we are still here." Ji Qian nodded and said, Zheng Li was proficient in the formation method, combined with several forces to form a large array, which blocked the Snow Demon, especially the five alliances. Dare to relax. They are now "ally friends". If they fail to do their job, they will lose the treasures themselves.

"Yeah, in this case, let's hurry up the mountain." Ji Tao suggested.

"Brother Ji, don't worry, we lost a lot of people, just wait a bit." Zheng Li suggested that the five alliances were proposed by him, so he is naturally the leader of the five alliances. Since he has spoken, the rest Of course, the next four companies have no opinions. Moreover, many of the wounded are also objective facts.

However, in addition to the five alliances, there are seven or eight families present. They are unwilling to obey Zheng Li's orders and insist on going up the mountain immediately. Now they are close to the top of Kunlun Mountain. It can be said that the sprint stage has arrived. May be the first to arrive in Kunlun's secret realm, and Zheng Li actually stopped all four houses. This move really puzzled a few anxious homeowners.

After half an hour.

"Master Zheng, why did you stop us? The Tang family in Chang'an and the royal family in Yanjing all set off immediately, without any slackness, in order to preempt the attack. If we delay any further, they will go to the secret place first. "Five homeowners concentrated on the main account to discuss things, and one of them asked Zheng Li.

"Did you all think so?" Zheng Li asked.

Several other homeowners remained silent, apparently acquiescent, they all wanted to preempt, but Zheng Li refused to let them go, and they were embarrassed to leave first, after all, they are now an alliance.

"You, we have come here, each family has lost more than a hundred people, or even hundreds of people, but do you think that Kunlun's Secret will be unprepared." Zheng Liwan asked.

"Master Zheng, do you mean ... let those people go up first and test the situation." Ji Tao reacted at once, thinking carefully, that is indeed the case, Kunlun's secret place is the most important thing, how can it be light? Easy to go in, maybe there is something more terrible, in short, it is impossible to go in so easily.

"Since there is danger ahead, why should our five families take the lead? Just follow them one kilometer behind and move forward slowly."


"Xiao Kai, listen to me."

"Lower case."

"Can you not follow me?" Ye Shikai turned around and said, since he left, Chen Yuxin has been following him, which is very upsetting.

"Where you go, I'm going to follow you. You don't want to get rid of me." Chen Yuxin said absolutely, both of them can't beat anyone, just go to the top of the mountain, according to this speed, rest for one night, you should be able to arrive tomorrow morning The top of the mountain.

"Lord, someone has followed me." At this time, Li Mei came forward to report.

"What kind of person is so fast." Chen Yuxin was a little surprised. After all, they took the shortcut and did not encounter obstacles on the way. Perhaps it was a lot of time wasted by the quarrel between the two during the day, so the family behind took advantage of it. This opportunity has caught up.

"Looks like, I don't have much time to fight with you." Ye Shikai said lightly. There was already a family behind him. He must not be surpassed by those people. He couldn't rest tonight and had to move on overnight.

"Notify everyone, move forward at full speed and get rid of them as soon as possible," Chen Yuxin ordered.


Ye Shikai didn't say much, his goal is very clear, is to go to Kunlun's secret realm, find the energy that travels through time and space, and then return to Qin Dynasty. As for who the coming family is, he doesn't care at all ~ ~ If These families blocked him, so he would not care about anything, everything in front of him must be cleared.

the other side.

"Oblique the owner, traces of encampment were found on the snow in front, and many people's footprints." Tang family members hurriedly confessed to Tang Can.

"What, you are not mistaken, how could there be traces, we are the family in the forefront." Tang Can was surprised, immediately asked back.

"Nothing wrong, they left a lot of marks, and the camp was not cleaned up. It seems that it was not long before they left."

"Since crossing the Tianmao, almost all the families have acted collectively. I have not heard of any family who secretly set off. How could anyone walk in front of us?"

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