Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1791: Arrive in the mystery

"Father, could it be that the family sneaked away and acted in advance." Tang Nie asked, they are all for the treasures in Kunlun's secret realm. Of course, some people want to start first, and if they are unwilling, if they can move ahead, Can go further from the mystery.

"This ... I don't seem to have heard of it." Tang Can pondered carefully. When he arrived at Tianan, there were 28 families, but he remembered each family's stay and whereabouts clearly. The family is also very unlikely. This time I came to Kunlun Mountain. The big families were "fairy fights", those small families were "mortal victims", and all the families were stopped together by a natural beast, everyone was together. Act, I haven't heard of any family crossing the Tianmao ahead of time.

"Can you know who the family is?" Tang Can asked.

"Back to the housekeeper, although they didn't leave many traces, there were no people in the camp, and we couldn't catch anyone for interrogation, so ... I don't know yet."

"Well, keep checking, we must find out which one is in front of us." Tang Can said coldly, never expecting that there was a family in front of them, but they didn't dare to idle at all. After that, the Tang family paid hundreds of people to reach this stage, but they can't be cut off.

"About how many people they have."

"According to the footsteps on the ground, I am afraid that there are more than a thousand people."

"So much." Tang Can was not only nervous but panic when he heard the news. He was able to lead more than a thousand people up the mountain. At least two things can be explained. First, the front must be a big family, and second, They did not lose much manpower, and do not say whether the Tang family in this family can afford it. With the current team of hundreds of Tang families, I am afraid they can't beat it.

"Hurry up and inform the owner of Wang Lianfeng of Yanjing, and say I have something to discuss." Tang Can commanded to the elder beside him.

"Father, Wang Lianfeng is a hungry wolf that can't feed enough. Everyone knows the ambitions and intentions of the Wang family in expanding in recent years. Although the other three Yanjing families don't say it, they know it well. If they want to cooperate with them, How much of the treasures in the mystery can fall into our hands. "Tang Nie was not stupid, and immediately knew Tang Can's intentions. He wanted to join the royal family, but Tang Nie also heard about the royal family. Knowing that this is with the tiger.

"Of course I know that ambition means greed, which is not a good thing for Wang Lianfeng, but there are also smart people in the Wang family. Wang Qian's young lady is a smart person. She knows the importance of cooperation between the two."

ten minutes later.

"The lord of the king."

"What's the matter with Brother Tang looking for me? You know we are all rushing to Kunlun's secret place, you wouldn't want to delay me." Wang Lianfeng said, and he was very polite and opened his eyes.

"The Wang family owner misunderstood, but I just got a message that other families have already arrived first." Tang Can said not only Wang Lianfeng, but also Wang Qian next to him. .

"And there are more than a thousand people, a large number."

"Brother Tang, are you kidding me, more than a thousand people, at least this is also a big family, and we know all the family trips." Wang Lianfeng sneered, he thought that this was Tang Can in order to pull him into the group A fabricated lie.

"No, father, from beginning to end, there has been a family who hasn't shown up." Wang Qian seemed to suddenly think of something, and there was a flash of panic on Calm's face.

"Really, which family."

"Yanjing, the Chen family."

After listening to Wang Lianfeng, the smile on his face gradually solidified. After thinking about it, he did not see the trace of the Chen family after going up the mountain. He was fortunate because he had one less competitor. Now, in retrospect, it turned out that Chen Yuxin was the first to board. No wonder no one was found.

"Chen Yuxin's little niece is not easy to deal with. She is smarter than her predecessors." Tang Can continued, but these words were stabbed in the heart of Wang Lianfeng, all of Yanjing's family, the Wang family. Of course, I understand the strengths of the Chen family, and if you want to expand, it is inevitable to fight the Chen family.

"Master Wang, since we have common enemies now, why not join forces together, we will defeat the Chen family first. If we get the treasure inside, we have four or six points, I have four, you are six, what?" Tang Can said faintly. .

"Father, we have no other choice. The Chen family is strong, and Chen Yuxin has many masters. We must unite the Tang family, otherwise the treasure will be swallowed by the Chen family alone, and then our royal family will never have a turnaround time." Wang Qian immediately understood the interest relationship. Competition with the Chen family was far more important than competition with the Tang family.

"Well, in this case, let's kill the Chen family together." Wang Lianfeng could only promise, even if he got 60% of the treasure, he would definitely make a fortune.


"Come on, hurry." Chen Yuxin ordered everyone to move forward at full speed. Little did they know that Wang Tang and the two behind were also trying hard to catch up, and it was Ye Shikai who ran ahead.

"It's almost here, it's coming soon," Ye Shikai murmured, keeping cheering for himself.

"Xiao Kai, wait a minute." Chen Yuxin was afraid that Ye Shikai would run away, so she could only keep up.

"Here it is." Ye Shikai shouted, at the same time, a ray of light also tore the night, and it was dawn ...

Everyone looked at the "Palace ~ ~" in front of them. They were all as small as ants compared to this "Palace". Although not considered magnificent, such a magnificent palace stands on the top of the mountain. A sight only in myth.

Ye Shikai does not believe that this can be created by humans. After all, it is not easy for ordinary practitioners to reach the top of the mountain, let alone build such a magnificent building.

Of course, compared to this magnificent palace, the treasures inside are the most attractive. If you can get all of them, it will definitely enhance the strength of the family.

"Look, it really is the Chen family."

It didn't take long for the two Wang Tangs to rush over, and when they saw the Chen family members who were the first to step up, they immediately showed their weapons, and it seemed that they were planning a fierce battle in front of the palace.

Chen Yuxin is not a soft persimmon, she will never yield, nor will she be willing to be suppressed by the two Wang Tangs.

"It seems that a big war is inevitable." Chen Yuxin ordered everyone to prepare for the challenge, and Ye Shikai stepped forward. He did not want to help the Chen family, but he would not be able to enter unless he resolved the immediate problems first. palace.

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