Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1802: Terrible illusion

"Illusion, is this true?" Ye Shikai murmured, this red flower on the other shore is in full bloom in hell, but it cannot be **** here, Soul Calibur said it might be an illusion, but looking at everything around, this Obviously, the corpses are also really down on the ground. If this is an illusion, it is too realistic.


Ye Shikai avoided the monster's long axe and pierced his head with a backhand sword. This feeling is obviously true.

"Qian, are you okay." Seeing that Ji Qian is okay, Ye Shikai is relieved, but there are already a lot of cultivators' bodies around. If this is hell, then these monsters are the demons from hell.

"Why didn't you go?" Ji Qian asked.

"This situation, how can I go, if not handled properly, everyone will die here." Ye Shikai said loudly "I must stay."

"What do you do, these monsters are too many."

"Moon God's trick-the stars fall."

Ji Qian also did her best, but these monsters quickly surrounded the two people. The situation was much worse than expected. The monsters you encountered before were just "cannon fodder" and the "demons" in front of them. Can not be compared, Li Ji and the two are now isolated and helpless, it is definitely not wise to fight hard.

"If this is really a fantasy, then I'm open to it." Ye Shikai said with a gritted teeth. He must not sit still, since it is better to fight for it.

"what do you want to do."

"Did you see the flower on the other shore?" Ye Shikai pointed at the many dazzling blood-red flowers on the shore.

"Did you mean the other side flower? I have only heard it in rumors. Is it the other side flower?" Ji Qian was a little shocked, she did not expect that the other side flower in the rumor actually appeared here.

"It is rumored that the red flower on the other side of Hell is the source of everything." Ye Shikai suddenly took out the dagger and leaped into the air suddenly. The dagger is a "weapon" and the murderous power is very heavy. On the contrary, it promoted the blade of the sword.


Ye Shikai pointed at the other shore flower in the air, cut it down with a knife, and split the other shore flower in a blink.

It should be over.

With the annihilation of the flowers on the other shore, the fuchsia sky dissipated immediately, but it did not turn into blue sky and white clouds, but its original appearance. The high stone walls became dark around them. They were still in the palace. There was no lighting and nature. It's extremely dark.

Those monsters also turned into gray soil and dissipated in the air. Ye Shikai took the flares from the storage ring and shot them upwards.


Under the bright light, everyone saw the sight in front of them, all the bodies of their own people on the ground, but all those monsters just disappeared.

"How could this be."

"Yeah, how about those monsters?"

The crowd didn't seem to react. The first second fought fiercely, the next second calmed down, and even the opponent disappeared.

"This is all illusion." Ye Shikai shouted.

"Ye Xiaozi, what do you mean by that?" Li Changtian asked.

"All these are hallucinations produced by flowers on the other shore. The sea of ​​flowers just now, as well as hell, including those monsters, are hallucinations." Ye Shikai explained.

"How is this possible? The battle we just fought was real. We still have so many people dead. If these monsters are hallucinations, how did those dead brothers die." An elder retorted, not all of them I agree with him. After all, a lot of people were killed just now. Many of them have red eyes. Can't they calm down for a while? Ye Shikai picked up one's body from the ground and showed it to everyone.

"Look at this man's wound." Ye Shikai said to the crowd. There was no other injuries on the body, except for a sword wound on his chest. He was killed by a sword piercing his heart. This was a fatal injury.

"This ..." When Ji Tao saw this, his expression suddenly calmed.

"This wound should be familiar to senior Ji."

"Yes, this is a sword injury, and the wound is thin. It shows that the sword body that penetrated into his chest is thin and thin. It is my sword of Ji family." Ji Tao was surprised, everyone was surprised, but the thin A closer look at the wound, it is true, people will lie, but this sword injury is like the "identity card" of every sword, this is iron evidence, every sword injury left by each sword is different And the sword injury on this man's chest was left by Ji's exclusive sword. In other words, this person did not die in the hands of those monsters, but died under the sword of Ji's family, and died under his own sword ... ...

"But how could this be, how could we kill each other."

"The only explanation is that there are no so-called demons at all. We were all affected by the other side's deception, and we saw some people around us as monsters, so we killed each other. Of course, some monsters may be illusions." Ye Shikai explained Dao, this is his analysis. All the corpses present were either injured by the sword or wiped the neck with a dagger, which was artificial.

"It turned out to be this way."

Although shocked and sad, everyone accepted the reality. This was a downright internal fight, with hundreds of deaths and injuries. If Ye Shikai had not crushed the other flower, they would continue to fight.

"Hurry up and treat the wounded."

"Quickly save people."

The two homeowners hurriedly ordered UU to read but there were too many people injured this time. It was impossible to treat all the injured for a while. Many people were seriously injured and died, but they could not get treatment. Just die like that.

"Unexpectedly, this flower on the other side is so powerful. It just used an illusion, and it didn't take a lot of effort to let a few of you fight, and the casualties were heavy." Ye Shikai looked at the tragic situation in front of him and muttered to himself.

"This other shore flower can disturb people's minds. You have also met many people who use illusion before, such as Aphrodite, and Li Mei of the movie agency. They are all masters of illusion, but compared to the other shore flower, It's really a little witch seeing a big witch. "Soul of the sword is also reluctant. If Ye Shikai didn't come forward just now, the consequences would be more serious than now.

"Qian, how are you doing?" Ye Shikai came to Ji Qian and asked.

"The loss of more than 300 people is considered a loss of manpower along the way. Now more than half of the casualties have been lost." Ji Qian was very lost. She was a little annoyed, but Ye Shikai knew that it was not her fault, not even Li Changtian and Ji. Tao's fault, if it is said that even the masters of the cultivation period cannot escape the illusion of the other side of the flower, then everyone who comes to Kunlun Mountain will suffer.

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