Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1803: Crack method

Such a realistic illusion has deceived everyone present, and now thinking about it, there is still fear. If Ye Shikai did not break the other shore flower, everyone may continue to fight until the last person.

"Lower case, are you okay." At the same time, just after the battle ended, the Chen family's team returned. Because of the withdrawal, the Chen family lost less, only a few hundred people. In comparison, Li Jiahe The Ji family has now lost more than half.

"Relax, I'm fine."

"What the **** is going on." Chen Yuxin asked.

"It's the other side of the flower." Ye Shikai explained, "We are all deceived by the illusion of the other side of the flower. There are no so-called enemies at all, all are illusions."

"Hell ... it's fake," Chen Yuxin murmured.

"Yes, these are fake."

All the bodies on the ground were very embarrassing. Ye Shikai also began to look for survivors. There should be someone who did not lose his breath. He quickly treated with the obtained elixir and then stabilized his heart with internal force. However, many people still suffered from injuries. Dead.

"Lord, now that the other shore flower has been broken, we should move on." Feng Ling suggested.

"Yes, it's not too late, let's move on."

In this battle, the Chen family lost the least, but the Li family and the Ji family lost a lot. Therefore, Ji Tao and Li Changtian were naturally dissatisfied with Chen Yuxin. Especially after the battle, the Chen family evacuated. Although they were very dissatisfied, But it was helpless. Ye Shikai once advised them to evacuate. They were unwilling to evacuate. This made the current situation self-serving. In addition, the Chen family had never formed an alliance with Ji Li. Therefore, they evacuated during the battle. There is nothing wrong with it.

The most important thing is the current situation. Both of them have lost more than half, and the Chen family has almost no losses. Even if they fight, the two must be losing money, so they can only bear this breath.

"Lower case, let's go on." Chen Yuxin urged.

"Ahem, or else we'll take a short break, and then send someone to return all the injured people." Ye Shikai glanced at Ji Qian in the distance and said lightly.

"Xiao Kai, let's go on, or the next family will come." Of course, Chen Yuxin was unwilling to wait for Ji and Li. Now there must be other families coming to the palace. The treasures are on a first-come-first-served basis.

Ye Shikai went to Ji Qian. The person he wanted to wait for was Ji Qian, but after all, Ji Qian was Miss Ji, and it was impossible to go with Chen's team.

"Qian, you ..."

"Okay, you don't need to say anything, I know what you mean, you go first." Before Ji Shikai spoke, Ji Qian interrupted him.

"There are still many wounded people in Ji's family here, and I can't leave them alone." Ji Qian said faintly. "There may be danger next. Take care of yourself and pay attention to safety."

"Okay, you pay more attention to safety."

Chen Yuxin looked at the two from afar. Something was not in her heart. I am afraid that any woman does not want her husband to be intimate with other women. However, she knows how serious she was to Ye Shikai. Now she only wants Ye Shikai to stay. If she stays by her side, it will only make things stiff.

"Xiao Kai, let's hurry up." Chen Yuxin rushed forward.

"Okay, let's go."

After half an hour.

"Xiao Kai, you seem to be thinking about something." Chen Yuxin asked suddenly.

"It's nothing, but it's dangerous here, but it's better to be alert." Ye Shikai turned his head and said lightly.

"You are very cold to me, lower case, you must still be angry with me, right?" Chen Yuxin asked back, Ye Shikai remained silent and did not answer. He had no feelings for Chen Yuxin anymore, let alone hate, let alone Ye Shikai hated her. It was difficult to describe her feelings. When the two met, Ye Shikai did not have any emotional fluctuations, as if looking at an ordinary friend, but the relationship was not just an ordinary friend ...

"Okay, let's move on." Ye Shikai changed the subject. If anyone keeps talking, who knows what Chen Yuxin will do.

"Li Mei." Ye Shikai said suddenly.

"Aunt, you're calling me." Li Mei didn't respond. She and Ye Shikai had played against her before, but that was also obedient to Chen Yuxin's order.

"Yes." Ye Shikai asked curiously. "If I remember correctly, you are good at illusions, right?"

"It can't be said that the fire is pure, but it is more than enough to deal with ordinary people."

"Then you tell me what is the principle of illusion." Ye Shikai asked curiously.

"This ... the principle of illusion is to use mental power to confuse the other party and make the other party hallucinate."

"So, as long as the mental strength is stronger than the other party, will there be no illusions." Ye Shikai asked.

"It's not necessarily. Illusions have special skills. Unless the mental power reaches a certain level, they will still be in magic." Li Mei continued, "Conversely, the stronger the mental power, the stronger the illusion."

Ye Shikai is lost in thought. So to speak, unless he can improve his mental strength for a short time, he will not be able to resist the illusion of the other side of the flower. This is almost impossible. Even masters such as Ji Tao and Li Changtian have illusion. Ye Shikai thinks that his mental strength is far less than his two predecessors. In the face of the illusion of the other side of the flower, I am afraid that there is no resistance.

The only hope is that UU reads www. is on the soul of the sword. As the soul of the dagger, it has been parasitic in Ye Shikai's brain in the form of a spiritual body. It is a powerful spiritual force, so when everyone is caught in the illusion of the other side of the flower, only it See that these are hallucinations.

"Soul Calibur, can you tell the illusion of the other side of the flower." Ye Shikai asked, and now only it can help, this time it is in three homes, and hundreds of people were injured or injured. If the remaining families are also present, that is Thousands of people, if you hit the illusion again, the consequences will be disastrous.

"The other shore flower is the legendary flower blooming in hell. Frankly speaking, I didn't expect it to appear here, and I don't necessarily have 100% certainty to be immune to the hallucinations caused by it." Sword soul seemed a little embarrassed. It is a group of spirits in itself. Perhaps "He" was very powerful, but now it is also limited in its ability.

"It doesn't matter. Illusion is easy to use for the first time, but it is not necessary for the second time." Ye Shikai kept repeating in his mind. If he met a monster again, he couldn't come up and fight. It must be remembered, it was just an illusion.

"Xiao Kai, listen carefully, there is movement nearby." Suddenly, Chen Yuxin grabbed him and signaled everyone to be quiet.

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