Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1803: Tomb owner

Yeah, how it looks, it ’s like a joke between God and him, he is only one step away from the goal, there seems to be no possibility of failure, but at the most critical moment, he was “betrayed” by the most trusted person, although This is Ji Qian's unconscious move, but the fact is already in front of him, the energy group has been destroyed, the Kunlun Mountain has been closed, and the next time it is opened, it may be a dozen years, or it may be decades, of course, It is also possible that he would never see it in his life.

Ye Shikai has lost the opportunity to cross back to the Qin Dynasty, and he has no chance to see He Linghan again.

"Where are you going now?" After a long time, Ji Qian saw Ye Shikai's mood calmed down a little, so she asked.

"I said, I'm going to the airport." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"Kunlun Mountain is closed and even if you fly there, you can't get in."

"I'm not going to Kunlun Mountain."

"Where are you going?"


Ji Qian didn't understand why Ye Shikai went to Linxiang. He grew up in Yanjing, and had never been to Linxiang. Ji Qian was puzzled.

"Linxiang, do you have any acquaintances there?" Ji Qian asked curiously.

"She's there," Ye Shikai murmured.

After half a day.

Ye Shikai and Ji Qian bought air tickets and flew directly from Yanjing to Linxiang. Frankly, Ji Qian was here for the first time, and she didn't quite understand.

"Linger was originally born in Zhongyuan, and later came to Linxiang with me. Some things, I seem to understand." Ye Shikai looked ahead. During his calm half hour just now, he seemed to get through. "Ren Du Er "Pulse", many things that were hard to think about but couldn't figure out, as if there were answers all at once. At this moment, Ye Shikai's heart had a voice guiding his behavior.

On the plane, Ye Shikai was in deep thought again. Thirty-six years of Qin Shihuang, the meteorite that fell from the sky not only changed the fate of that empire, but also the fate of the two of them. If it were not for He Linghan who left Hanoi, he ran away for thousands of miles. When it comes to Linxiang, the next things will not happen. In fact, every decision is changing the fate of the latter. If it was not for Yangxian's noisy affairs, he would not have encountered the obituary, maybe he really He and He Linghan could find a "Xanaduyuan" and live for a long time.

"Soul Calibur, can I still have a chance to go back?" Ye Shikai asked suddenly.

"Boy, you can be content. At that time, such a powerful explosion of energy, it is a blessing that you could be seriously injured to pick up your life." Since Ye Shikai woke up, Sword Spirit has also recovered, and it lives in Ye Shikai's brain. If Ye Shikai really dies, he will surely die. On the contrary, if Ye Shikai survives by chance, it will be fine.

"I've been lucky for so many times, maybe because of this, God didn't let me go back to find her." Ye Shikai laughed at himself.

"You seem very lost. I don't understand the fate of what you Chinese say. This is too ridiculous, but I believe in causality."

"Did you want to say that it was because of my actions that I couldn't go back now." Ye Shikai asked in return.

"I'm not sure what I think is right. Everyone has an answer. Since I'm not sure who is right and who is wrong, then choose the one in my heart." Sword soul stopped saying this, Ye Shikai was silent, thoughtful.

The plane landed very quickly. They just arrived in Linxiang. There was no car to drive. Ye Shikai stopped a taxi and marked a place on the map to signal the driver to go there. Ji Qian was also curious, but there was not much. Ask what, followed him directly into the car.

"Sir, the place you're going to is in the suburbs. What are you going to do this evening?" The driver asked curiously on the road. After all, ordinary passengers directly reported the place names, but Ye Shikai was holding a map and looked very particular.

"Find an old man."

"Well, sir looks very young. I didn't think there was an old man in this suburb. Listening to your accent, it should be from Yanjing."


The driver didn't ask much. When he met a passenger in the middle of the night to go to the suburbs, this kind of thing must not be a good thing if he put it in a horror movie.

"What are you doing here?" Ji Qian was very curious. They came to a highway and there was a mountain next to it. It was already a suburb. Not many people came here, let alone it was a big night.

"Do you want to know, then come with me." Ye Shikai said faintly, Ji Qian didn't say much, so she just went with her.

The two went up to the mountain, and soon reached a mountain. The black lights around here were blind, and there were few people living there.

"Go here." Ye Shikai walked forward with memory, Ji Qian followed, and soon they reached a tomb.

"This is ..." Ji Qian looked at the tomb in front of her, and couldn't help but be shocked. The door of the tomb had been opened, but since she could have a tomb, she was no ordinary person in ancient times.

"When I crossed the road, I appeared in this grave." Ye Shikai said lightly, speaking surprisingly. Ji Qian was surprised at first, but she wasn't surprised. She was just curious about who's tomb.

"Whose grave is this." Ji Qian asked curiously.

"I didn't know it before, but now I should understand." Ye Shikai didn't answer directly, but went straight in, Ji Qian quickly followed.

Ye Shikai and Zhang Ting were also searching on the mountain before. UU read but could not find the tomb. But this time, Ye Shikai found it easily by feeling.

Taking out the flashlight, Ye Shikai illuminated the road ahead. This tomb is not large, but in ancient times, many people were "dead without a burial place". It is good to have a mouth coffin, so it is definitely not ordinary to have your own tomb people.

Along the cemetery, the two came to the central cemetery, which contained a coffin and no burials.

If Ye Shikai didn't guess wrong, the hero of this tomb should be He Linghan.

"Can it be done, is this Ling's tomb?" Ji Qian guessed the same.

"It should be." Ye Shikai sighed. No wonder, he came back from the Qin Dynasty and would appear here. He Linghan, who had been thinking for a long time, lay quietly in the coffin. Of course, she was dead. More than two thousand years.

Ji Qian was walking around, trying to find relevant clues. Since it is a tomb, there should be engraved deeds about the tomb owner's life, including identity.

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