Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1804: Relieved

Ji Qian looked around carefully, but there were no written records on the surrounding stone walls, and there were no funerary items. No reference was found. The entire tomb, except the coffin in the middle, had nothing.

Ji Qian looked at Ye Shikai's sad expression, and felt a guilty guilty feeling. To some extent, now Ye Shikai and He Linghan could only “meet” across a coffin. It was completely thanks to her. Thinking of here, Ji Qian Some didn't dare to face Ye Shikai. Similarly, she was worried that Ye Shikai would take any drastic actions, so she didn't dare to leave half a step and could only watch him silently in the back.

Ye Shikai leaned quietly beside the coffin, as if in deep thought, from the moment he crossed back to modern times, it was all doomed. If he could really use the energy in Kunlun's secret realm to return to the Qin Dynasty, the final outcome It must have been buried with He Linghan, or else he was bringing He Linghan back to the modern age, but now, there is only He Linghan buried in this tomb, and the result is doomed, and it was the moment Ye Shikai returned to modern times Doomed.

He Linghan was lying in the coffin. This was Ye Shikai's long-cherished person, but at this moment, he could only watch silently. Sword soul had told him, and by cause and effect, he and He Linghan would come to Today, he also has a lot of responsibilities. In fact, on the plane Ye Shikai just arrived, he was relieved. He Linghan has died, and he has been dead for more than two thousand years. All people can die is like a lamp. Only grief can be done. Change.

Ye Shikai sighed. There was only sadness in his heart, and there was a trace of regret. He did not know the cause of He Linghan's death. There is no documentary record of her deeds here, but a detailed analysis can tell that if Ye Shikai was taken by lightning on the execution ground. Back in modern times, then He Linghan should remain in ancient times. Similarly, the scriptures should also be in ancient times. Ye Shikai was "dead". With the character of the scriptures, under the anger and anger, she would definitely be angry with He Linghan. Perhaps, Will use torture.

But judging from this burial chamber, He Linghan should be a hospice. If Yun Wen was really angry with her, I'm afraid she would directly frustrate her, and how could she have a burial chamber.

Anyway, Ye Shikai no longer wanted to pursue it. He Linghan had been sleeping here for more than two thousand years. Ye Shikai didn't want to disturb her anymore.

Ji Qian left the tomb silently. This is a "private space" belonging to Ye Shikai and He Linghan. She also gradually understood why Ye Shikai would "remember" an ancient woman so much. Ji Qian was waiting outside until dawn, just when she was a little bit When he was sleepy, Ye Shikai slowly walked out of the tomb.

"How about, are you finished with her ..."

"It's over, everything is over." Ye Shikai breathed a long sigh of relief, looking relieved, and took out a shovel from the storage ring.

"This is where Linger is buried. I don't want her to be disturbed again." Ye Shikai dug the soil with a shovel to seal the tomb again. Although there are few people on the mountain, the tomb is not small. If it was found, Ye Shikai does not want He Linghan to be disturbed by others after his death.

"This is my fault. If you hate me, I won't blame you." Ji Qian stepped forward and said quietly, she could see how sad Ye Shikai was, and saw him so sad, Ji Qian was also very heartbroken. .

"No, it's not your fault. Actually, it should be my fault." Ye Shikai said suddenly.

"Why do you say that?" Ji Qian was a little puzzled, and she didn't know what Ye Shikai meant.

In fact, this is also very simple. Ji Qian ’s crazy move that day was because of the “bewilderment” of the other side of the flower, so she would destroy the energy group. This is not Ji Qian ’s original intention, but her subconscious mind, and the reason I have this kind of thought in my heart, and it is also because of the "repression".

Ji Qian's love for Ye Shikai has never stopped, but she is too "good" and does not want Ye Shikai to feel embarrassed because of her, so when Ye Shikai chose to marry Su Qingyu, she chose to quit and complete others , And she herself suffered silently, this kind of emotion has been suppressed all the time, maybe even Ji Qian herself didn't know it. Speaking of the source, if it wasn't for Ye Shikai's hurting her heart repeatedly, how could Ji Qian have such a feeling? subconscious.

Ye Shikai also reflected on it just now. He had never felt from the perspective of Ji Qian before. He had caused a lot of harm to her invisibly.

"Qian, let's go down the mountain."

"Okay, let's ... back to Yanjing." Ji Qian asked back.

"Oh no, let's go to the Central Plains first." Ye Shikai waved his hand. The Central Plains were not far from Yanjing and could be reached by car for half a day, but Ji Qian was curious. Why did Ye Shikai go to the Central Plains? Never been to Central Plains.

"What to do in Central China."

"Linger is from Hanoi County. It is placed in modern times, near Zhongyuan City. When people die, they always pay attention to fallen leaves. Linger died in Linxiang, and he died away, but I do n’t want to touch her burial chamber. Therefore, I want to find a place in Zhongyuan City and set up a dress for her. "Ye Shikai explained.



Ye Shikai bought a cemetery in Zhongyuan City. This is not difficult. He took out a piece of clothing from the storage ring. This is He Linghan's clothes. Although the items will not age in the storage ring, the clothes are taken out. It also feels very old.

After finishing all this work ~ ~ It was the next morning, Ye Shikai and Ji Qian returned to Yanjing, I do n’t know why, Ye Shikai thought he would be immersed in despair and grief, but this time, he He actually "walked out" from the gloom. When he first knew this reality, it was indeed a thunderstorm, but as Soul Calibur said, it was all causality.

Yanjing, at the gate of the airport.

"Where are you going now?" Ji Qian suddenly asked.

"go home."

"It's okay." Ji Qian nodded slightly. "You can spend more time with Chen Yuxin."

Ye Shikai was a little surprised. Ji Qian and Chen Yuxin always disliked each other, but she did not expect that she would tell Ye Shikai to take care of her family.

"Chen Yuxin has been pregnant recently and her mood is unstable. Although I still don't like her, I can see that she really loves you, otherwise she would not go to Kunlun Mountain with her pregnancy." Ji Qian asked a question.

"You're right." Ye Shikai nodded in response, even though Chen Yuxin had done many wrong things before, but at least recently, Ye Shikai should be with her as a husband.

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