Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1805: Back on track

Chen family.

In the large room, Chen Yuxin was sitting on the bed alone, looking at the photos in the hands. This is the wedding photo of the two. On the photo, Ye Shikai didn't seem to have a smile, and was "scarring" calmly. In contrast, Chen Yuxin, she smiled very much. Splendid, marriage is a result, but she is always the only one who is happy.

Putting the photo tightly in his arms, Chen Yuxin was in extreme pain. After marriage, Ye Shikai had always been cold to her. He disappeared a while ago, and Chen Yuxin was anxious for several nights. Now he is having trouble. When they returned, they were even more indifferent to Chen Yuxin. The two could not even sit down and have a good meal.

At this time, Chen Ruoya came in hastily. Chen Yuxin had ordered that no one be allowed in. Chen Ruoya was in such a hurry that naturally there was a "big deal".

"Homeowner, Aunt He is back." Chen Ruoya reported.

"What did you say." After listening to Chen Yuxin, she got up from the bed in excitement. Before she could react, Ye Shikai had pushed in.

"Uncle, my subordinates retreat first." Chen Ruoya could clearly distinguish the occasion. She would not stay as a "light bulb". This is a space for two people, Ye Shikai and Chen Yuxin, and left immediately after speaking.

"Xiao Kai, you're back." Chen Yuxin was so excited that she rushed straight up. Ye Shikai stood still, leaving Chen Yuxin to hug her tightly.

"Yes, I'm back." Ye Shikai said lightly, patting Chen Yuxin's back gently, her whole body was trembling, Ye Shikai's shoulders started to wet, and was wet by her tears.

The death of He Linghan was a heavy blow to Ye Shikai, but in the tomb, Ye Shikai also figured it out. The meeting with He Linghan was an accident in itself. If there is a good ending, it is a good thing, but Now that this has developed, he has nothing to say. He Linghan slept in that cold tomb for more than two thousand years, and Ye Shikai's thoughts and attachments to her should be settled.

"Xiao Kai, don't leave again this time, okay." Chen Yuxin cried and said that she looked sad. During this time, she did suffer.

"I will stay by your side this time and will not leave again." Ye Shikai said softly in her ear.

"Do you really mean it?" Chen Yuxin was so happy that they hugged tightly together.

"Really, I'll be there for you."

After returning to Yanjing, Ye Shikai also lived an ordinary life. Except for living in the luxurious Chen family mansion, other actions were no different from ordinary people. He was only in his twenties, but experienced many others. He never experienced it, even after going back to ancient times for two years, and suddenly "returned to the right track", he was still a little accustomed to it.

Chen Yuxin was pregnant. As a husband, he naturally took care of her. Of course, he did not need to be with him all the time. After all, there were many waiters in the Chen family, enough to take care of them. Ye Shikai returned to Longya to be an instructor, and he disappeared. During this time, not only were the people in the Three Temples looking for, but Ouyang Feng and Longya's players were also looking for them, but they were special teams after all, and they had to perform tasks, so they could not find any clues.

"Well, it's Ye Instructor." As soon as he arrived at Longya's base and entered the training hall, Ye Shikai met an old acquaintance.

"Wenya, what a coincidence." Ye Shikai reached out and said hello.

"I should say this, I heard that some time ago you disappeared. Everyone was looking for you. Where did you go?" Wen Ya asked curiously.

"Well, it's a long story, and there are many incredible things happening in the middle. I can't say clearly in a few words, let's talk about it another day." Ye Shikai found a reason to pretend.

"You're looking for a player."

"Yes, why not here?" Ye Shikai asked curiously.

"The training venue has been changed. It is no longer here. I just want to go, let's go together." Wen Ya said lightly.

"it is good."

Wen Ya found an off-road vehicle that Ye Shikai wanted to drive, but she was the first to get it.

"Now the players are training in Houshan. In the months you were away, a new training base was built there," Wen Ya explained.

"Aren't you a civilian, this off-road vehicle, can you stand it?" Ye Shikai asked back.

"I almost forgot to tell you something. I am now a Longya technician. Speaking of which, I am also a member of Longya, let alone drive, I will drive even if you give me a plane." Wen Ya smiled smugly. Tao, revealing the armband is indeed the armband of the dragon tooth.

"Unexpectedly, you also joined Longya, why Ouyang didn't tell me." Ye Shikai was a little surprised, but after thinking carefully, he came back in a hurry, as if he hadn't notified Ouyang Feng yet.

"Let's talk about it later, we will be there soon." Wen Ya pointed to the front, the off-road vehicle crossed a bush, and soon reached the "new training base" in her mouth.

Ye Shikai looked at the base in front of him, and was very excited. It was unexpected that they had set up another training base in the mountains, and it looked larger.

"There are a lot of new training areas here. The place to store weapons is in the back. Are you going to visit it?" Wen Ya introduced.

"No need. I'll go directly to the team members."

"You have been missing for so long, and they will be very excited when you come back suddenly."


The next day.

Everyone was very excited to see Ye Shikai again, especially Ouyang Feng. He was always looking for clues. However, for modern people, a person who crosses back is equivalent to a "dead" and disappears out of thin air. It was impossible to find it. I didn't expect Ye Shikai to come back by himself.

"Captain, it's great that you can come back," Ouyang Feng said excitedly. "Where have you been in these months, we can't find anyone."

"Okay ~ ~ I'll talk about it later." Ye Shikai, of course, cannot tell the truth. Through this kind of thing, not everyone will believe it.

"I still have something, see you next week."

"it is good."

During Ye Shikai's disappearance, many people were worried about him, and some people helped him. Now that he is back, he should visit him.

Police station.

"Sister Ting, someone is looking for you outside."

Zhang Ting walked out of the office and Ye Shikai was waiting for him in the lobby.

"Why is your kid here?" Zhang Ting was enough for the men, and the way to say hello was to punch his chest.

"What's the matter, let's talk. I've been busy with my case recently. I don't have any time."

"Why, can't I come to see it?" Ye Shikai said lightly. "Last time in Linxiang, I haven't thanked you well."

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