Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1830: Persuade you to give up

Ye Shikai stood in the distance, with his cultivator's hearing, he wanted to hear what Ji Qian said was easy, but he didn't do it. This is a "whisper" between Ji Qian and He Linghan, a secret in Ji Qian's heart The best result is that Ji Qian walks out of the shadow of self-blame by talking openly, otherwise she will be very tired carrying a "big burden" in her heart all day long.

"You have relatives buried here." Zhang Ting asked curiously.

"Yes, it's a family member, a very close family member." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"Really, I remember that your parents have never been to the Central Plains. Isn't the cemetery in Yanjing?" Zhang Ting asked back. She had read Ye Shikai's information. Apart from his parents, he had no other siblings.

"Not a parent."

"What kind of person is that?" Zhang Ting was a little puzzled, not a parent, but a wife, but Chen Yuxin stayed well in Yanjing.

"An old man." Ye Shikai patted the door. "Okay, we should go."

"You just leave the flowers and leave. This is not an old friend. Don't you say something, just leave, is it too sloppy."

"You're so grumpy. Before, you wished to take up my bedtime at night to investigate the case. Why, now I went to solve the case earlier, you are not happy." Ye Shikai ridiculed.

"I'm so impersonal, let's talk about it, the deceased is so big, since it's your loved one, of course I won't bother." Zhang Ting grumbled.

"Okay, if I really want to stay here, even if it's a hundred of you, don't want to drag me away, since she came, I don't need to stay here anymore, what I want to say, She said it for me. "Ye Shikai said lightly, and then got on the car directly. He believed Ji Qian, she could handle her emotions.

In the hotel, Ye Shikai was still thinking about the identity of the attackers, and what kind of organization they were, so unexpectedly, all the actions failed.

Ye Shikai has not seen it before. In order to prevent the players who failed the action from revealing secrets, they usually prepared the players to contain highly toxic pills and hid them in their mouths. Once the action failed, they took poison and committed suicide. Fear of death, they will have a "double insurance", that is, let everyone carry a time bomb, remotely detonated, once the operation fails, everyone will be killed.

The role of these special capsules is also the same. Through some means, others can be controlled from a distance, the toxins immediately come out of the capsules, and people immediately die of poison.

Boom, boom, boom.

"Who is it." Ye Shikai opened the door. The person coming was not Zhang Ting or Wind Chime, but Ji Qian.

"You're here, come in." Ye Shikai had expected that Ji Qian would come to him, so he was not surprised. He didn't tell her the hotel he stayed in, but he could always find it by means of Ji Qian.

"How about, you said one afternoon in front of Ling'er's tomb, you should be relieved." Ye Shikai said lightly, pouring a cup of tea to Ji Qian.

"Are you still solving the case." Ji Qian didn't answer, it seemed to be evading this question, and Ye Shikai didn't ask.

"Yeah, what happened recently is too sudden." Ye Shikai told Ji Qian about his attack, especially the details. He made it very clear. Ji Qian was thoughtful and might be able to help him.

"There are even attackers. It seems that things are far from that simple." Ji Qian's face was condensed. This is not a simple case. If even a dozen practitioners can be regarded as "abandoned children", it can be seen how many hands are behind the scene Powerful, such a powerful person, but why should he beat the beggars and scavengers ...

"Otherwise, you still don't care about this case." What Ye Shikai didn't think of was that Ji Qian would persuade him to give up.

"Qian, you know what you're talking about. This case is obviously not that simple. I have a hunch that if you let it go, there will be chaos. If you let me give up, wouldn't it make the hands behind the scenes happy."

"The investigation is the police's business, and you are not a policeman. Isn't that a fact." Ji Qian retorted.

"Yes, I am indeed not a policeman, but I will never let those people do anything." Ye Shikai was the captain of Longya. Even if he had left, he was still jealous.

"I have a hunch that if you continue to investigate this case, you may be in serious trouble. You now have a wife and unborn children. Do you want Chen Yuxin to be worried with you?" Ji Qian stood up , And said aloud, "And me, if you really have something, how worried I will be."

"It turned out to be because of this reason." Ye Shikai murmured. He understood why Ji Qian prevented him from investigating the case. Frankly, he was quite gratified. Ji Qian's words were also very objective. This case has already involved too much. In other words In other words, what they know now may be just the tip of the iceberg. The invisible is even more terrible than the case itself.

If you do n’t investigate the case, Ye Shikai will naturally have nothing to do with it. He just assisted him, and it was a big deal to be despised by Zhang Ting, but once the practitioners participated in the case, Zhang Ting alone could not cope with it. .

"Qian, I'm going back to Yanjing immediately."

"Okay, I will go back with you."


National Security Bureau.

"Mr. Ye, I haven't seen you for a long time. Where have you been recently?" Tian Jing handed Ye Shikai a glass of water. He had been with the National Security Bureau last time. It has been a while since the Tian Mo Ren case ended. No contact.

"It's a long story." Ye Shikai came straight to the point ~ ~ straight into the theme "I have encountered some things recently, I think it must be a big case."

"Just yesterday, I met a group of cultivators while investigating the case." Ye Shikai passed the integrated information to Tianjing, and also described the matter again. Since the cultivators are involved, it is the best for the National Security Bureau to take over. Good choice.

"Okay, I will immediately let Phoenix go to Zhongyuan City to investigate. If it is as you said, it is really not a trivial matter." Although Tian Jing and Ye Shikai were out of sight, he believed in Ye Shikai's ability. This case must be a trouble.

"In addition, I need to find a capsule." Ye Shikai handed over a piece of information, and Tian Jing took a closer look. A strange color flashed in his eyes.

"How about, ordinary police may not have seen it, but you must have heard of this capsule."

"Of course, in fact, there are now such capsules in the game, but they are always sealed."

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