Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1831: Cooperate again

Ye Shikai has already predicted that there are many confidential things in the National Security Bureau, not only the information, but of course there are many "black technologies". The capsules in the information submitted by Ye Shikai are in the National Security Bureau, but they have always been there The storage state will only be taken out for research a few times.

"At that time, the group of people suddenly died of poison. No cyanide was detected in their mouths, only the stomach remained. I think only this capsule can do it." Ye Shikai analyzed.

"You are right, although this thing has some technical content, it is not a top-notch thing. Some killer organizations in foreign countries often use this kind of thing. You should be more clear than me." Tian Jing asked rhetorically.

"It's true, but even if you get it, it's difficult to copy it. In other words, it's one less, and they almost won't sell this kind of capsule, so you can't find much in China. "Ye Shikai continued to ask," But this group of people, even the practitioners in the period when they are out of the hood, have taken this special capsule. I suspect that there are many such capsules behind this organization. "

The meaning of Ye Shikai's words can't be more obvious. This kind of capsule is already rare in China. But this organization has so many. How did they get it? Looking for the source of the capsule in this direction, you can find the organization. If they can be uprooted, then these cases will naturally be broken.

"I will let people investigate. It won't take long, there will be an answer." Tian Jing nodded.

"That's really great. If I can get the support of the National Security Bureau, I think this case will be much smoother. Otherwise, if the police alone, it will be difficult to solve the case."

"Relax, my team and I will do our best."

"Well, you act quickly, I promise Zhang Ting to investigate this case, and I will definitely continue, not to mention that now that I have a brow, I will go back to Zhongyuan City immediately." Ye Shikai stood up and was about to leave, But he was stopped by Tian Jing.

"Mr. Ye, please wait a moment." Tian Jing said suddenly.

"Is there anything else."

"I also attach great importance to this case. We have had cooperation experience before, and this time we also have common goals. I think ... we can cooperate again, don't we." Tianjing invited Ye Shikai to cooperate, he can understand, from Personally, it is better to be able to have a master of fit period as a partner.

"Tianjing, we wise people don't tell secret words, I'm not Hades now, and the power of Hades has all left Yanjing, I'm just a lonely man." Ye Shikai's description is very "image", now, he Even the dark guards were gone, but there were many more Chen family members. They were both protection and surveillance.

"Why, what I want is to cooperate with Mr. Ye, but not with the Hades. As long as Mr. Ye is willing to help, I think this case can be much easier."

"Okay, but since I promised to cooperate, you as an inviter should always show some sincerity. Although I know the kind of capsule, I have never seen it. Is n’t it here? Take it out and let me know. Right. "

"Well, I can approve if it's just a matter of experience."


"Grandpa, since you have returned to Yanjing, let's go back to the mansion first." Ye Shikai just left the door of the National Security Bureau and was stopped by the wind chimes.

"I came back to Yanjing this time to come to the National Security Bureau to find information, but instead of going home, you let it go." Ye Shikai walked past the wind chime and just wanted to open the door. The wind chime kicked directly on the door with a side kick. Don't let him open.

"Grandpa, please think twice." Wind chimes said coldly.

"Windbell, what exactly do you mean, you might as well explain it directly." Ye Shikai was slightly annoyed, even if Windbell watched him, and now he still obstructed his actions in various ways. "This is what she means, or what you mean." , If it is her order, I can call her to explain the situation now. "

"It's not the order of the owner." Wind Bell continued. "As a subordinate, I hope my aunt can understand the good intentions of the owner. She has made concessions, but please ask the uncle to understand the relationship between the husband and wife and understand the owner a lot, regardless of the case. It ’s an ordinary case of disappearance, or there is a huge organization of practitioners operating behind the scenes. These are the things of the police station and the National Security Bureau. The aunt should return to the mansion and stay with the owner. ”

"When did my behavior need a subordinate to blend in blindly, wind chime, don't forget, you still have the blood of my Hades Brothers on your hands, do you think I don't know, if it angers me Now, I do n’t mind solving you on the spot, and then take your body to honor my brother. ”Ye Shikai lowered her head and attached it to her ear, with a cold tone, but full of murderous intent.

"The life of his subordinates is nothing, but I still hope that my aunt can understand the mind of the owner."

"Humph." Ye Shikai didn't take care of her anymore, and went straight into the car and walked away. The wind chime even said that the husband and wife were in love. If Chen Yuxin really understood the meaning of these four words, how could he be seriously injured before.

Ye Shikai is now surrounded by people from the shadow agency. Not to mention, the four vehicles behind are all members of the shadow agency. Ye Shikai is about to leave Yanjing to go to Zhongyuan City. The high speed is naturally the fastest, but he suddenly transfers The front of the car drove the car into the urban area. It is now noon. Yanjing's urban area is full of cars, basically they stop and go. Ye Shikai took advantage of it and suddenly drove the car into an alley. The following cars were too late to respond, and it was too late for them to respond. Countless cars had blocked their roads. Either they drove a "hard crash" or they could only get off the car and walk to chase.

"For this skill, I'm sorry to come out to track." Ye Shikai smiled smugly and walked around in the alley. He went out from the other end. He now has to rush to Zhongyuan City, where Zhang Ting is still waiting.

Zhongyuan City. UU reading book

At this time, Zhang Ting was very depressed. Ye Shikai said that she would leave without saying a word. When she meets, she must take a good lesson.

After half an hour.

"Hey, what are you doing back to Yanjing at this time."

"Of course to solve the case." Ye Shikai took out a document. "This is what I got from the National Security Bureau. They are all secret files."

"Go steal it."

"What are you talking about." Ye Shikai tapped her head directly, he was not so bold, and it was necessary.

"These are all from Tianjing."

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