Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1858: Mutant in the cage

Inside ... here ... "Everyone supported us, no one dared to say where it went, but their hesitation was the best answer, Ye Shikai had already guessed.

"There is a place where the test body is closed, which is very dangerous." One of them answered with a trembling shock.

"Sure enough," Ye Shikai murmured. The danger of those test bodies can be seen from this explosion-proof door.

"This is just one of them, and there are three doors inside."

"What, there are three fans." Ye Shikai exclaimed.

"Yes, there are a total of five floors underground, and there are three doors to the bottom floor. Each door has a dedicated password, and only those who know the password can open it."

"What the **** are you making." Ye Shikai asked coldly.

"Change ... mutate people."

"Frustrated." Ye Shikai scolded coldly. Perhaps these people were also coerced, but he personally believes that no one with a conscience will study this "monster".

"How many test bodies did you develop." Ye Shikai asked back.

"More than 120."

"What do you say." Ye Shikai pulled up the man's collar, more than 120. At first, the HST project did not have more than half of the test body in all the bases in Yanjing.

"Are they all hawk moths." At this point in the matter, Ye Shikai was not verbose. He asked directly, if it were really 120 hawk moths, it would be a devastating disaster for the entire port city, unless It is a master of the fit period or the late distraction period, otherwise it is not an opponent of the hawk moth, but in the whole city of Hong Kong, where can you find so many cultivators, even the three major families of Hong Kong City do not have so many together In addition, I am afraid that today ’s hawk moths are different than before. If these monsters are really allowed to run out, I do n’t know how many people will die.

"Can these doors close them." Ye Shikai wanted to open the door to check it, but if you think about it carefully, with the current manpower, if you really open the door, in case these monsters are released, they and the people in Hong Kong It ’s all over, so I can only seal them with the door and wait until everything is ready.

"Yes, there is only one way to enter and exit here, and unless they break through these doors, it is impossible to leave."

"That's good." Ye Shikai sighed. Fortunately, these test bodies were locked inside and could not get out, otherwise, something really happened.

"Everyone, stay here, and the police will arrive right away. No one of you can run. If some of you are bullied, don't worry, the police will investigate." Ye Shikai said loudly, which stabilized situation.

"Do you have any authenticity here?" Ye Shikai asked.

"This ... we don't know. We are only responsible for the experiment. Many places in this factory cannot be visited." Ye Shikai wanted to find an authentic tunnel, but he had little avatar. The place where the test body is closed is extremely dangerous. Ye Shikai must ensure that no one is going to move the door. Furthermore, he does not know where the tunnel is. The factory is so big. It must be in vain to look for it rashly. In this way, only the black hands behind the scenes can escape. However, there is no alternative. At present, the lives of millions of people in Hong Kong City are the most important. As for those behind-the-scenes hands, they can not escape the first day of the first day, but also can not escape fifteen.


Suddenly, there was an explosion in the distance, and the whole laboratory was "trembling", something should have exploded nearby.

Before Ye Shikai reacted, the lights in the entire experiment area went out, and everyone immediately fell into a "riot", and a sense of tension hit the forehead from the soles of his feet.

"Fast, run fast."

I do n’t know who said it. Everyone started to get upset. The panicked crowd was like a frightened sheep. Once someone acted, the rest would follow suit. Ye Shikai picked up the pistol and opened it towards the top. gun.


"All are not allowed to move, hands behind his head, squat on the ground." Ye Shikai ordered.

"Little brother, we must go quickly." At this time, a man in the crowd said anxiously.

"What do you mean?"

"It was supposed that the power distribution room exploded, and now the entire factory is dead, but these doors need electricity to be completely locked. Also, the original door has high voltage electricity, which is enough to paralyze the test body, so they I ca n’t break through. Now I ’m running out of power. I can only rely on the sturdiness and durability of these iron doors. I do n’t know if I can resist those test bodies. ”

"What." Even Ye Shikai panicked these times. These doors are explosion-proof doors, but the test body is not an ordinary human, and the ghost knows what kind of mutants they made. If the door is really broken, They will break through.

"If they break through, we will all die, please, let us go." The man knelt down and pleaded in front of Ye Shikai.

"Everyone, leave all of them and exit the factory." Ye Shikai still left everyone, UU reading here may soon become a battlefield, these people are waiting to die here, and now the police have blocked the door , Just hand these people over to the police for disposal.

"Thank you, thank you." Everyone said again and again, and then quickly fled the experimental area. Ye Shikai walked to the iron gate and attached his ear to it.

Bang, Bang.

Ye Shikai heard the heavy impact sound, he knew what it was. Those test subjects, oh no, it should be said that the monsters were "attacking" from below. Ye Shikai tried it. Although these iron gates are not powered, they are very Sturdy, at least impossible to be destroyed at once, but no one knows how long it can last.

"What happened so much, why is it so dark." At this time, Tian Jing also rushed over and saw Ye Shikai stay here alone, asking curiously.

"The power distribution room has exploded, and now the entire factory has lost power." Ye Shikai is not sure how the power distribution room exploded. It may have exploded because no one was operating in the chaos, or it may have been intentionally destroyed.

"What is this." Tian Jing asked.

"Here are more than 120 test subjects. The iron gate was originally connected to high-voltage electricity, and now the power is off, they may rush out at any time." Ye Shikai said coldly.

"What, how much, more than 120, no, you have to leave immediately, there are too many, we can't stop it at all." Tian Jing persuaded.

"If you let these monsters run out, you know what the consequences will be, and the whole city will become hell."

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