Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1859: blasting

Tian Jing's face is dignified. If a hawk moth breaks into the urban crowd, it will be like chopping melons and vegetables. At that time, there will be dead bodies everywhere, blood flowing into the river, let alone more than 120, if They flee in different directions, and the entire city of Hong Kong will instantly become a "large slaughterhouse." These hawk moths are simply not ordinary weapons that can be injured. I am afraid that it will not be just Hong Kong City. If they are allowed to flee to Deep forest and old forest, that is, when fish enter the sea, dragons fly to the sky, and it is impossible to catch them.

But stay here, with the strength of both of them, even if they are desperately stopped, it is just a scorpion.

Ye Shikai's brain is running fast. Is there any way to solve the dilemma ...

"Right, did you find anything in the pharmacy?" Ye Shikai asked suddenly.

"Don't say it, it has already been evacuated, all the potions are taken away." Tian Jing sighed. The potions are small and light, and one of the most important things. They must choose to evacuate first. When Tian Jing went, it was already late.

"Damn." Ye Shikai sighed. The most important things were also taken away, but what was even more troublesome was what to do with the mutants below.


There was a faint trembling sound below, Ye Shikai faintly heard a noisy footsteps, those monsters should have destroyed one of the doors, and were attacking upward.

"What should we do now." Tian Jing asked back.

"The only way is to blow up the underground passage and block the roads up, so that it is possible to stop them." Ye Shikai said firmly, this is the next strategy, but there is no alternative. It is impossible to stop with this iron gate. Yes, only by blowing up the entire passage can we trap all the mutants underground. As for what will happen next, how to deal with it, we can only talk about it later.

"This seems to be the only way, but in the hurry we came, where did the explosives come from, and besides, the construction here is extremely strong, and if you want to blow up, I am afraid that you need a lot of explosives." Tian Jing asked.

"Relax, I have explosives here." Ye Shikai took out several powerful explosives from the storage ring. These are powerful explosives. A small one is enough to flatten a house. So many explosives should be enough. The passage below collapsed.

"Come on, let's go first." Ye Shikai put his hands on the runner of the iron gate. This should require a password to open it, but now there is no electricity. Ye Shikai can only open it with brute force, and Tianjing also stepped forward. Help, the two used up their internal strength, forcibly twisted the runner, and slowly opened the iron door.

Bang, Bang, Bang.

Open the iron door, and the two can clearly hear the impact sound from below. One by one, those mutants are pounding the iron door. According to those people, there should be two more doors blocking, and their time is running out.

"Quick, put these in place." Ye Shikai used to be the captain of Longya. He knows blasting very well and knows that placing explosives there can completely collapse here.

"The length here is enough. When it will detonate, the shock wave will be very strong. We must press the iron gate." Ye Shikai clapped his hands. At this time, the footsteps became louder. He knew that these mutants were only a distance away from them. Across the door.


The two stared at the only door left in front of them. Suddenly, a heavy blow directly bent the door, and the iron gate had been deformed with just one blow. This is enough to see their strength. If only a few Ye Shikai was enough to cope with it, but it was difficult for more than 120 people to resist.

"They are about to break through, we quickly withdraw." Ye Shikai shouted loudly, the two immediately withdrew outside the iron door, closed the iron door hard, and the moment the iron door was closed, the iron door inside also just fell down ...

Ye Shikai took out the remote control, and Tianjing twisted the wheel with both hands to lock the iron door again.

"I locked it."

"Okay." Ye Shikai pressed the remote control and only heard a loud noise. Although they were separated by an explosion-proof door, the two of them could still feel a burst of pressure. This is a powerful explosive, and there are so many, even heavy reinforced concrete It can be blown into pieces, and this iron door really looks a little “thin”.

"Must hold on, if this door is blasted, the port city will be over." Ye Shikai yelled, the internal force was all concentrated on his arms, and the iron door began to deform. Although the door was insulated, Ye Shikai Still feel hot hands.

Be sure to hold on, hold on.

Ye Shikai meditated in his heart. The explosion was only an instant. Even if it was a serial explosion, it would not end in a few seconds, but Ye Shikai felt that several hours had passed.

"We ... succeeded." Tian Jing slowly released his hands, and the tremor of the explosion had disappeared, but the ears of the two were a little uncomfortable. The shock wave of the explosion, even the practitioners, could not eat it, especially at such a close distance. distance.

Ye Shikai also recovered and slowly released his hand. The iron door was still tightly fastened. After a long time, he did not hear the "knock knock" coming from inside. UU reading www.

"Those mutants will all die." Tian Jing asked.

"I'm afraid not. Explosives just blow up the passage between the underground space and the laboratory. They can't get through. The explosion just now should have lethality, but it is definitely not enough to kill all the mutants. They should be retreat. Go back. "Ye Shikai sat on the ground, gasping for breath. When he was at the top of the door, he used all of his internal force, but it seemed that they were successful. These monsters were temporarily" suppressed "underground.

"You ca n’t take it lightly, Tianjing. You must tell the Golden Bureau immediately, mobilize the most elite people. There are more than 100 of them. Now they are only temporarily unable to come out, but we must destroy them completely. They stay here, otherwise it is a time bomb buried in Hong Kong City. "Ye Shikai's tone was almost commanding and very firm.

"Of course, I will report immediately, but ... what should we do now."

"There must be authenticity in this factory. You hurry people to chase. In addition, hurry up to mobilize people to seal this. Another point is also the most critical. It must be kept secret. It is too big. . "

"Relax, I understand."

Ye Shikai did not dare to relax and stood on the spot. In fact, the bombing of the tunnel was indeed a strategy. At that time, he also thought about trying to restore the power supply in the power distribution room. As long as the iron gate is connected with high voltage electricity, these can be blocked. Monster, but time is too late. There is no generator in his storage ring. Even if there is, there is no complicated circuit that he can handle.

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